Class warfare... I cant believe how many right wing nuts are on this website anymore. There kinda has to be a class left for there to be a warfare on it. The truth is that people are becoming either poorer or more rich everyday while the middle class disappears.

The longer big companies are paying less taxes then people working at mcdonalds, being able to create monopolies on the market, and continue to ship work overseas the gap between the ridiculously wealthy and the poor gets bigger and bigger. Obama compromised and extended the tax cuts while getting threatened last year and what good did that do us? Absolutely none
I do believe the richer need to be taxed while middle and poor america are given the tax breaks. Lets see here I have $10million and I am taxed $2 million, and person over there has $50,000 and is taxed $15,000. I bet you the guy who made $50,000 would gladly be taxed even $5 milline cause he still has $5 million coming to him. To those of you who say "Oh well the guy making that kind of money works really hard". I say to you Bullshit. I am that guy with the $50,00 I had all of 2 fucking days off in the month of June and saved 5 peoples lives the past 2 weeks making this asshats company one hell of a name. I have no labor union to support me, I have no where to go to help me get a fair share of pay for busting my ass. I work too god damn hard for chump change. So people you will all say "ohh why dont you quit and find another job". I was forced to sign a letter by this owner saying I would take a %20 pay cut and if I didnt sign it it was my letter of resignation so I wouldnt be able to collect unemployment.
Yes, I did get a new job and told him to suck it yesterday, made him fly back in early from vacation because I was not going to run his fucking company for him and his lazy ass wife any more. But still, unions are needed for the working people. Yes they got out of hand in the 60's but now the pendelum has swung to far the other way. How do we fix it? Politicians who see that the workling joe is suffering and supporting us in our endeavors. Fucking clinton signing NAFTA and damn carter allowing us to trade with china bullshit. Ok I am going to stop because I am just gonna go on a rant and get completely off topic.


Hiliary 2020
To all the political and economic geniuses.

Yesterday I saw Obama talking about taxing "The Rich" , saying something about if they can fly around in jets or something.
Nice catch phrase, it gets votes I guess.
But reality is that if you increase taxes of " The Rich" one of 2 things are gonna happen:
They are gonna just pass their loss on to the consumer or leave the country.......neither of which are good.
But the dems arent ever gonna stop playing the rich against poor card not for the benefit of the country but to get votes and keep control which is what its really all about with those people.
I'd like to see a Prez play the class warfare card.
Play the working class against the deadbeat class.
Tell the working tax payers about all the millions of deadbeats who live off the system for life and how its ruining the country in so many ways.
What? You got too many kids, the father of them is a lazy fuck? Thats your problem.
What? You can't work because you've got ADD or your a drunk or whatever else you scammed the GOv into believing you have? Thats your problem.
All the millions of deadbeats getting checks every month plus every other benefit under the sun getting paid for doing nothing and multiplying like rats meanwhile some old person who worked and contributed all their life gets sick and the GOV lets the medical system take everything they own and leave them to rot and die in some hospital......great system.
Tell the people the real way it is, whats really happening, get them fired up instead of the people who think the GOV owes them a living.

In conclusion- Obama is an ineffective president to say the least.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Do you guys realize that the top ten percent prety much pay no taxes? A LOT of loopholes and ways to downsize your tax payments

Not 100% sure about the situation in the USA, but I am sure it is not too different from the situation here.

There are massive business groups - for an example the 'Bertelsmann Group'

They do not only pay virtually no taxes, they don't even get controlled what they do with their saved cash

Are you guys so naive and think the big players play fair?

They save on paying back to their country, and with that cash they buy politicians

Those politicians help them cut out even more and so the beat goes on

If you still believe in a fair system, you should get your brain examined :2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
In conclusion- Obama is an ineffective president to say the least.

He is for sure. His big mistake was believing his own "reach across the aisle" philosophy that would have us all doing a group hug and singing Kumbaya. Now, THAT'S naive. The political division in this country is bigger than ever.

The republicans have dug in their heels and refuse to give at all. If he had truly wanted to impose the "change" on which he campaigned in 2008, Obama should have forced his agenda down their throats when he had the chance. Now, with a republican House, that's impossible. The republican agenda the remainder of his term will be one of interference and blockage....does anyone here really think they want things to improve for the American people before 2012? That's the problem with the current's a conflict of interest. The primary aim is to gain and retain power for your side, not serve your constituency.

Not picking on the republicans here BTW....the democrats will do the same thing once the tables are inevitably turned in 2012 or whenever.

It's the system that is broken and unless or until both liberals and conservatives recognize that reality instead of continuing to mindlessly believe that somehow "their" side has the answer to all of our problems, things ain't likely to change my friends.


Closed Account
I find it puzzling, almost mind boggling, how many in the middle class chomp at the bit to defend the top 2%. I really don't think anyone here is a 2 per center. Do you think any one at the top of Morgan Stanley, BP Oil, Goldman Sachs or any of the Rothchilds lose any sleep when they hear of the high unemployment rate or how many people are losing there houses or folks without medical insurance. Maybe it might be that some of those who defend the 2 per centers think, hope, dream one day they might rub elbows with a Rockerfellow or a Rothchild or hang out with Roger Ailes at his summer home.....maybe.

It's the 'Joe the Plumber Syndrome' were the very poor for some fucking reason feel it's their duty to defend the most powerful people in this country(most of many of whom have no issue with paying more taxes).

The Warren Buffet's of the world(who admits he doesn't pay nearly enough taxes) Do NOT NEED HELP from Joe the Plumber , poor ignorant voters who vote for the GOP against their own best self interest, or guys on message boards who don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out.

People like Bachmann always speak of the good old days in America(1950's or so) so I guess returning to the personal tax rate of 90% under Eisenhower is not out of the question.? What about just half of that? (45%)

These guys can't seem to rest unless they defend those 2 percenters like the Hiltons, Lil Waynes/50 Cents,P-Diddy, Pro ATHLETES ,Entertainers,etc..... who neeed that extra personal income tax I guess to buy more frivilous jewelry and toys with. If these people were taxed heavier they would be more encouraged to invest their money in business and creating jobs(for tax breaks) . But as it stands they don't have to do anything with the money ,but the GOP and it's blind followers(most of whom are dirt poor
)insist on giving them more personal tax breaks.
Surprised Mega hasn't blown a gasket trying to spin this topic.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I resisted joining this, mainly because political threads tend to be lose-lose propositions, but I am curious about the title: class warfare?

Please. he may not be a good president, but he is not a class warrior and, trying to create a more even disbursement of wealth - even in a half-assed manner - does not constitute class warfare.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Class warfare is murder squads. (Although I'm not against a Roman Legion style decimation in the investment community to send a strong message from the hoi polloi, we're not quite there.)

If you're against raising taxes and you're not legitimately wealthy, you are a tool. (The main benefits of the Bush cuts went to the investor class. You living off of dividends? Is 99.9% of your income realized in capital gains? No? You're a fucking tool.)

If you want to see real class warfare, just keep the status quo for a few years longer. I don't think the majority of American workers are going to take to kindly to being reduced to a 3rd World standard of living.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I don't think the majority of American workers are going to take to kindly to being reduced to a 3rd World standard of living.

Then what is really needed in the US is major Union reform .. those anachronistic parasites do more damage to the economy (and the overall standard and quality of American manufactured products - let alone how the jack up the overall production costs with their ridiculous pay and bargaining demands/threats) than any competition from cheaper imports.


My Penis Is Dancing!
To all the political and economic geniuses.

Yesterday I saw Obama talking about taxing "The Rich" , saying something about if they can fly around in jets or something.
Nice catch phrase, it gets votes I guess.
But reality is that if you increase taxes of " The Rich" one of 2 things are gonna happen:
They are gonna just pass their loss on to the consumer or leave the country.......neither of which are good.
But the dems arent ever gonna stop playing the rich against poor card not for the benefit of the country but to get votes and keep control which is what its really all about with those people.
I'd like to see a Prez play the class warfare card.
Play the working class against the deadbeat class.
Tell the working tax payers about all the millions of deadbeats who live off the system for life and how its ruining the country in so many ways.
What? You got too many kids, the father of them is a lazy fuck? Thats your problem.
What? You can't work because you've got ADD or your a drunk or whatever else you scammed the GOv into believing you have? Thats your problem.
All the millions of deadbeats getting checks every month plus every other benefit under the sun getting paid for doing nothing and multiplying like rats meanwhile some old person who worked and contributed all their life gets sick and the GOV lets the medical system take everything they own and leave them to rot and die in some hospital......great system.
Tell the people the real way it is, whats really happening, get them fired up instead of the people who think the GOV owes them a living.

In conclusion- Obama is an ineffective president to say the least.

To you political and economic geniuses who actually believe the above, one simple question:
How come the recession took place after the tax breaks took effect? If what you guys actually believe happened...then there would have been no staggering, crippling recession.
typical communist propaganda

They are gonna just pass their loss on to the consumer
supply-side (voodoo / reaganomics) economics has been proven to completely not work.
passing the loss on to the consumer is what capitalism is all about, right?
or leave the country
thats why tariffs were invented

making over $250k / year is a helluva burden and a great problem to have. You ought to pull your fair share for being able to participate in a society that affords you that opportunity (so pay an increased percentage of tax)
Then what is really needed in the US is major Union reform .. those anachronistic parasites do more damage to the economy (and the overall standard and quality of American manufactured products - let alone how the jack up the overall production costs with their ridiculous pay and bargaining demands/threats) than any competition from cheaper imports.

I kinda figured it would be the largest military in civilization by a factor of 50 and carrying on 6 insanely non productive wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, and Somolia)

but what do I know? I'm only living in reality ($1.2T just between Iraq / Afghanistan alone)

(so, are you getting your money's worth on whats spent?)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I kinda figured it would be the largest military in civilization by a factor of 50 and carrying on 6 insanely non productive wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, and Somolia)

but what do I know? I'm only living in reality ($1.2T just between Iraq / Afghanistan alone)

(so, are you getting your money's worth on whats spent?)

We can probably tick 'all of the above' in actuality: trillions wasted on war, trillions wasted by union hamstrings, trillions wasted on bailouts.
sure, but you're advocating screwing over American working class people for the sake of major corporations (who will turn around and rape the consumer).

I'm not a union fan, but painting them as the evil bad guy when much worse things are taking place is disingenuous


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
sure, but you're advocating screwing over American working class people for the sake of major corporations (who will turn around and rape the consumer).

I'm not a union fan, but painting them as the evil bad guy when much worse things are taking place is disingenuous

I'm sorry, but any notion that the modern union 'protects' the working class is utterly naive. They are mulit-billion dollar conglomerates in their own right who spend more time managing their investment portfolios (none of which, you can bet, are in any of the soft sectors most prone to ...eeerr, union disruption - than they ever do with the rank and file.

I've actually seen union bosses drive up to picket lines in chauffeur-driven limos to 'support' the troops.

The corruption that occurs inside unions and in their external operations is easily equal to any malfeasances committed by the bloated Wall Street Fat Cats: if you ask me, they should all be tarred and feathered.
To you political and economic geniuses who actually believe the above, one simple question:
How come the recession took place after the tax breaks took effect? If what you guys actually believe happened...then there would have been no staggering, crippling recession.

that recessoin was going to happen tax breaks or not. It was the result of things that happend during Bill Clintons Presidency. the housing bubble didnt burst in 2 years, it took years of governmental irrisponsibility for that to happen, Bush just got stuck with the blame (as he should have) cause he was the sitting president when it happend, and it hasnt gotten better under Obama, the same with other parts of the economy that went bad..anything that went wrong was a direct result of many years of government being an idiot and thinking the prosperity was going to last forever.