Now keep this in mind, this is just my :2 cents:
The people that bought homes with zero-down and fucked over credit, thinking that they could buy a 600k home and swing 5 grand a month mortgages are a portion of the problem that we all sit in now. The other portion of the problem are the loan officers/bankers. So influenced by greed and the rampant selling of mortgages, that they should be punished to the most severe measures. Now we give them a bailout and now they have the money, now they won't give out credit. Fucking idiots. Now if also have 7 kids and 2 brand new cars and the latests toys with a huge mortage, you deserve that one. Think about the future and don't live beyond your existing means.
You know while I'm at it...
The stock market. Those fucking morons. They hear one fucking rumor and they panic and sell off, fucking me in the ass. Thanks asshole. You need to die. It's great taking a numerical process and turning it into a emotional based process. I see one more wall street fuck stick driving around in a Ferrari, I'll go postal.
And how about the news media. "crisis", "crisis", "crisis", "crisis", "crisis"... fuck if you start to hear something enough, because you're a lemming, you start to believe it. And the majority of the public and a lot of those fuck-sticks on wall street are lemmings hear that and panic. Granted there is a problem, a big problem, but if someone had walked over to the news desk at CNN and back fisted someone when they started saying something, instead of going for the hype, people might be a little more relaxed. A portion of the general public, needs to be kept in the dark for gods sake. That's the same portion of the public that also shouldn't be spitting out babys like chiclets.
Big business. You assholes listening? Stop laying off people, make better products, instead of rehashing the same old shit and expecting the consumer to buy it. Take for example Circuit City. #1 piss poor service. No one likes that. #2 shitty prices. While they were going under, they dropped thier prices on LCD TV'S by 25%. They were still more expensive than a comparable model at Cost co! And guess what, I don't want to buy something from circuit city, because you're going under, and if it breaks where do I return it. How about this for a fucking concept. Keeping people employed, and working, makes them happy (for the most part) and then they spend money, which works its way back into the economy. What a concept huh? When you lay people off, they pull back into emergency spending. Dumbasses! Car companies. If you take 6 years to make a new car model, no one wants it... Because it looks like 6 years ago.
Health Care companies. You fuckers are just evil. I spit on you.
There's a lot of people that just need to fall into a woodchipper feet first.
Let me also say, I have a mortgage, I've never missed a payment, I have a job, I have a kid and a ex-wife. And I take care of my kid.
Of course reading my little rant abolishes me from any sort of blame, as it's just my opinion.