Obama's first decision as PREZ elect

I would would love to see you find his quote saying that. You can't. Why? Because he never said it. It was another right wing Republican lie.

UUMMM Have you heard about the"joe the plumber" thing that happened that the leftists are whining about???? They are picking this guy apart while IGNORING what Obama said. The guy asks a simple question, and obama answers that he wants to spread the wealth around some, Then the LEFTIST media crucified the guy.

Try YOUTUBE and actually LISTEN to obama's answer.
UUMMM Have you heard about the"joe the plumber" thing that happened that the leftists are whining about???? They are picking this guy apart while IGNORING what Obama said. The guy asks a simple question, and obama answers that he wants to spread the wealth around some, Then the LEFTIST media crucified the guy.

Try YOUTUBE and actually LISTEN to obama's answer.

You should know that "Joe The Plumber" is a welfare queen who collected welfare and drives a Cadillac. He's a good example of the ideal right winger?

Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff



Strongly Favors topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's right
Strongly Favors topic 2:
Require hiring more women & minorities
Strongly Opposes topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
Strongly Favors topic 5:
More federal funding for health coverage
Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
Strongly Favors topic 11:
Make taxes more progressive
Strongly Favors topic 12:
Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
Opposes topic 15:
Expand the armed forces

Rahm Emanuel was a good choice for Obama. He's known to be one of the smartest people in congress. And that is what Obama is basing his appointments on. He wants people with intelligence and capability. So relax. It's not like he appointed the former president of the Thoroughbred Horse Association to head up FEMA or anything (Mike Brown), or his cleaning lady to the Supreme Court (Harriet Miers), like your boy W.

And as for Emanuels stances on various issues like the ones you listed above, A lot of people feel the same way. This past tuesday was evidence enough of that. People favor abortion rights, the rights of women and minorities, better health coverage and progressive tax policies. And they oppose lax gun laws that make it easier for criminals to get guns, they STRONGLY oppose privitizing social security and they oppose wasteful spending on the military (we already spend 10 times more than the rest of the world combined).
UUMMM Have you heard about the"joe the plumber" thing that happened that the leftists are whining about???? They are picking this guy apart while IGNORING what Obama said. The guy asks a simple question, and obama answers that he wants to spread the wealth around some, Then the LEFTIST media crucified the guy.

Try YOUTUBE and actually LISTEN to obama's answer.

No. The conservatives crucified Obama for saying "spread the wealth around". While ignoring the fact that that is exactly what taxes are for. They "spread the wealth around" so we can have services like police, public school teachers, firemen, etc. etc.

Remember, "Joe the Plumber" is one of the reasons you guys lost. The question he asked Obama was based on falsehoods. In reality, "Joe the Plumber" is a deadbeat who doesn't even pay his taxes. He's not even a fucking plumber and his name isn't "Joe"! Ironically, he will benefit more from Obamas tax plan then he would've if McCain had been elected. That is, if he actually decides to start paying his taxes.

McCain made a huge mistake hitching himself to that loser. McCain actually called "Joe the Plumber" his "rolemodel" and an "American hero". That probably cost him a million votes right there.

Intelligent people see right through that "Joe the Plumber" bullshit. Until the republicans realize that and stop insulting everyones intelligence they will remain a minority party.
Rahm Emanuel is a great choice. The last thing we need now is to listen to conservatives and form our new government in their image.

"Spread the Wealth" is not a socialist mantra. It is a cultural cliche actually. I haven't been able to find it in the words of Karl Marx either.

People are sick of "spread the wealth" style Republicanism which comes in the form of cronyism, no-bid contracts, tax breaks for Profitable Companies (Big Oil), Wealthy Americans "trickling down" noble largesse etc.

There are some taxes which are onerous (death tax, marriage penalty) but there are some taxes which are of great benefit--sin taxes, consumption taxes, property taxes, income taxes, capital gains taxes etc.
BTW. Rahm Emanuel is a Jew. I guess that means "Joe the Plumber" and all the rest of the so-called "christian conservatives" can stop saying that an Obama presidency means "death to Israel".

As if they really care about the Jews anyway. The only reason they want the Jews to hold on to Israel is because they believe that the "End of Days" will happen there. And it can't start unless all the Jews are in Israel. And when the big bad space god "Jesus" comes back, guess what happens to the Jews. Jesus kills them. That is why the right-wingers care so much about Israel. They believe that Jesus won't come back unless all the Jews are in Israel so he can kill them all.

Source: Luke 21:20-33 (King James Version): "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."

Crazy stuff. People who take that shit literally need to be fitted for a straightjacket.


Closed Account
To run this country into the ground, causing mass chaos to anyone in its path, destroying all hope for humanity.

Oh yeah, wait...No, Obama? Oh, in that case, he'll probably just put some of his homeboys all up in his cabinet, and deck the White House out with some bling, and make sure there's always a line of bitches standing out in front of the place.
YOU DON'T DESERVE to have money bestowed upon you because someone thinks the other person "Makes to much money" THAT is why you work hard.

I struggle every month. But I DO NOT think I DESERVE uncle barak to get into bill gates coffers to send me a check. That is WRONG.

I just want a decent job that isn't impossible to find. I just want an honest days pay with the benefits everybody should have for an honest days work, nothing more. I can't get that. I'm not going to be shedding a tear over the fact the rich have to pay more considering they and their greed and influence on society and government are an enormous part of the reason that the working class are screwed in the first place. Not to mention they are much more easily able to handle more of a burden then everybody else. If the wealth is ever given back it would just be giving it back to the people that should have had more of it in the first place. I might be slightly more sympathetic if I thought any but a very tiny handful of the super-rich actually deserved the wealth they have. All that isn't to mention the fact that they didn't seem to mind when wealth was being shared in the form off all of it flowing up to them, even though a lot of them already have more money than they could ever spend.
I want some ben and jerry ice cream, a new collection of dvds and a new laptop also and Tubuler to get sent to Russia or somewhere far away...he,he,he...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
And as for Emanuels stances on various issues like the ones you listed above, A lot of people feel the same way. This past tuesday was evidence enough of that. People favor abortion rights, the rights of women and minorities, better health coverage and progressive tax policies. And they oppose lax gun laws that make it easier for criminals to get guns, they STRONGLY oppose privitizing social security and they oppose wasteful spending on the military (we already spend 10 times more than the rest of the world combined).

the problem is, they already have more then enough laws to prevent criminals from getting guns, they laws they will pass aren't meant to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, they are meant to disarm a lawful society. If they want to stop crime, they need to stop giving several chances to the same low life scumbags that have proved they don't deserve it. there are only a couple of gun laws necessary, #1) if you commit a crime with a gun, you suffer the full wrath of the law, and you suffer hard. #2) If you have been adjudicated mentally incompetent, or have a criminal record, you may not own a gun. #3) If you fall into the group of #2, you suffer even a harsher penalty then a person that falls under group #1. At this point, he can pass laws, and unfortunately, aside from verbal, and written protest, and lawsuits from organizations on the pro side of things, not much else can be done. He wants his second term, and make no mistake, he's already thinking about it. The shits gonna be a problem when he thinks he has the rights to take away, what we already own...and he might just try further on down the road. As it stands now, he better get his ass to work on fixing the crap he said he would, and he better have tunnel vision on it, he made lots of promises, and he got elected based on the shit he spewed about the economy, and Iraq, the rest of the issues were brushed aside, and few people payed attention to them. He needs to spend the next 4 years on getting shit in line, and he's got more then enough to keep his mind off of my guns.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hey....anybody else notice how the right-wing rhetoric here has toned way down with Obama's recent appointments being announced? Robert Gates will stay on as Sec. of Defense. Bi-partisan move (and a smart one at that!). Gen James Jones appointed national security adviser? He was a McCain supporter (ardent one too). Looks as though there will be more to come as Obama makes good on his pledge to include all viewpoints in his administration. He's assembling a top-notch team in my book.
Hey....anybody else notice how the right-wing rhetoric here has toned way down with Obama's recent appointments being announced? Robert Gates will stay on as Sec. of Defense. Bi-partisan move (and a smart one at that!). Gen James Jones appointed national security adviser? He was a McCain supporter (ardent one too). Looks as though there will be more to come as Obama makes good on his pledge to include all viewpoints in his administration. He's assembling a top-notch team in my book.

It's refreshing to see that. Very interresting.
Hey....anybody else notice how the right-wing rhetoric here has toned way down with Obama's recent appointments being announced? Robert Gates will stay on as Sec. of Defense. Bi-partisan move (and a smart one at that!). Gen James Jones appointed national security adviser? He was a McCain supporter (ardent one too). Looks as though there will be more to come as Obama makes good on his pledge to include all viewpoints in his administration. He's assembling a top-notch team in my book.

I thought it was because don equis has been away for 2 weeks.

Just kidding don.
Never too many political threads around here as far as I am concerned.


Staff member
He did say he would like to "spread the wealth around" ,but his quotation was taken out of context & used as political rhetoric. He was only refering to progressive taxation were the more sucessful paid more taxes(which has been going on for over a century) & not 'socialism'. He simply wanted to repeal Bush's tax breaks to the wealthiest.

So grabbing someone's revenues but he/she succeeds better than others and redistributing it to other leech offs or lazy ass parasites is normal for you? What you want is social assisting therefore socialism. Personally living in a country where there was 30 years of social assisting for parasites, it is be a bad thing to think that socialism is a good thing and will save USA from the bankruptcy.

Will E Worm

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.– James Madison


So grabbing someone's revenues but he/she succeeds better than others and redistributing it to other leech offs or lazy ass parasites is normal for you? What you want is social assisting therefore socialism. Personally living in a country where there was 30 years of social assisting for parasites, it is be a bad thing to think that socialism is a good thing and will save USA from the bankruptcy.

Socialism is always a bad idea.