Do not understand Will's "more states voted for Romney" statement. North Dakota should carry the same elective influence as New York State?? There is only like 11 people in the whole damn state??? Just goofy how it seems he would change any and every rule to get his way of thinking and screw the rest. So UnAmerican it makes your head spin. We vote, how ever it ends up majority carries. Plain and simple.
If Obama hadn't won the popular vote, some of these folks might have a point - although that's not how we elect the President. But at least they'd have a small point.
But back to my
new best friend, boobfan... I really want to hear a deeper explanation of how this so-called "accomplished conservative" and all around patriot, who is a self proclaimed IT expert, has no plans to get a job
for the next four years. Again... :wtf: He has already made up his mind that there's no point in even going on interviews because employers will not hire a White male these days in IT. As I said, IT is not an area that I have ever had much to do with. But one thing I do know: Obama has been criticized by the Club for Growth, various conservative groups and many high tech companies because his administration has
not expanded the H-1B visa program to their satisfaction. The H-1B program is a sort of work permit that allows domestic companies to hire foreign nationals, with certain technical skills, for some period of time. I'm aware of it because it affects the engineering field. But I know that it also affects the IT field. This would bring in more IT people, who will work for lower salaries, into the very field that
the boobfan man is saying that he already can't find a job in. And Romney, much more so than Obama, would have greatly expanded this program.
So I'm really struggling to come to grips with his (baseless) claims here. We'll leave the Marxist, communist loving Nazis for another day. But it always amuses me when someone wants the guy out who is doing things that almost forces greater domestic employment in their field, and they're
for the one who would introduce greater foreign competition in their field - which when I was in school, a greater supply of labor pushed down wages unless the demand went up in line with that greater supply. Course, I don't know anything about economics, business or the job market. So I'm probably wrong and the Club for Growth and
boobiefan man are right. Romney expanding the H-1B program would have surely meant that a White man could FINALLY get a job in IT. Yeah. Right.
Long winded explanations of how 2+2=5 always fascinate me. So I hope he comes back so I can get