Obama Wins!

Will E Worm

yeah this whole nonsense about free speech is just plain silly anyway

The right to free speech is in regards to the govt. curtailling it.You don't have any such inherent right here on freeones which is a private(non-american based actually entity).In the rules racist type talk is strictly prohibited.As a private group they can allow or prohibit any speech they like.Same principle applies in many cases,like at your workplace,they can fire you for saying things they find disagreeable that would be protected from govt interference.
Well I don't think I was the one making racist comments.

Dude they are fucking jokes!
michael jackson died and i was getting text messages about fucking jokes 1 day later.
YankeeFan im not sure how old you are.
but are you telling me that the jokes that came out instantly after the Space Shuttle crashed in the mid-80's weren't funny?
you never repeated a dead person joke? a black joke? a chinese joke? a jewish joke?
get off your pedestal. i bet you heard or repeated G.W. bush jokes... but i guess that's ok because he's white?