Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Breaking News on CNN too...I wonder who the other candidates were?? I have to admit, I was really surprised when they declared Obama as the winner. A President?? :shocked:
^^A sitting President I mean (not a sitting duck I hope).
^^A sitting President I mean

Happened before. But in contrast to Obama, Wilson and Roosevelt had already something on their resumés.

Wilson had brokered the Versailles Treaties (flawed as they were) and Teddy had helped out his aunts, burying poisoned hobos in the basement. :D

This is certain to gin the GOPer wingnuts into a tizzy....You think Glenn Beck phonyed up tears before...

I suspect it will be a couple of days before the GOPer echo symbiotic monolith can coordinate their criticism but it is sure to be fierce.

Preemptively I'll say their first order of attack will be to draw the comparison of Obama to Arafat.... not that it will make any earthly sense but it's sure to come.:thumbsup:
Happened before. But in contrast to Obama, Wilson and Roosevelt had already something on their resumés.

Wilson had brokered the Versailles Treaties (flawed as they were) and Teddy had helped out his aunts, burying poisoned hobos in the basement. :D

^^That's what I find really peculiar. Where is the legacy, Obama's legacy to warrant this. And, unlike some on this forum, I'm not even necessarily anti-Obama LOL. Seem's like a disjointed decision but I guess we'll never know.
^^That's what I find really peculiar. Where is the legacy, Obama's legacy to warrant this. And, unlike some on this forum, I'm not even necessarily anti-Obama LOL. Seem's like a disjointed decision but I guess we'll never know.

I don't know if he deserves it or not but I do know it's not about "legacy" per se but some act or actions.:2 cents:
^^Ah, that explains it. I probably threw a spanner in the works LOL.
I think the award is a joke (but not for the same reasons as the right-winger).

I mean, come on, Kissinger got it before... please.
Indeed as noted above Kissinger got one. At teh time it was noted as teh death of satire. Where could you go after that? Stalin getting it posthumously?

I don't want to present the following as my own approach, it is a parlour trick used by Christopher Hitchens to deflate the Nobel pompousness. He asks people to name the members of the Nobel committee and their personal accomplishments. Obviously,for very good reasons most people are unable to do this. Why then, he goes on to ask do you set such store by this award?

And that is before you get the list of recipients. Mother Teresa? In what way did she ever make the world more peaceful? etc etc
Lol. That was a great news.
^(LOL, smilie emoticon built-in to FO forum ) See?? :) ;)
OBAMA did nothing special, yet he receives a Nobel prize. Ridiculous. Let's hope him and his lame/rotten administration will get in very deep and big troubles and have to face unpredictable situations then we will see if this prize was really deserved.
They have given it to Al Gore and as Facial King pointed out Kissinger before him.

We really shouldn't take this seriously.
OBAMA did nothing special, yet he receives a Nobel prize. Ridiculous. Let's hope him and his lame/rotten administration will get in very deep and big troubles and have to face unpredictable situations then we will see if this prize was really deserved.

Forgive me if this is an example of biting satire and I am slow on the humor front.

Seems like you are a bit vague when describing these troubles that yu are hopoing for. Are you seriously hoping for another 9/11 style event? Or perhaps a nuclear incident? Or are you hoping for the whole economy to go down the shitter and a return to mass unemployment and food lines? That would shown him eh?

To be honest I thought that he and his administration walked into the most unpredictable economic situation of recent times. I also thought inheriting two wars neither of which are going swimmingly, was and is enough of a challenge. However, if you think his workload on the problem front needs expanding then who am I to argue? That said I would feel justified in questioning both your patriotism and I'm saddened to say your maturity.
"OSLO - President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism. Full Story » "


After the terrible policys of the previous administration which did counter to all of the above I guess Obama looks pretty good in comparison must be their thinking.


It's a joke award. Who cares.