I really cant be bothered to even get involved in this thread, hasnt Obama's and McCains and Palin's flaws been put out enough on this board enough already. I mean for gods sake I doubt anyone of the 20 threads we already have is going to convert anyone to someone elses opinion. There are liberals and conservatives on this boards and they all know who they are going to vote for in November. All this stomping of feet bullshit to get others to read and discuss what you think is wrong with the candidates have ben done to death on this board and still, people either lambast the candidate or stic up for them. Nothing changes.
I know this is what message boards were made for, but people
please!!!. Nothing is ever resolved and all we get is the same back and forth from the same people (I know im sometimes one of those people) usually about the same issue and where do we get with that? No where.
Whats would I do to fix this you may ask? Nothing, because there is nothing to be done, later on I might even give an opinion about this topic (whatever it may be) and what I've just said will be totally irrelavant. But hey, what do I know? and who cares