Obama releases long-form birth certificate

hope this pleases the gambler Donald ! Quack ! :rolleyes: is what he is !


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Could this possibly be interpretted as proof that the right wingers are full of shit?
Its a cant win situation. He doesnt release it and they say hes hiding something...he releases it and they say its faked. You cant sway idiots. Its just like the 911 conspiracy...no matter what proof you show them, they will always believe its an inside job. They call them idiots for a reason.
Fuck .. there are so many people here currently on 'vacation' that I wish to taunt with this ... dammit.

Feeling a little Facetious there Cat? Real 'Obummer' for the birther idgits 'innit'?:ak47:
I'm a Republican, but I will say that all the furor over Barrack Hussein Obama's birth certificate has really just been sour grapes from the losing party. All the so called questions have about as much merit as all the democrats who were whining about George W. Bush supposedly stealing the election from Algore.

People need to just let go of garbage like that and realize that the president is the president, whether they happen to like his politics or not.

I think BHO has been pretty worthless for the most part, but he was elected and deserves his 4 years to try and do what he was elected to do. Hopefully he will just be a one termer.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Those losers will find something wrong with it:dunno:. He shouldn't have released it.

Very embarassing episode for our country.

He should have released it when people questioned it the first place.

Yea, I was one of the people that questioned it. If his government was supposed to be so transparent, what is wrong with his long form certificate that he couldn't show it?

At this point, I don't think it's a conspiracy of any sorts. I've come to realize that he decided to hold onto it because it was a good political move. As soon as his popularity goes down, play the "see, you're all idiots card." The only thing I fear is it's a little too late.

Perhaps it would have been a great political strategy a few months into his presidency...not 3 years later.
I'm a Republican, but I will say that all the furor over Barrack Hussein Obama's birth certificate has really just been sour grapes from the losing party. All the so called questions have about as much merit as all the democrats who were whining about George W. Bush supposedly stealing the election from Algore.

C'mon C4TB:facepalm:

If Gore's brother were the governor of a state that had been called for Bush then miraculously switched to Gore..then a recount aborted by actions orchestrated by a justice appointed by Gore's father after a Demo Secy. of State couldn't abort it ....GOPers would have NEVER let that go.

And the circumstances bear ABSOLUTELY NO resemblance to the trumped up accusations about Obama's birth history which have no merit save for it being a guilty until proven innocent charge.

He should have released it when people questioned it the first place.

Yea, I was one of the people that questioned it. If his government was supposed to be so transparent, what is wrong with his long form certificate that he couldn't show it?

At this point, I don't think it's a conspiracy of any sorts. I've come to realize that he decided to hold onto it because it was a good political move. As soon as his popularity goes down, play the "see, you're all idiots card." The only thing I fear is it's a little too late.

Perhaps it would have been a great political strategy a few months into his presidency...not 3 years later.

I couldn't disagree more...the game the idiots were playing who were perpetuating this was simply move the goal line. He'd already released the birth certificate every other Hawaiian uses for official purposes...Then it became release the long form.:rolleyes: Now it will be something else as Trump has already alluded to trumping up some other challenge now...and it's only a distraction anyway.

If I'm Obama and I know the facts...why would I play that game and perpetuate it??? Like others have said...it's a can't win.