He captured most of ben laden's lieutenants and captured saddam.
Also despite three bombings and terrorist attacks during Clinton's presidency, the 1st WTC bombing in 1993, the bombing of the USS Cole in 1996 and the bombing of the US Ambassy in Nairobi in Kenya in 1997, nothing was done by "beloved" Clinton to take serious and pragmatic actions against the people who perpetrated these bombings. This is what lead to 9/11because no actions have been taken in time to stop the threats and this was under Clinton's presidency.
I am not defending Clinton. I think his administration is over rated (except for fiscal responsibility, he did well there).
But Bush is useless on Bin Laden. 7 years after 9/11 and he and his No. 2 are still at large. That is pathetic.
And instead of sending America's military might to find them he has most of the troops rotting away in Iraq and leaving Bin Laden to...the Pakistani's who are VERY unmotivated to find him.
War on Terror? What a joke.