Obama is a liar, a cheat, and a trouble maker. Just like the UNIONS.

xfire... why do you waste your time posting in my threads or even responding to me in other threads? I have your dumb-ass on ignore. All you ever do is hit and run. Which amounts to you making lazy, asinine, childish, replies. Never anything constructive or positive. Always a negative.

It must suck to be 38 years old, and the only thing you have going for you in your life is an internet forum. You're in here way too much for any self respecting 38 year old male. When I was 38, I was out getting pussy, working on my 54 Dodge truck, going to ballgames, playing golf, shooting my guns, etc. Where as your life consists of...... well.... THIS. Since 2009.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Okay, let me take this video and thread and give my two cents.

- It is a campaign video from Mitt Romney, the guy who said that he likes firing people. Of course, unions must really annoy him. They tend to protect workers from getting fired.

- The business owner says both that the union guys bully his company workers and his customers (or, potential customers), and that iit is all legal. Sorry, that is not all legal. If they threaten or state false accusations against him and his company, do not tell me there is no way he can take legal action.

- Sam, you surely have not only worked for the Armed Forces. Do you think the rights and the working conditions you had were god-given? Especially, the payment you received. No, unions fought for them.

- Would you accept to hand back every dime you got paid due to the brave people that were and are active in unions? Because you are leeching on their activities. Go back to the salaries that workers got back 100 years ago.

Sounds fair?


My Penis Is Dancing!
xfire... why do you waste your time posting in my threads or even responding to me in other threads? I have your dumb-ass on ignore. All you ever do is hit and run. Which amounts to you making lazy, asinine, childish, replies. Never anything constructive or positive. Always a negative.

It must suck to be 38 years old, and the only thing you have going for you in your life is an internet forum. You're in here way too much for any self respecting 38 year old male. When I was 38, I was out getting pussy, working on my 54 Dodge truck, going to ballgames, playing golf, shooting my guns, etc. Where as your life consists of...... well.... THIS. Since 2009.


The guy with 14.79 posts per day is telling the guy with 2.88 posts per day that Mr. 2.88 has no life. Huh.

Okay, let me take this video and thread and give my two cents.

- It is a campaign video from Mitt Romney, the guy who said that he likes firing people. Of course, unions must really annoy him. They tend to protect workers from getting fired.

- The business owner says both that the union guys bully his company workers and his customers (or, potential customers), and that iit is all legal. Sorry, that is not all legal. If they threaten or state false accusations against him and his company, do not tell me there is no way he can take legal action.

- Sam, you surely have not only worked for the Armed Forces. Do you think the rights and the working conditions you had were god-given? Especially, the payment you received. No, unions fought for them.

- Would you accept to hand back every dime you got paid due to the brave people that were and are active in unions? Because you are leeching on their activities. Go back to the salaries that workers got back 100 years ago.

Sounds fair?

I would be quite willing to bet that Sam worked for a union and grew up in a union household. He will deny it here, but truth in real life has other ideas.


No... no...... no........no.... Uh-uh... you're side-stepping again. The rifle in question (by you) is the Marlin Camp 9. So what's it going to be, tough guy? Are you willing to stand 20 yards away from me and take six shots of the 9mm "bitch rounds" and then come back in here to brag about it? Or, will some in here make a trip to see you at the morgue?

Next time, don't be so quick to pop off in a thread about a firearm and caliber. Unless of course, you're willing to take the challenge mentioned above. Otherwise, you look like a bitch.

No one with half a brain wants to get shot with anything. I wouldn't want to get hit by a .22 Short. It doesn't mean that it's not a pissant round.

Seriously, back to the original point that you always like to side-step (like a sackless, 9mm firing bitch) is that your points always get obscured by the hopelessly feeble way in which you present them. It's not what you believe in that people find objectionable. It's your inability to be coherent and to present your arguments in a way that would lead anyone to take you the least bit seriously. That's all I'm trying to say.

Well.....that and you're a sackless, 9mm firing bitch. :thefinger:
...You repubs don't show any respect to the President when he does something right. You make it seem like he's fuckin' Hitler... or maybe because he's black (the reason why I brought up the "N" word).


Yeah, the Dems have historically taken it pretty easy on Republican Presidents if I recall correctly :1orglaugh. And I'm pretty sure no Republican President has ever been made to seem like, or outright called, "fuckin' Hitler," by the minority party. lol

Christ, people still talk hatefully about Reagan. He hasn't been President for over two decades, not to mention the fact that he's been dead for 8 years.

Ever since Nixon, the public has had less trust in the Presidency as an institution, regardless of party affiliation. A significant percentage of people will dislike the sitting President no matter what color tie he is wearing, get over it.

And stop playing the race card for God's sake. Its so tired.


I plead the 5th...

Yeah, the Dems have historically taken it pretty easy on Republican Presidents if I recall correctly :1orglaugh. And I'm pretty sure no Republican President has ever been made to seem like, or outright called, "fuckin' Hitler," by the minority party. lol

Christ, people still talk hatefully about Reagan. He hasn't been President for over two decades, not to mention the fact that he's been dead for 8 years.

Ever since Nixon, the public has had less trust in the Presidency as an institution, regardless of party affiliation. A significant percentage of people will dislike the sitting President no matter what color tie he is wearing, get over it.

And stop playing the race card for God's sake. Its so tired.

Quote the rest of my post...

The reason I brought it up is because the way you current repubs come off when talking about Obama. It seems that you repubs (not all) really, really hate (I assume) the guy.

That's why I brought up the "racial part". :2 cents: Maybe I shouldn't bring up the racial thing then. Obama does something right, the repubs say it's wrong. I'll just say the current repubs are really fuckin' delusional.

and I realize pretty much every President has a lot of people who can't stand them, but the current repubs make Obama out to be the worst President ever (there was this guy before him who is probably the worst).

....and Reagan is not even close to being hated (or disliked by the dems as much as Obama is hated by the repubs.
...I realize pretty much every President has a lot of people who can't stand them, but the current repubs make Obama out to be the worst President ever (there was this guy before him who is probably the worst)...

The bold part is you doing exactly what you're accusing "current repubs" of doing. Just like when W was in office every Dem in the country was making him out to be the worst President in history. People's opinions mean absolutely shit. 3/4 of people base their opinion of a political figure on what party they belong to and don't take any successes of failures into account. Toe the party line; Hate the opposition until your dying day. This is exactly why American politics has been complete garbage for the whole of all of our lifetimes. Even in Rasmussen polls (which are public opinion polls) W doesn't even rank in the bottom 14 of all-time. You're being a sensationalist, while deriding others for being sensationalist. I'm not standing up for W, or trying to convince you that he was some great President, but to say he was the worst of all time is just your opinion, just like its other people's opinion that Obama can do nothing right, and he is the worst President ever. Its an opinion, and to act like your opinion trumps someones else's opinion is silly.

Look at the most current Harris Poll of "Worst Presidents Since WWII," conducted January 2012. 27% of respondents think that W. is the worst Post-War President, with 22% of respondents listing Obama as the worst Post-War President (5% is not that big of a gap), both of them just ahead of Nixon and Bill Clinton. Its just opinion, and partisan bickering at best.
. Just like when W was in office every Dem in the country was making him out to be the worst President in history.

I agree with you that bi-partisan bickering is pointless and not constructive..But in terms of Bush, the criticism was not just infammatory rhetoric, it was FACT...

Bush tried to turn America into Nazi Germany. The truth is that the Bush family, starting with Prescott Bush, and continuing thru former preident W Bush, were, and still are, Nazi sympathizers who funded Hitler and the Nazi Regime.http://www.rense.com/general40/bushfamilyfundedhitler.htm, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,100474,00.html, http://www.google.com/search?q=pres...&tbo=u&ei=LNuZT9bQCujz6QGQk_HhBg&ved=0CE8QqwQ, http://www.nhgazette.com/the-bushnazi-stories/bushnazi-link-confirmed/

The whole Bush fortune was built from dealings with Nazi sympathiser German banks during the Nazi German regime. That's why the Republican party is so screwed up now...because they don't repreasent the people, they are just a mouthpiece for the superminority 1%'s racist agenda for destroying America's constitutional freedoms, and engaging in ethnic cleansing by enslaving minorities and political opposition in Aushwitz style FEMA REX 84 prison camps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi6HCbxq_l4 , and turning the country into a military Police state.www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Operation_Garden_Plot, http://www.infowars.com/operation-garden-plot-documents-published/, www.youtube.com/watch?v=uine4FD9nyE,

Hence the creation, by Republican supporters, of threads such as this. Threads where, in accordance with their racist genocidal agenda, the fact that the President is black, and that he seeks to repreasent the rights and interests of the majority of people above the interests of the wealthy super-minority 1%, is grounds for Republicans to spew hate against him .

And that's why you will continue to see ridiculous topics such as this by Republicans, but no discussion of actual threats such as the indefinte detention of american citizens without due process (A Bush Era Policy) in the NDAA which OBAMA vetoed. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/...-Vetoed-Indefinite-Military-Detention-in-NDAA Because protecting and ensuring the freedoms of ALL Americans is NOT part of the Republican agenda.

Additionally, all wannabe Republicans be forewarned that the Republican NWO (Nazi World Order) is a WASP only group.

Which means that if you are anything but that, then you don't belong....also the P in WASP stands for protestants...Republican Right-wing Neo-Nazis conservatives, at their core, are religious fanatics.... which means no other denominations belong...no other religions belong...no other ethnic groups belong...and if you have money and property but aren't WASP, it can and will be taken from you...

under the NWO...therre is NO PORN....There is NO ownership by citizens of guns...no militia groups...no freedom of speech or expression of any kind....No Home-Schooling....No right to privacy

So you confused Republiucan wannabe's make sure you know what you're shaking your pom-poms for...Because a militarized Police State would NOT be a fun place to live.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to

Additionally, all wannabe Republicans be forewarned that the Republican NWO (Nazi World Order) is a WASP only group.

Which means that if you are anything but that, then you don't belong....also the P in WASP stands for protestants...Republican Right-wing Neo-Nazis conservatives, at their core, are religious fanatics.... which means no other denominations belong...no other religions belong...no other ethnic groups belong...and if you have money and property but aren't WASP, it can and will be taken from you...

under the NWO...therre is NO PORN....There is NO ownership by citizens of guns...no militia groups...no freedom of speech or expression of any kind....No Home-Schooling....No right to privacy

So you confused Republiucan wannabe's make sure you know what you're shaking your pom-poms for...Because a militarized Police State would NOT be a fun place to live.

This fucking nut eric2136 is a grace to all of us here on the freeones political boards. Just follow his links to nuts in the conspiracy theory/space alien community. His rense,com link will also get you into the insights of former KKK grand dragon and former Representative David Duke. Remember him?

Freedom of speech. Keep posting.
Let's find out who the sackless bitch really is. You stand twenty yards away from me, and I'll fire six shots into you with my Marlin Camp 9 or, even my SIG-Sauer P228. Fair enough? Well? What was that I heard you say???? Was that a "No"? Hmmm....If it's such a pussy caliber as you constantly remind me, let's proceed with the scenario above..... Yeah, I didn't think so.

Now, stop with your so-called authority about firearms and calibers, and stick to the topic you know most about and love doing - sucking cocks.

The reason I have firearms is because I expect some social radical thought police like the CONServatives to come knocking on my door.