My question is, if you're comparing Obama to Hitler SHOULDN'T it be considered disrespectful (assuming that you think Hitler was at least some kind of evil)???
The message of a controversial billboard in Mason City comparing President Obama with Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin probably got lost in its visuals, a co-founder of the Tea Party group that paid for the sign said today.
But he says the underlying message remains: That the country is headed in the wrong direction.
He insists the billboard that links Obama with Nazi or communist tyrants – including one that led to the murder of 6 million Jewish people – is not disrespectful to President Obama.
“It is not disrespectful to Mr. Obama. It’s a statement on his policy,” said Bob Johnson, co-founder of the North Iowa Tea Party. “It’s a statement on his policies.”
Blah blah I aint even american and I have seen republican political adverts which made use of the "change" bullshit as well.....So err its ok for the "right" to make use of such language(tapping into the desire of common folks, making the usual promises blah blah yadda yadda) and of course that wouldnt be national socialism(nazi's)
Cause well frank quite frankly those are good god fearing folks.
PS> Btw read stephen kings new book "under the dome"
Johnson said he was not part of a billboard committee that approved the advertisement. He said he doesn’t know how much the billboard cost but said it would remain up for a month.
The billboard includes a pictures with the words “Radical leaders prey on the fearful & Naïve.”
Blah blah I aint even american and I have seen republican political adverts which made use of the "change" bullshit as well.....So err its ok for the "right" to make use of such language(tapping into the desire of common folks, making the usual promises blah blah yadda yadda) and of course that wouldnt be nazi's or anything.
Cause them be good god fearing folks!
PS> Btw you should read Stephen king's new book "under the dome"(think its his latest) Proper bo I tell thee!