Obama, Hitler Billboard "Not Disrespectful" Tea Party Leader Says


My question is, if you're comparing Obama to Hitler SHOULDN'T it be considered disrespectful (assuming that you think Hitler was at least some kind of evil)???


The message of a controversial billboard in Mason City comparing President Obama with Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin probably got lost in its visuals, a co-founder of the Tea Party group that paid for the sign said today.

But he says the underlying message remains: That the country is headed in the wrong direction.

He insists the billboard that links Obama with Nazi or communist tyrants – including one that led to the murder of 6 million Jewish people – is not disrespectful to President Obama.

“It is not disrespectful to Mr. Obama. It’s a statement on his policy,” said Bob Johnson, co-founder of the North Iowa Tea Party. “It’s a statement on his policies.”

Blah blah I aint even american and I have seen republican political adverts which made use of the "change" bullshit as well.....So err its ok for the "right" to make use of such language(tapping into the desire of common folks, making the usual promises blah blah yadda yadda) and of course that wouldnt be national socialism(nazi's):rolleyes:

Cause well frank quite frankly those are good god fearing folks.

PS> Btw read stephen kings new book "under the dome"


Johnson said he was not part of a billboard committee that approved the advertisement. He said he doesn’t know how much the billboard cost but said it would remain up for a month.

The billboard includes a pictures with the words “Radical leaders prey on the fearful & Naïve.”

Blah blah I aint even american and I have seen republican political adverts which made use of the "change" bullshit as well.....So err its ok for the "right" to make use of such language(tapping into the desire of common folks, making the usual promises blah blah yadda yadda) and of course that wouldnt be nazi's or anything.

Cause them be good god fearing folks!

PS> Btw you should read Stephen king's new book "under the dome"(think its his latest) Proper bo I tell thee!
Obama has been nothing close to socialism? How about the gigantic deficit he has racked up? I admit these figures may be a bit skewed since I heard them on Rush Limbaugh's program, but according to his figures, George Bush left office with a deficit of approximately $110 Billion after 8 years.

There are a lot of false facts in your post but the biggest error is using deficits as an indicator of socialism. Deficits occur regardless of the economic system be it Capitalism, Socialism or Communism. If deficits are a sign of socialism than Ronald Regan would be the biggest socialist ever.
Agreed. And the goobers on Barrack Hussein Obama's side are, of course, doing the same thing.

I made my point about why it's not necessary to do so during the National Anthem.

Unlike some people, my facts don't change depending on the party of the person.

It's a simple fact. A fact conveniently omitted, forgotten or ignored when it's Obama by GOPers but the first fact trotted out had it been Palin or Bush.

We've seen it countless times...most recently with the 180 degree flip on Kagan and judicial experience...

Funnier still was "Kahhhl" Rove's bluster when he thought Obama was going to pick Tom Kean for VP....All you had to do was replace Kean for Palin and it was nearly straight up and down the criticism of the Palin pick....Of course this was before he knew McCain was picking Palin.

Of course without even wincing this joker flips and tallies up all the reasons Palin was a good pick which ironically 180 d from his criticism of a potential Kean pick.


Hiliary 2020
Say what you want about Lenin and Hitler, at least they were loyal to their respective nations . . . .

:hammer: :rolleyes:

All in all its just a-nother brick in the wall.

the billboard in question, its a low blow.
doesn't matter whether the message is totally false, totally true , or somewhere
in between.

Obama has been nothing close to socialism? How about the gigantic deficit he has racked up? I admit these figures may be a bit skewed since I heard them on Rush Limbaugh's program, but according to his figures, George Bush left office with a deficit of approximately $110 Billion after 8 years.

During a year and a half in office, Barrack Hussein Obama, the guy who "has shown nothing even close to socialism" has increased that deficit to $2.4 trillion. That averages out to 5 Billion Dollars Per Day of spending. :eek:

I'm not in the habit of quoting Rush Limbaugh, but even if those numbers are even in the ball park, it's pretty bad.

All I know is that I sure haven't benefited one bit by Barrack Hussein Obama's his so-called "stimulus" package. Where is it all going? Another good question to ask is "what has been accomplished with all this spending?"

I don't want to name call but your post reflects a complete ignorance of financial matters in the United States. George W. Bush inherited a surplus from his predecessor which he turned into the largest deficit in American history. As a result of his policies, including a rash deregulation of the finacial sector, the economy entered a near catastrophic phase. In the final days of his disasterous Presidency, Bush approved TARP, a .75 trillion dollar attempt to forestall disaster on Wall Street and beyond. Because stocks and home values tumbled, much wealth was dissolved in the crisis. Whether or not his financial policies will ensure long term success, most non-Rush Limbaugh advocates would give President Obama credit for staving off ultimate financial disaster. The fact that Obama has not been bold by increasing spending to combat recessionary trends -- which FDR would have done had he been in office right now -- has resulted in a slowed recovery.

Basically, anything Rush Limbaugh says is moronic and should not be repeated by anyone, including his bimbo wife. Listening to Rush Limbaugh on radio will indeed cause brain damage.
That is not disrespectful at all. Jeez member when Bush was president and all those hippie libs were bitching and moaning and saying this and that? now its our turn.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I love it when people say that President Obama is Socialist. It immediately confirms their intelligence level. That was also true when President G.W. Bush was in office.

Honestly, people...Socialist? You just make yourselves look absolutely stupid.

While I don't necessarily agree with all the policies, and certainly not the spending, I do honestly believe that the President is working toward what he believes is best for the nation. And the truth is, he's quite a lot smarter than I am (and than most [all? :dunno:] of you are). Rather than being ass-munches about it, how about we employ the democratic method, and try to affect change in realistic, productive ways?


Democrats sort out the economic mess just like they did when ole woodrow was going......They get kicked out by there ever adoring public even though the hard road was traversed and shit got sorted......Dick wads get back in to self perpetuate the long road back to disaster again......End line

And its goes round' and round' ad infinitim

or until our sun explodes.
I love it when people say that President Obama is Socialist. It immediately confirms their intelligence level. That was also true when President G.W. Bush was in office.

Honestly, people...Socialist? You just make yourselves look absolutely stupid.

While I don't necessarily agree with all the policies, and certainly not the spending, I do honestly believe that the President is working toward what he believes is best for the nation. And the truth is, he's quite a lot smarter than I am (and than most [all? :dunno:] of you are). Rather than being ass-munches about it, how about we employ the democratic method, and try to affect change in realistic, productive ways?

Yeah, the accusations that he's socialist are just ludicrous. Actual socialists (that is, the people who dare to be TRULY politically incorrect) only wish that was even partially true, or slightly...

As for the spending issue, the most recent recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics, Paul Krugman, has many times stated that he feels Obama hasn't been spending enough on the federal programs and projects to jump-start the economy.

As for the spending issue, the most recent recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics, Paul Krugman, has many times stated that he feels Obama hasn't been spending enough on the federal programs and projects to jump-start the economy.


Seriously? That's quite something. I'll have to do some reading/research and get back to you. Seems improbable to me....

Cheers. :glugglug:
you mean, of course, besides the trillions of dollars wasted on the bailout?

Which bailout are you talking about? The bank bailout was a Bush policy. Don't know off the top of my head how much the GM bailout was, but it sure wasn't trillions. Perhaps you are talking about economic stimulus. That's not a bailout, that's normal economic policy.
The stimulus was a failure. Yes it is policy, but in this case it was a record earth shattering sum which did little in the end................................so to Robert Reich I say................you were wrong BOZO!!!!!!!


Hiliary 2020
The stimulus was a failure. Yes it is policy, but in this case it was a record earth shattering sum which did little in the end................................so to Robert Reich I say................you were wrong BOZO!!!!!!!

It was obvious all along that the economy was just an excuse to spend spend spend the night away........night being a synonym of future.
results? not much as far as i can see.
the people and the media asking questions? not much as far as i can see.
anytime you compare anyone to hitler of course it's meant to be offensive and disrespectful he's on of the most hated men in history...there's no way comparing someone to him can be anything but offensive