Obama Has a Race Problem?

In order to be cool while black, you must walk lock step with whatever the democratic party deems as correct, sway one single percentile away from that platform and you're majorly ostracized by the majority. It's a form of coercion, really.

The democratic party expect 100 % loyalty of their constituency or else !! particularly for the black electorate. The pubs appear to be much less dogmatic or fundamentalist, if you will, toward their rank and file electorate. You could openly discuss your liberal virtues in a hall of pubs and nobody is going to shout you down and or excoriate you.

Everybody wants to have a secure feeling in their community and let's face it, the races do seem to form somewhat separate communities when left to their own devices. This, in and of itself, doesn't translate to racism, it's simply that people are more comfortable with whatever it is that they're familiar with. I suppose that there's less resistance in adaptation when living amongst people most similar to your person. :dunno:

The dems, in my opinion have fostered the idea that in order to be a correct black, you must follow the democratic ideology, if not, they hate your guts and call you things that include "house", uncle tom(s) and other unwelcoming derogatory namesakes.

It's easier to go along to get along. :(

I guess :dunno:

I am neither Dem, Pub or Law enf. officer. . . just a mere observer ;)

Is that how this works? I've never heard that before! :dunno:
Brutally honest & very insightful post from Friday as usual.:glugglug: I would only substitute the word "racist" with we're all "prejudiced' or "biased" being that racist brings strong connotations that I don't want to believe about us. Yes I absolutely believe it is human nature that we tend to be drawn to & feel more comfortable with people who look like us.

Point on the word well taken ,racist may conjure up the extreme connations I was trying to say were not accurate where as "prejudice" and "bias" are probably more able to describe it.As we see the reaction here by a couple and the proclamations "I'm not racist" and getting all defensive about it.I wonder if I had had asked have you ever done/said anything based on a bias or prejudice if maybe they would be more comfortable conceding that maybe.But even if they don't I still beleive what I said and think that for almost all the people who post here on such issues reguarly including myself that we can find evidence right here of expressions of some bias.
And that this idea that particulary chef makes on many issues of why bother,don't bring it up,I don't wanna hear about it, is not really the way to approach things IMO chef.Thats called apathy and is not really very constructive :).Its how things go from bad to worse.And thats another thing I think all of us suffer from some to degree from time to time and I'm feeling apathetic right now so that's it lol.:sleep:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I work with 3 black men. All of which have never voted before. They all 3 say this will be the first time they vote and they say they'll be voting for obama. Admittedly because he's black as well. Plus that fact that obama has made so many promises for blacks.

I can't speak for all black people who will be voting but I personally know 3 who will vote for him mainly cause of his race. I'm sure they won't be alone.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I work with 3 black men. All of which have never voted before. They all 3 say this will be the first time they vote and they say they'll be voting for obama. Admittedly because he's black as well. Plus that fact that obama has made so many promises for blacks.

I can't speak for all black people who will be voting but I personally know 3 who will vote for him mainly cause of his race. I'm sure they won't be alone.

Indeed, the minority will soon be the majority and I say the conservatives better embrace CHANGE while they still can. Polish that brass or inflate the fucking lifeboat, con-tards. You can resist change for so long then it falls over like a wall of dead bodies by a bunch of 300 musclebound men looking for a fight from some asshole who declared himself GOD. Am I talking about a movie or am I describing American politics? They're just about the same, sometimes.

I wouldn't elect any sort of activist as President of the United States, right or left wing !!

Jus sayin'

If you vote once, you already have. You arent very optimistic, are you? You're not even pessimistic or realistic.. you're just kinda multi-faceted. Facetious, even. I'm all for anarchy but.. you seem to oppose so many sides and offer no alternatives?

I dunno, I cant understand your posts half the time anyway. Do you realize what you're posting about half the time? :shrugs it off:

It doesn't matter, its not fair to this county if he wins just because of his skin color, not because of what he believes and will actually do for the country. It's not fair whatsoever. Anyways I'm finished posting in this thread..I hate talking politics, nothing but conflict. So have fun debating people byyyyyyyyyyyyyye

Evidence of why a woman shouldnt be in politics? I say sure. ::laughs::

In the words of an unnamed law enforcement officer -

"I have trouble with particular individuals"

Yeah. But those particular individuals dont talk as well as Colin Powell, Bryant Gumbel or Barack Obama. We arent electing Redman or 50 cent.


Closed Account
Is that how this works? I've never heard that before! :dunno:

No that was a ludicrous answer AFA & that's why I didn't bother to respond because people like that refuse to face the FACTS & instead come up with their own convoluted theories .

Again Why would Blacks who have been systematically EXCLUDED throughout the history of this country join or vote for a party that has no problem EXCLUDING those that are differently socially/racially? And look at the poll it tells you a lot about how Republicans feel about minorities.

People can't seem to make up their mind. Do Blacks vote for a candidtae simply because he is Black? No! (Ask Al Sharpton, Carol Mosley Braun, Alan Keyes,etc....)
And When that theory is disputed they come up with the Democratic Party Jedi Mind games & Coercion theory.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
And that this idea that particulary chef makes on many issues of why bother,don't bring it up,I don't wanna hear about it, is not really the way to approach things IMO chef.Thats called apathy and is not really very constructive :).Its how things go from bad to worse.And thats another thing I think all of us suffer from some to degree from time to time and I'm feeling apathetic right now so that's it lol.:sleep:

It's not apathy at all. It's called "I'm being realistic". Racism will always exist and there is nothing that anyone can do to change that.

The problem with trying to "solve" or "eliminate" racism is that racism is in the eye of the beholder. That means, there are billions of different opinions on what is and what isn't racist.

When I was a little kid, 3 or 4 years old, I used to live in New Jersey on a Navy base with other families that had family members in the service. Our neighbors were a black family whose father was stationed with mine. They had a son who was my age and we used to hang out and play all the time. I never learned his name, so I always called him "Brown Boy".

Was that racist of me? No. I was a stupid little kid who didn't know any better. Nobody, absolutely nobody had a problem with that...not even the black family. They were really good friends with us and everybody got a cute little laugh at it.

Now, if that were a totally different family they might've taken it a little bit differently. They might've bitched and cursed and hated my family because I called their kid "Brown Boy". Why? Because...

Racism is in the eye of the beholder and that will never change.

That is exactly why I don't choose to try and change the world. I can't, so why worry myself over it? I'll just continue to be me and let all of the other people who cry racism at every opportunity deal with their own problems.
A large portion of the voters are engaged in Identity Politics. Blacks vote for blacks and the religious right will vote for Palin because she is the embodiment of the religious right. The issues come in second for emotions rule the head.


Hiliary 2020
Decided to make this thread when another poster here was accused of being "hung up on diversity" when he rationally tried to explain Republican voter patterns & attitude. Maybe Blacks do have a reason to distrust the Republican party seeing that Republicans especially have seriuos problems with African Americans according to the AP poll below. Maybe some can now understand why Blacks have voted barely 10% Republican for the past 45 years:


Also wanted to get the issue out of the way that Blacks are voting for Obama simply becuause he is African American which is one of the biggest Myths I have heard yet. If people were to research they would know that Blacks have voted 85% to 90% White DEM presedential candidates because of the Democratic PLATFORM & general INCLUSIVENES.(Gore,Mondale,Kerry,Humphries,etc.. even got 90 percent of the Black vote & i doubt if it was because of their race.)
A handful of Blacks have run for President & never got nearly the support Obama ,nor Jesse Jackson got in their Presidential runs. Hillary Clinton was getting nearly 60% of the Black vote until a few gaffes by Bill & Hillary & once they got to know Obama he not oly inspired Blacks ,but young Whites ,Germans(200,000),French,English,etc...

To justify the Republican lack of diversity many attack Obama's support from Blacks which is misguided & although Democratic Whites/nor Blacks are not without their prejudices they do vote their best interest & are not afraid to confront DIVERSITY head on.

blah blah blah blah blah......
Most blacks who are voting are voting for Obama because he's black and because they feel he will give them more stuff.
Many whites are doing the same.
Plus he's cool and will bring change.

Anybody want to call me a racist for saying that go ahead and do it.
Or maybe just one of those bitter Americans who cling to guns and religion.......

And using Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as an example is just lame.
Neither got the nomination #1 because they had no media hype behind them.
#2 they weren't marketable as Obama has proven to be.
Theres about 50 more reasons but I don't have time or energy to write it.

You believe what you want to girk, read your stats, read your polls.
I live in the real world, and it is what it is.


Closed Account
blah blah blah blah blah......
Most blacks who are voting are voting for Obama because he's black and because they feel he will give them more stuff.
Many whites are doing the same.
Plus he's cool and will bring change.

Anybody want to call me a racist for saying that go ahead and do it.
Or maybe just one of those bitter Americans who cling to guns and religion.......

And using Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as an example is just lame.
Neither got the nomination #1 because they had no media hype behind them.
#2 they weren't marketable as Obama has proven to be.
Theres about 50 more reasons but I don't have time or energy to write it.

You believe what you want to girk, read your stats, read your polls.
I live in the real world, and it is what it is.

Yes Blah,Blah Blah. As evidenced by the War on Iraq(among other issues) it seems Republicans like to disregard the facts. Yes ,Blah,Blah to those old pesky FACTS, huh.:dunno: Colin Powell regrets to this day how he was used to promote obvious falsehoods & exaggerrations. And I see that Republicans get upset with Dems like Gore & Obama with their fancy "Book Learning" & thoughtful reasoning. They are criticized as elites for being thoughtful,retrospective ,intelligent,etc...unlike Bush.:dunno: I now see where this absolute loathing of the facts come from.

By the way Jesse Jackson DID get over 80% Black vote. Shirley Chisholm was the first ever African American to run for President(see your history book) & she was showered with media attention. She didn't get this type support from Blacks. Blacks don't need media hype to know that AL Sharpton is Black.:1orglaugh Most Blacks simply do NOT TAKE AL SHARPTON serious nor agree with him.

That is why nearly 80% of people think this country is going in the wrong direction yet they keep supporting Republicans & voted for George Bush twice. They vote against the FACTS & reason

Come with some type of evidence or reasonable facts or this converstation is pointless.:wave2:
What amazes me is that SO MANY of the people here use an article about the people with racist tendencies among the DEMOCRATS to bash REPUBLICANS.

The truth gets so lost and ignore, revisionist history being a liberal trademark and all.

They seem to have missed HISTORY class and the fact that when the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT was passed, YEAH the president was a Democrat, but the CONGRESS was REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED and by a WIDE margin DEMOCRATS voted AGAINST that very amendment.

Yet so many ignorant people, primarily Democrats, like to claim the Equal Rights amendment was a DEMOCRAT THING, it most certainly was not.

And why are people so OBSESSED with RACE on this board??? I've never seen anything like it.

A WHOLE lot of people here need to join the 21st century.


Closed Account
What amazes me is that SO MANY of the people here use an article about the people with racist tendencies among the DEMOCRATS to bash REPUBLICANS.

The truth gets so lost and ignore, revisionist history being a liberal trademark and all.

They seem to have missed HISTORY class and the fact that when the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT was passed, YEAH the president was a Democrat, but the CONGRESS was REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED and by a WIDE margin DEMOCRATS voted AGAINST that very amendment.

Yet so many ignorant people, primarily Democrats, like to claim the Equal Rights amendment was a DEMOCRAT THING, it most certainly was not.

And why are people so OBSESSED with RACE on this board??? I've never seen anything like it.

A WHOLE lot of people here need to join the 21st century.

Yes I agree & if you read my post I said that Blacks,from my reading, voted heavily Republican from 1870-1930's because the Republican Party is NOT the same party as it was then as it is now. It is NOT the party of Lincoln.

Southern Pentecostal/ White Supremist/Segregationist
voted overwhelmingly DEMOCRATIC until 1964 before they became angry(Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act) & all defected to the Republican Party.

That is the Republican Party legacy & why Blacks do not trust them.
Calm down I doubt Obama will win. You can get four,eight years of the same nonsense with McCain.

PLEASE call the Republican party & tell them to join the 21st century while you are ranting. The Democrats are more representative of the meltig pot that is America than the repubs. Did you see the DNC in Denver?
Yes I agree & if you read my post I said that Blacks,from my reading, voted heavily Republican from 1870-1930's because the Republican Party is NOT the same party as it was then as it is now. It is NOT the party of Lincoln.

Southern Pentecostal/ White Supremist/Segregationist
voted overwhelmingly DEMOCRATIC until 1964 before they became angry(Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act) & all defected to the Republican Party.

That is the Republican Party legacy & why Blacks do not trust them.
Calm down I doubt Obama will win. You can get four,eight years of the same nonsense with McCain.

PLEASE call the Republican party & tell them to join the 21st century while you are ranting. The Democrats are more representative of the meltig pot that is America than the repubs. Did you see the DNC in Denver?

I'm not ranting, just stating facts.

As far as "Seeing the DNC in Denver" Nope I work over 50 hours a week and really don't have time for rhetoric from people I am not voting for anyway.
All it amounted to was the buildup to an egomaniac patting himself on the back for 40 minutes anyway.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Gotta hand it to ya, 86.. ya certainly gimme plenty of reason to neg rep somebody. The repubs bless you with every last dollar they have!


Half of the time ? Yea, that's about right, I tend to get sleepy after a while, self employ will do that to ya. Maybe try reading between the lines sometimes, or not at all.
Seriously, are we having a sub par evening or what ? Stop ragging on everybody. We all have opinions, OK ? Don't get all emotional and bent about it.
You type as if you're a man without shortcomings. Do we really need to see the redundancy of your :: games ?
I'm glad that you've finally abbreviated your imaginary - virtual personal location entry to one single word ! How did you manage that ??
What amazes me is that SO MANY of the people here use an article about the people with racist tendencies among the DEMOCRATS to bash REPUBLICANS.

The truth gets so lost and ignore, revisionist history being a liberal trademark and all.

They seem to have missed HISTORY class and the fact that when the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT was passed, YEAH the president was a Democrat, but the CONGRESS was REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED and by a WIDE margin DEMOCRATS voted AGAINST that very amendment.

Yet so many ignorant people, primarily Democrats, like to claim the Equal Rights amendment was a DEMOCRAT THING, it most certainly was not.

And why are people so OBSESSED with RACE on this board??? I've never seen anything like it.

A WHOLE lot of people here need to join the 21st century.

I guess you must really be talking about the civil rights act or the voting rights act because the "EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT" had nothing to do with race and was never passed anyway.

"The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of sex, which failed to gain ratification before the end of the deadline. In the intervening years, public attention to the ERA has greatly diminished, though the proposal has been reintroduced in every Congress since 1982."


If you are talking about the civil rights act and voting rights act it is beyond revisionism to try to claim that it was not a democrate (LBJ) who is the person by far most responsible for the passage of both.
It's not apathy at all. It's called "I'm being realistic". Racism will always exist and there is nothing that anyone can do to change that.

Just one last thought on this chef.If everyone took the attitude that things are they way they are and that nothing could be done about them as relates to such things we would still have slavery,segregation etc.
People can make a difference and have on many fronts many times.We have made a lot of progress on race in just my lifetime and it was only the actions of people fighting for equality and civil rights that brought that about.It would have been unthinkable for a black to be running as the nominee for of one of the two parties for president 50 years ago.We have come a long way in that time and many were beaten and or killed in that effort.But their sacrifice paid off as they undoubtley made a difference in changing attitudes and laws that enabled minorities to gain more rights as americans which they had been denied.I just do not accept that somehow people are powerless to make a real difference,it's clear they have.


Closed Account
I guess you must really be talking about the civil rights act or the voting rights act because the "EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT" had nothing to do with race and was never passed anyway.

"The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of sex, which failed to gain ratification before the end of the deadline. In the intervening years, public attention to the ERA has greatly diminished, though the proposal has been reintroduced in every Congress since 1982."


If you are talking about the civil rights act and voting rights act it is beyond revisionism to try to claim that it was not a democrate (LBJ) who is the person by far most responsible for the passage of both.

I should say only that I agreed with that guy on the fact the Republican Party was seen as more welcoming to African Americans(between Reconstruction & Great Depression) & I have detailed that in my earlier posts.. Obviously the ERA was a woman's issue so I also don't know how it is relevant, but that seems to be the response from repub voters when facts are proffered. Get off the subject or make up some convoluted theory.
I thought maybe he meant that the Republican party was sensitive(considering the racist era) to Black & Women issues of the time.

But upon further review it seems that he is trying to rewrite History but more likely confused/unknowledgeable about the Voting Rights & Civil Rights Acts(1964) that LBJ pushed for very hard. LBJ knew that he would lose the Deep South vote for the DEMS for generations ,but he put politics aside & did it anyway because he thought it was the right thing to do.:hatsoff: There is absolutely no debate about the "National level" Democratic legacy on Civil Rights.

Now that you have pointed this out I guess he ,like many others, will say blah,blah blah to your silly Facts, reasoning & "fancy book learning" like many Repubublican voters do when they pull the lever on election day as evidenced by G W. being a twice elected President.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Just one last thought on this chef.If everyone took the attitude that things are they way they are and that nothing could be done about them as relates to such things we would still have slavery,segregation etc.
People can make a difference and have on many fronts many times.We have made a lot of progress on race in just my lifetime and it was only the actions of people fighting for equality and civil rights that brought that about.It would have been unthinkable for a black to be running as the nominee for of one of the two parties for president 50 years ago.We have come a long way in that time and many were beaten and or killed in that effort.But their sacrifice paid off as they undoubtley made a difference in changing attitudes and laws that enabled minorities to gain more rights as americans which they had been denied.I just do not accept that somehow people are powerless to make a real difference,it's clear they have.

I never said that things haven't gotten "better" when it comes to the issue of racism. I just said that it will never go away. With all of the changes in this world, racism still exists and it's still constantly brought up and talked about. Just because we don't have slaves or other forms of segregation doesn't mean that racism isn't just as powerful as it was 50 or 100 years ago.

"Seperation" between different "races" is always going to exist. Everybody will always refer to other "races" as white people, black people, Mexican, Asian, hispanic, etc. I don't think that is necessarily racist, IMO, but it just goes to show that the human race has a permanent mentality that will never change.

Here's a question that is just going to be "thrown up in the air" and not directed at any one person in particular. Seriously, answer within yourselves with complete honesty...

When you saw that Barack Obama was running for President, was your first thought "wow, a BLACK candidate?"

I'm willing to bet it was.


Staff member
That's right. To be fair more white people should vote for him.:thumbsup:

I didn't expect that from you. Do you honestely think that the tax cut policy program made by Obama will save the USA? I think not. Also the other question is can we trust a guy who has for friends Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Rachid Khalidi and William Ayers? Answer is no again. Even in France, I have seen French ghetto people wearing Obama shirts and I have also seen teenagers which are clueless backing up Obama.
I guess you must really be talking about the civil rights act or the voting rights act because the "EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT" had nothing to do with race and was never passed anyway.

"The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of sex, which failed to gain ratification before the end of the deadline. In the intervening years, public attention to the ERA has greatly diminished, though the proposal has been reintroduced in every Congress since 1982."


If you are talking about the civil rights act and voting rights act it is beyond revisionism to try to claim that it was not a democrate (LBJ) who is the person by far most responsible for the passage of both.

Well you are right and wrong, I was thinking Civil Rights act. Sorry it was late when I posted it.

BUT you're absolutely WRONG about LBJ, whose intention was to VETO the bill but the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED congress had enough support to OVERRIDE the veto..

He had no choice, and this is all verified in history.

LBJ, EVER the opportunist, simply took credit for the bill when the opportunity presented itself.