Obama gets 12 stitches in his lip

The Fox Hayride just can't contain their glee over Obama's stitches. You know they all wish they were the one to deliver the elbow drop. Fags.

You could say they're probably in stitches themselves.:dunno:


x said:
The Fox Hayride just can't contain their glee over Obama's stitches.

:confused: Wot? :dunno:

The original article is sourced from AP... what does fox news have to do with it?
Amazing, The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayres takes an inadvertent shot to the lower lip --> default -> Attack foxmews?

x said:
You know they all wish they were the one to deliver the elbow drop.

:why: umm, no sir, I don't! :spin:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Alrighty, "f", if you want to play the "pretend Fox isn't a rightwing douchebag network" game, you'll be flying solo on that one.
Guy who elbowed him obviously is part of those who won't be voting on him ever again hehe.
Too bad they didn't stitch them both together.......:eeew:..........just kidding!


Attention football players. This guy is the fucking president, he took an actual injury, and handled it like a man.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Attention football players. This guy is the fucking president, he took an actual injury, and handled it like a man.

I just hope his busted lip doesn't stop him speaking; it would be a shame to waste hte talents of the first English speaking american president since Clinton...


milf n' cookies
It's horribly sad when this kind of news makes SportsCenter. :lame:


Closed Account
From the looks of the first page, I can say this is not the right forum to be a republican in lol