Sarah Huckabee-Sanders booted from Red Hen Restaurant

And all she wanted was some damn waffles, biscuits and gravy, eggs bacon and sweet ass honey and butter to top off on some side biscuits. Fuckers.
Agreed, but when I said Dems want "God" removed from schools I meant the word God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance that is recited everyday at school. Just wanted to correct myself ;) I'm not a religious man but will respect if you practice no matter what faith. Teach them all or none at all.
Typically american paradox : The Constitution states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion [...] but the government requires kids to recitate a Pledge of Aliegance that states I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God [...] each morning bfore class
This doesn't make any sense !

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
but the government requires kids to recitate a Pledge of Aliegance that states I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God [...] each morning bfore class
This doesn't make any sense !

There is no such government requirement.
There is no such government requirement.
Ok, my bad

Then why so many schools have kids reciting it ?
One could find it anti-constitutionnal that a school forces kids to recite something about One nation under God. What happens if a kid doesn't want to, says he's atheist an therefore refuses to recite it ?


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sorry, to sidetrack and to put you on the spot, but that, right there - you're actually man enough to admit when you're mistaken unlike certain baseball bat-wielding pussies.

That Deutsch Bank though.

... The only western bank still doing business with Trump. Other than all those russian mob organisations

Nice that you brought it up, mein Freund :coolthumb:
sorry, to sidetrack and to put you on the spot, but that, right there - you're actually man enough to admit when you're mistaken unlike certain baseball bat-wielding pussies.

That Deutsch Bank though.

Today was my lucky day. I received 2 emails from our mullet wearing friend claiming that he has my Facebook page and that I am a Marquette alum puh-leeze ( Go Heels!) and immigration lawyer. Then he deletes his email account.

Not only is there a creepy factor off the meter with this guy but if by some remote chance he has a wife or girlfriend (doubtful) the domestic protection orders are probably stacked 6 feet high. Maybe we should find out.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Then why so many schools have kids reciting it ?

They don't. It's voluntary. Any instances of it being mandatory would be localized and would be against the law here.

One could find it anti-constitutionnal that a school forces kids to recite something about One nation under God. What happens if a kid doesn't want to, says he's atheist an therefore refuses to recite it ?

Yes, it is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court decided in 1943, West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, that no student in a public school had to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, and that forcing someone to recite it is a violation of the First Amendment and the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

What is MUCH more common in the U.S. now is for local school boards to take action against individual students and student groups that engage in prayer or display religious symbols on school grounds. Public K-12 schools here generally don't recognize Christmas or Easter either. Those holiday breaks are now usually referred to as Winter Break and Spring Break.

Back to this issue concerning Sarah Sanders. In the libertarian sense, I see it as the right of any privately owned business to do business (or not) with whomever they choose, as long as no discrimination laws are being violated. It's legal to discriminate against her for being a conservative (or a liberal). It would be illegal to discriminate against her for being White or for being a woman. I'm no fan of Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. I honestly don't know that much about her, so I really have no opinion about her one way or the other. But the way this was handled by the restaurant was IMO both childish and unprofessional - no different than the doctor who put up a sign stating that he would not treat Obama supporters about a decade ago. I wouldn't eat in this restaurant (who knows if there might be something about me they wouldn't like and they'd spit in my food) and I wouldn't go to that doctor either (he might not like something about me and might intentionally misdiagnose my ailment). So I believe that they both had a right to do what they did. But I don't patronize unprofessional establishments.
There’s another Red Hen in D.C. unaffiliated with the Lexington establishment.
I can’t wait for the audit. It would be awesome if it turns out that the owner was lying about being related to Meryl Streep too. From what I’ve heard, it has not been confirmed.
So apparently, Sarah Sanders leaving The Red Hen without protest wasn't good enough. The Red Hen's owner and a group of people walked across the street and began harassing her family at the next restaurant they went to until Sarah's in-laws (who are never Trumper democrats) had to come out and say "Sarah isn't here. And you're hurting our cause.

Stay classy and stay tolerant. :thumbsup:
That’s the first that I have heard of this. You are saying that the cunt followed Sarah to another restaurant and harassed her after she left the Red Hen without making a scene and still offering to pay?
Oh fuck no!

Fuck The cotdam left. And yeah civil war 2.0 has already started. Let’s finish it.