Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...

Will E Worm

Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...

Hours after delivering a White House speech that called on wealthy Americans to pay higher taxes, President Barack Obama dined with some of these very Americans in New York. He was expected to raise more than $2 million for his reelection campaign.

He didn’t mention his plan to tax the rich, at least not in front of reporters. But he did allude to the controversy around his plan.

“We’re already hearing the moans and groans of the other side,” he said.

“You’re already hearing the moans and groans from the other side about how we are engaging in class warfare and we’re being too populist and this and that and the other — all the usual scripts.”

He added: “The fact you are present here tonight is something that is hugely encouraging to me.”

The fund-raiser was held at the Upper East Side home of Jane Hartley, CEO of the Observatory Group LLC, an economic and political advisory firm, and Ralph Schlosstein, president and CEO of the investment banking firm Evercore Partners Inc.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Obama proposed a $3.6 trillion deficit reduction package, much of which would come from higher taxes on families earning over $250,000.


Obama Doesn't Mention Tax Hikes on Rich . . . at High-Dollar Fundraiser

According to the Wall Street Journal, "Tickets to Monday’s [fundraising] dinner were $35,800 per person, with $5,000 going to the Obama campaign and the rest going to the Democratic National Committee. That’s the maximum contribution allowed by law."

So it's no wonder the president didn't mention his plan to hike taxes on the rich!


Hypocrite. :elaugh:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

Every president does this to raise money. He doesn't exactly have time to go out and spend time fundraising.

You know... that whole running the country thing comes first.

Will E Worm


Every president does this to raise money. He doesn't exactly have time to go out and spend time fundraising.

You know... that whole running the country thing comes first.

Except when he is on vacation, picking basketball winners, and the many other things that sidetrack him.

First he derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash.
Then he doesn't even mention that he wants to raise their taxes. :facepalm:

Every President has done that. :rolleyes:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Except when he is on vacation, picking basketball winners, and the many other things that sidetrack him.

How often was Bush at the Ranch? Everyone takes vacations. The presidency is still a job, thus Obama is entitled to go on vacation like every other working American.

March Madness costs employers 889 million dollars (look a reputable source - you should try that some time) in lost work every year. We all get sidetracked by that, Besides, I don't think that the president taking one hour to fill out a bracket really affected anything.

Any other comments, Scooter. I enjoy shooting you down. :D

Will E Worm

Yes but none of them are as good as the Big O!!! Viva Obama!!!! :bowdown:

He's one of the worse Presidents ever.

How often was Bush at the Ranch? Everyone takes vacations. The presidency is still a job, thus Obama is entitled to go on vacation like every other working American.

March Madness costs employers 889 million dollars (look a reputable source - you should try that some time) in lost work every year. We all get sidetracked by that, Besides, I don't think that the president taking one hour to fill out a bracket really affected anything.

Any other comments, Scooter. I enjoy shooting you down. :D

Bush going to his ranch is nothing compared to the Obama's jet setting all over the world at taxpayers expense. Not even close.

Also, eating and driving what they tell us not to. Hypocrites.

Just because you don't think the site is credible or reputable doesn't make it so.
It is more than you want to admit.

I don't care about March Madness or what it costs employers.
They can fire the ones who do those things.

Just an hour? Please. :noway:

I am the one holding the gun that is shooting you down. ;)
Wall Street Joke Online and Weakly Slandered.

I'm sure they pointed out how rare an occurrence (rare as stripes on a tiger) this is didn't they?:rolleyes:

BTW Worm...does this also mean Obama can be objective? I would have a problem if he were kissing their asses while he was taking their money.

Will E Worm

Wall Street Joke Online and Weakly Slandered.

I'm sure they pointed out how rare an occurrence (rare as stripes on a tiger) this is didn't they?:rolleyes:

BTW Worm...does this also mean Obama can be objective? I would have a problem if he were kissing their asses while he was taking their money.

He's not objective. He does kiss a lot of :booty:.


Hypocrite. :elaugh:
Yea, and what about that General Electric entity, America's largest corporation that didn't pay any corporate taxes in 2010 and, by last account, isn't going to be paying any taxes this year either?
Did you see GE's earnings for 2010?!

Omama to GE CEO....

''Look.... whatever your name is.... oh, Jeffery Im....melt, the teleprompter reads?
Yea, well ....you pay down the costs of my billion dollar 2012 potus campaign and in turn, you don't pay any corporate taxes.... deal? What was your name again sir? I know, I know... I'm sorry, I just get lost without that teleprompty thingy.:o
Try this again... J-e-f-f I-m-m-e-l-t it says? Is that you sir?'' :facepalm:
Yea, and what about that General Electric entity, America's largest corporation that didn't pay any corporate taxes in 2010 and, by last account, isn't going to be paying any taxes this year either?
Did you see GE's earnings for 2010?!

Omama to GE CEO....

''Look.... whatever your name is.... oh, Jeffery Im....melt, the teleprompter reads?
Yea, well ....you pay down the costs of my billion dollar 2012 potus campaign and in turn, you don't pay any corporate taxes.... deal? What was your name again sir? I know, I know... I'm sorry, I just get lost without that teleprompty thingy.:o
Try this again... J-e-f-f I-m-m-e-l-t it says? Is that you sir?'' :facepalm:

Don't forget that the ex-CEO of GE is O's economic advisor.

Simply put, if this happened under GW's watch, the same people defending Obama would have been outraged. I'm outraged REGARDLESS of whos watch it happened under, and this SHOULD be another wake up call to the D and R zombies that both major parties are completely bought and paid for, and that a new, flatter, simpler tax system is DESPERATELY needed... as is real, meaningful campaign finance reform to get the money OUT of politics! :2 cents:
GOPers (apologists and enthusiasts): Obummer sucks!



Postal Paranoiac
You know what you do whenever you go to the polls? You vote for the person who best supports your views, your hopes and your way of life.
"So it's no wonder the president didn't mention his plan to hike taxes on the rich!"
He's been saying that for a long time.
So if he took their money and then gave tax breaks to them like the right does, it would be better?
"So it's no wonder the president didn't mention his plan to hike taxes on the rich!"
He's been saying that for a long time.
So if he took their money and then gave tax breaks to them like the right does, it would be better?

Tax the rich sounds good, but how much traction will this bum get out of constantly repeating it while the rest of the economy goes to hell?
I wonder if Michelle's ever popped off her Lee Press-On Nails and went after Barry with a shoe. Michelle's prints are also the only ones on the Mossberg that leans against the wall in the bedroom. Barry's are on the Judy Garland memorabilia.

Jon S.

Who owns the Wall Street Journal again? Oh yeah, Rupert Murdoch......God knows he's "objective!" :facepalm: I thought right wingers had issues with foreigners......yet they seem to take their marching orders from Rupert and the gang! Oh yeah, I forgot, they only have issues with foreigners and people of color. Oops, my bad, Rupert's a caucasian......so it's all good I suppose. Ha ha ha!

I didn't even have to look at who started this steaming pile of a thread :baconsalt:......one look at the title is all it took! :facepalm: Can anyone say PREDICTABLE?

Oh yeah, about the whole vacation thing....among recent Presidents at the 31 months in office mark:


Obama: 61 days (about 2 months)
W. Bush: 180 days (6 months)
Clinton: 28 days (about 1 month)
Reagan: 112 days (about 4 months)

Looks to me that "W" was on vacation 3x as much as Obama, and Reagan was on vacation 2x as much. Yep, Obama is soooooooo abusive. Oops, I fucked up, I came at the worm with FACTS......God knows that never works! :nono: Ha ha ha!