Will E Worm
Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...
Hours after delivering a White House speech that called on wealthy Americans to pay higher taxes, President Barack Obama dined with some of these very Americans in New York. He was expected to raise more than $2 million for his reelection campaign.
He didn’t mention his plan to tax the rich, at least not in front of reporters. But he did allude to the controversy around his plan.
“We’re already hearing the moans and groans of the other side,” he said.
“You’re already hearing the moans and groans from the other side about how we are engaging in class warfare and we’re being too populist and this and that and the other — all the usual scripts.”
He added: “The fact you are present here tonight is something that is hugely encouraging to me.”
The fund-raiser was held at the Upper East Side home of Jane Hartley, CEO of the Observatory Group LLC, an economic and political advisory firm, and Ralph Schlosstein, president and CEO of the investment banking firm Evercore Partners Inc.
Earlier in the day, Mr. Obama proposed a $3.6 trillion deficit reduction package, much of which would come from higher taxes on families earning over $250,000.
Obama Doesn't Mention Tax Hikes on Rich . . . at High-Dollar Fundraiser
According to the Wall Street Journal, "Tickets to Monday’s [fundraising] dinner were $35,800 per person, with $5,000 going to the Obama campaign and the rest going to the Democratic National Committee. That’s the maximum contribution allowed by law."
So it's no wonder the president didn't mention his plan to hike taxes on the rich!
Hypocrite. :elaugh: