Obama at War With America

It's the teeth in the right of revolution this country was founded on.
Sure in this day and age a people's uprising would most likely prove futile, but depending on circumstances it could conceivably be quite effective. In a worst case scenario Americans will never be loaded en masse on trains and shipped to gas chambers to be passively exterminated. If we're fated to die at the hands of a tyrannical government we can at least chose to die fighting. That distinction may not register with the rest of the world, but it resonates powerfully here.

This sort of answer, with respect, makes me wonder whether Americans live on the same planet .Do people actually BELIEVE this sort of thing?A strong Constitution and a free Press are the best safeguards.
Having said that, the UK has no Constitution yet we are as free as anyone else , more in some ways and perhaps less in other ways than our friends in the US.And we are unarmed , totally.
The seeds of this were sown just after the Revolution-which wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms by all the population-to justify the actions which had been taken.The idea that Americans had freed themselves from a tyrannical government (which it wasn't by any means) was pushed so hard people began to believe it.
This sort of answer, with respect, makes me wonder whether Americans live on the same planet.

With respect as well, the incredulity of Europeans makes us wonder if they've somehow forgotten the holocaust took place on the their continent, that it seemed easily as far fetched at the time as anything I just alluded to, that it happened less than 70 years ago, and that human nature being as it is the likes of it could certainly be attempted again.
With respect as well, the incredulity of Europeans makes us wonder if they've somehow forgotten the holocaust took place on the their continent, that it seemed easily as far fetched at the time as anything I just alluded to, that it happened less than 70 years ago, and that human nature being as it is the likes of it could certainly be attempted again.

What's far fetched is the idea that having guns will make any difference.The holocaust was perpetrated on a section of society who weren't aware about what was going to happen to them .

So 30 000 people die each year from firearm injuries while you wait to overthrow a mythical tyrranical government.
The gun statistics and how they are skewed ...

Of course the 2nd Amendment is being challenged-no rational person can see there is any need for it , it belonged to an age long gone.It offers few real benefits but a whole lot of problems not to mention 30 000 deaths every year.The rest of the world seems to get along quite nicely without it and is just amazed at why Americans think it's a good thing or benefits them in any way except for doctors and morticians.
What's far fetched is the idea that having guns will make any difference.The holocaust was perpetrated on a section of society who weren't aware about what was going to happen to them .
So 30 000 people die each year from firearm injuries while you wait to overthrow a mythical tyrranical government.
And yet what are those statistics? They certainly aren't comparable to other nations. They are US statistics based on US individualistic ideals.

I personally love Brady's own statistics on assault weapons. They love to mix legal assault weapon ownership with illegal for their statistics. Yet when you remove the legal ownership, you're left with virtually 99.9% of the same statistics! I.e., 0.1% of the Brady's statistics on criminal, assault weapon usage is actually by legally owning, American cititzens. The numbers vary from year to year, but by mean, this is the relationship of how they end up virtually every year ...

- The number of Americans killed by legal assault weapon owners per year is in the tens (10s).
- The number of Americans killed by American felons with illegally owned assault weapons owners per year is in the hundreds (100s).
- The number of Americans killed by American criminal and other organizations with illegally owned assault weapons per year is in the thousands (1,000s).
- And the number of Americans killed by non-Americans with imported assault weapons (often shore and near-shore operations, typically non-American crime organizations) per year is nearly in the tens of thousands (10,000s)!

Again, from Brady's own statistics, almost 90% of those killed in the US by assault weapons are non-Americans with imported assault weapons. Most of this is drug-related crime. And nearly all of the remaining 10% or so are American felons, part of criminal organizations and otherwise could not legally own them. It's pathetic how it's barely 0.1% of criminal usage, virtually 1 in 1,000, is from legal owners.

Outlawing guns in the US will only change some statistics, not the sheer numbers. It will not do anything to stem gun crimes in the US. The best way to stem gun crimes in the US is to deny those who could not legally own them access to them. That is something even the NRA strongly agrees to.

The "gun problem" in the US is criminal. It's an American foundational issue. It doesn't go away with outlawing of firearms. That's what most non-Americans don't seem to understand. We are a violent nation. You're blaming guns for what is an individualistic attitude difference.


Of course the 2nd Amendment is being challenged-no rational person can see there is any need for it , it belonged to an age long gone.It offers few real benefits but a whole lot of problems not to mention 30 000 deaths every year.The rest of the world seems to get along quite nicely without it and is just amazed at why Americans think it's a good thing or benefits them in any way except for doctors and morticians.

Again, not to sound supreme or anything but, for better or worse, I scoff at the relativistic contrasting between America and the rest of the world. I am a citizen of this nation, therefor, I shouldn't subject myself to the dictum of . . .say . . . the United Nations, for example.

World Citizen me not :D
But in the same regard, I'm a Floridian more than an American ...

Again, not to sound supreme or anything but, for better or worse, I scoff at the relativistic contrasting between America and the rest of the world. I am a citizen of this nation, therefor, I shouldn't subject myself to the dictum of . . .say . . . the United Nations, for example.
World Citizen me not :D
You're a world citizen, just like an American citizen, despite being a registered, card carrying member of a state which has far exceeding authority than our American federal entity.

With that said, I think I'm going to stop calling myself an American on this board and call myself a Floridian instead, to make that point stick. If people are confused, it will only serve the purpose more. If people think I'm misguided, it will only expose their lack of understanding of how I'm a Floridian far more than an American.
Of course the 2nd Amendment is being challenged-no rational person can see there is any need for it , it belonged to an age long gone.It offers few real benefits but a whole lot of problems not to mention 30 000 deaths every year.The rest of the world seems to get along quite nicely without it and is just amazed at why Americans think it's a good thing or benefits them in any way except for doctors and morticians.

If for no other reason, I'd prefer to have that right (to bear arms) simply because of the nation south of us (Mexico). http://www.nationmaster.com/country/mx-mexico/cri-crime When they declare war on us (if they haven't already), as a red-blooded American, I prefer to own a gun. BTW, I understan Mexico has very strict gun laws. Go figure that it's a murder zone down there.
If for no other reason, I'd prefer to have that right (to bear arms) simply because of the nation south of us (Mexico). http://www.nationmaster.com/country/mx-mexico/cri-crime When they declare war on us (if they haven't already), as a red-blooded American, I prefer to own a gun. BTW, I understan Mexico has very strict gun laws. Go figure that it's a murder zone down there.

If you can't see the gaping error in your logic then it's no point my pointing it out to you.
Owning a gun of course only benefits you if the other guy doesn't have one.As for mexican gun laws, laws which aren't properly enforced tend not to work very well.
If you can't see the gaping error in your logic then it's no point my pointing it out to you.
Owning a gun of course only benefits you if the other guy doesn't have one.As for mexican gun laws, laws which aren't properly enforced tend not to work very well.

It's just one reason among many to own a firearm. And no, owning a gun is not only beneficial if the other slime doesn't own one. That's precisely the reason to own one; because criminals have them.

"Piece keepers keep the peace."

Will E Worm

Of course the 2nd Amendment is being challenged-no rational person can see there is any need for it , it belonged to an age long gone.It offers few real benefits but a whole lot of problems not to mention 30 000 deaths every year.The rest of the world seems to get along quite nicely without it and is just amazed at why Americans think it's a good thing or benefits them in any way except for doctors and morticians.


Do you mean any rational person can see why we need the Second Amendment? ;)

Firearm death is way down the list. Look at deaths by vehicles.

Leading Causes of Death in the United States