Obama at War With America

Why is it that those on the right hate America?

Selfish immature infantilism basically. They are in a fog of denial that the US has teetered on the edge of collapse based on their leadership and ideology.

They would rather return the country to the stone age or British colonialism than actually let the party that won all the recent elections make all the decisions. The people spoke in November and the People will continue to remove Republicans from office if they don't stop petty obstructionism.
I don't hope Obama fails, because that means the enonomy will go into a depression. I do fear that he will fail, and is already failing. From what we have seen from him already he will not "Change" anything for our benefit.

Will E Worm

Why is it that those on the right hate America?

What "right?" It's all an illusion.

Forget the politicians, they're irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice - you don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and payed for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets, and they own all the big media, so they control just about all the information you get. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying - lobbying, to get what they want.

George Carlin, voting

“The next time they give you all that civic bullshit about voting, keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free democratic election” George Carlin

“I don't vote. Two reasons. First of all it's meaningless; this country was bought and sold a long time ago. The shit they shovel around every 4 years *pfff* doesn't mean a fucking thing. Secondly, I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around – they say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain', but where's the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.” George Carlin
Obama has the best shot at historical presidential greatness in living memory. Stop the vicious ignorant destructive crap. If you have nothing to add in support move to the sideline until a new conservative leader emerges. Until then weep over the loser parade that is Jindal, Palin, Gingrich, Romney, Steele, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly, Huckabee etc. None are fit to serve in any meaningful way, shape or form. The Republicans need the grace to understand that it is their turn for humility in the wilderness and the sooner they wax apologetic and get on with it the better. Grandiose posturing will not work. Everyone can still remember GWB.
all the right-wing loonies have been getting into the catnip again i see
The corporation, the entity that made whores out of Republicans, has destroyed Capitalism. Republicans need to look inward for blame. And they need to step aside while "grown ups" make *important* decisions to save the country from mass breadlines, neighbor on neighbor theft and rich vs poor open war.

What's wrong with breadlines? I have been to them when a Hurricane hit back in 1988, two freaking months without electricity/High School/potable running water, you should talk to Obama about that rich vs poor because it seesm to me that he is the agitator, see what most of his supporters say or think about those that busted their ass 12 hours a day and have a decent lifestyle. You see the rich is not getting that much of attacked it's the working middle class! I rent an apartment for a loong time, my car is paid off, don't have that many bills, still bust my ass as a part timer working over time to make a decent living, but I still got people living on the system that think that I am rich and are like always wishing me bad, tell Obama to stop feeding that hatred to these masses with the pitch forks and torches and these democrats to stop punishing the hard working people with taxes and spending. Check out how Colorado run by dems is increasing everything, utilities by $12.00 extra (even though they wanted people to buy those going green lights, oops there goes the savings), vehicle registration fees, tire disposal fee, medical insurance fee added to your car insurance, increase in parking tickets fees...

If Republicans continue to stand in the way and obstruct and bitch and moan...than they risk confirming Marx's belief that Capitalism is basically nothing more than a step along the path of humanity toward Communism (Socialism).

They did bring this upon us and themselves and do need to clearly articulate a smart way to combat all this spending without limits that Obama and Dems want to put on us. That of course without sounding like hypocirtes themselves

Why is it that those on the right hate America?

I don't know you tell me, but can you also tell me why those on the left are always talking down America? Mr. Obama seems to like doing that.

Selfish immature infantilism basically. They are in a fog of denial that the US has teetered on the edge of collapse based on their leadership and ideology.

Can't blame only one group for that, Dems did gain control of Congress since the elections of 2006, based on opposing the war in Iraq.

They would rather return the country to the stone age or British colonialism than actually let the party that won all the recent elections make all the decisions. The people spoke in November and the People will continue to remove Republicans from office if they don't stop petty obstructionism.

Er, only 52% and if you based it on electoral votes, pretty much the two states with most electoral votes are the ones that are the worst fuck ups...California and New York...and laws need to be debated for as much time as needed not rammed down people's throat because there is no time we are in a crisis and let's scare the shit out of this people...seems to me like Bush scare tactics works as well for President Obama.

I don't hope Obama fails, because that means the enonomy will go into a depression. I do fear that he will fail, and is already failing. From what we have seen from him already he will not "Change" anything for our benefit.

Not really, it means his attemp to make the rich pay and crushing the middle class ain't gonna work...this bail out has set the standard for his spending out of control if he passes his massive crazy budget and yes that will change the value of our way of spending big time, another bail out down the road here and there, what would his deficit look after his four years?!

Obama has the best shot at historical presidential greatness in living memory. Stop the vicious ignorant destructive crap. If you have nothing to add in support move to the sideline until a new conservative leader emerges. Until then weep over the loser parade that is Jindal, Palin, Gingrich, Romney, Steele, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly, Huckabee etc. None are fit to serve in any meaningful way, shape or form. The Republicans need the grace to understand that it is their turn for humility in the wilderness and the sooner they wax apologetic and get on with it the better. Grandiose posturing will not work. Everyone can still remember GWB.

He does, he has the votes in Congress. Yes the Republicans deserve this, the American people don't, my children don't, their children don't. No moving to the sidelines and letting the left keep marching over us. Nah it's not that easy buddy, everything is up for debate, spending, health care reform, taxes, etc. This was a president elected by a majority of people not a King that was appointed, last time I checked we are still in a democracy. I had to deal with eight long years of Bush in which his bad decisions sent my ass twice to Iraq to fight his venedetta war against Saddam, my family went through shit for those two years, I am still dealing with it back home and I refuse to let anyone else come and con this nation under a different banner of "change" and "hope" bullshit.

This democracy will only work if things get debated and people push for it and are willing to sacrifice some things here and there...it will not be by spending ourselves out of an economic crisis, because down the road we are setting ourselves for a bigger one down the road that even goverment wont be able to save itself.


Staff member
Obama has the best shot at historical presidential greatness in living memory. Stop the vicious ignorant destructive crap. If you have nothing to add in support move to the sideline until a new conservative leader emerges. Until then weep over the loser parade that is Jindal, Palin, Gingrich, Romney, Steele, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly, Huckabee etc. None are fit to serve in any meaningful way, shape or form. The Republicans need the grace to understand that it is their turn for humility in the wilderness and the sooner they wax apologetic and get on with it the better. Grandiose posturing will not work. Everyone can still remember GWB.

He is the best for black people, illegal aliens, muslims and other minorities but certainly not the best for white people. Look at the decisions he has taken recently, are those decisions meant to be taken as a real "change"? I think Obama is inexperienced as a president and will fail sooner or later. When one makes too fucking much promises, is unable to keep them and takes the wrong decisions, then failure will be forthcoming and will backfire at him. His former supporters will become his fiercest enemies. Politics are not Alice in Wonderland, it is based on facts and results over the long run. Reagan made of the USA a stellar country, but after him none did as good as him and please don't tell me that Bill was that good as president because liars under oath and UN ass kissers are the worse type of presidents sthat can exist.
Oh f*** - WorldNetDaily AND NewsMax !!!???? Ok, I guess that explains why you're so far out there. I won't give either site any more clicks.

I give Fox an occasional hit, but I won't go THAT far down...
He was born in a Navy ship by the Panama Canal back when...wait that's not him that's that wolverine no er mustang...no maverick guy...Obama, he's american as apple pie..now drop this and give the man a chance
don_equis: I can't make sense of your massive response because the Black/Red text is confusing. I don't know if you responding to me or to someone else..:dunno:

I think you typed this...Ill respond to it anyway.
This democracy will only work if things get debated and people push for it and are willing to sacrifice some things here and there...it will not be by spending ourselves out of an economic crisis, because down the road we are setting ourselves for a bigger one down the road that even goverment wont be able to save itself.
We have moved from recession into weak Depression. If we want to actually go down the path to decade long Depression, than sitting back and doing nothing is the way to go, or cutting taxes would dig the Depression hole deeper.

America voted for Obama to make the decisions and for Democrats to replace Republicans. America does not hold the Democratic congress of 2006 accountable because they did not have the ability to stop Dubya from his VETO POWER...strange, he never vetoed anything from Congress before 2006, did he?

I don't care about Republicans. They are a sham party who use "Patriotism" and "God" to fear, smear, and consolidate power for themselves and for Corporations. They step on "the little guy" in order to bend over for "the Big Guy." Republicans have no credibility to voice an opinion on anything. They have fucked over the country. All they should do is figure out a way to get back into "the discussion" when the country turns around. Obstructionism is a loser's behavior.

Nothing ever is bad unless it happens to Republicans. That was the post-Katrina message when it was realized that several wealthy Republicans lost their mansions to the flooding but their own insurance companies wouldn't bail them out.

What about "Faith"? We had a "born-again" Christian in the White House for 8 years...a president and staff who openly prayed before big staff meetings. Does it seem like their prayers were answered? Or, were Dubya and his pals praying for economic ruin and Iraq to be a meaningless quagmire?:dunno:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
My lil piece for this thread....

Obama is ?limiting? the 2nd Amendment through his Attorney General Eric Holder who has quietly introduced legislation to curtail ownership of guns

The last president shat on various historical rules such as free speech and privacy. This president wants to take away guns. Why do conservatives get so 'up in arms' ::chuckle:: about firearms? Most of us are white, middle-class Americans who have *NO FUCKING NEED* for them. Is the caucasian need for eternal life AKA safety nets (firearms, 401K, etc) so incredibly necessary? Are we so insecure that we actually need to keep a gun or two around for that once-in-a-lifetime moment when a burglar is taking our crap? To save the cashier at wendy's from getting robbed? Are we cops? Honestly how skilled are most of you with using a gun? Can you shoot worth a shit? Can you take a life? ::rolls eyes:: Whatever. It's a nice thing to own one.. but it's not QUITE as useful as it was to the founding fathers' era