Obama and his administration, including Hillary are going DOWN!

It's laughable and pathetic that the senate majority leader on the senate floor calls two private citizens "unamerican." Because they support terrorists? The overthrow of the government? They hate baseball and apple pie? No. They oppose the administration and it's policies and are willing to put their significant money where their mouth is.

Remember this?

November can't get here soon enough.

They manipulate the political system to further nothing but their own greed and/or control. They contribute nothing to the America I grew up to love but only focus on what makes them richer and more powerful. Give these two enough of each and how long until the new 'brown shirts' take form.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
It's laughable and pathetic that the senate majority leader on the senate floor calls two private citizens "unamerican." Because they support terrorists? The overthrow of the government? They hate baseball and apple pie? No. They oppose the administration and it's policies and are willing to put their significant money where their mouth is.

Remember this?

November can't get here soon enough.

They put on a dog and pony show for the masses, they're all on the same side.
They put on a dog and pony show for the masses, they're all on the same side.

All true, but the philosophy is different on the meaning of the American Dream.

Dems play the same game sucking up to big business, but their policy for all is not starve, work for peanuts and go bankrupt if you get sick.

While the other side plays Gobel's type of hypocrisy on how America is the land of the free and all great, but push a agenda that is really under the fore-skin is nothing but on racial division and personal greed.

Last good Prez we had was Jimmy Carter. Told the plain truth before that cowboy clown Regan came in to power slashing unions and payrolls while rolling in the lets move manufacturing to cheap third world labor countries.

Plus Reagan said in the 80's race "Are you sick of the black welfare Cadillac driving mother?" The current TEA party faithful are the children on this bull, as in reality there are more people % why on welfare in the Appys and Ozarks then all the minorities.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
All true, but the philosophy is different on the meaning of the American Dream.

Dems play the same game sucking up to big business, but their policy for all is not starve, work for peanuts and go bankrupt if you get sick.

While the other side plays Gobel's type of hypocrisy on how America is the land of the free and all great, but push a agenda that is really under the fore-skin is nothing but on racial division and personal greed.

Last good Prez we had was Jimmy Carter. Told the plain truth before that cowboy clown Regan came in to power slashing unions and payrolls while rolling in the lets move manufacturing to cheap third world labor countries.

Plus Reagan said in the 80's race "Are you sick of the black welfare Cadillac driving mother?" The current TEA party faithful are the children on this bull, as in reality there are more people % why on welfare in the Appys and Ozarks then all the minorities.

I can agree that the dems throw a bone to the people every now and then but the republicans? Them fuckers don't want to help nobody with nothing.


Sounds like you two little girls are scared of the Koch Brothers; frantic and hysterical the GOP will have no problem helping the Dems crash and burn even more.
Ya had the USA for 6 years and the place is like a hotel room the morning after the Who stayed there...TRASHED.

Obama has done the deed with a lot of support and help, so I can see where you are pissing your undies...

Claiming there are more people in the Ozarks and Appalachians on welfare than all the Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in the country is a perfect example of the incoherent low-info types (MustBeStupid) and even some Americans sound the same...scared shitless.
Soros and Jarrett are more evil than the Koch Bros, they have the power right now and will do ANYTHING to hold on.
Like Dem Pres LBJ said, "“I’ll have those ******s voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
As has been demonstrated here, you don't need to be Black to vote Demotard...welfare and free stuff makes the Democrat heart grow fonder.

Liberal_Brain a1.jpg


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

Nothing on the Koch agenda benefits the average American. Some things never change, including David Koch's 1980 Vice Presidential platform.

Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:

“We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”

“We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”

“We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”

“We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”

“We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”

“We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”

“We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”

“We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”

“As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”

“We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”

“We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”

“We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”

“We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”

“We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”

“We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”

“We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”

“We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”

“We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”

“We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”

“We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”

“We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”

“We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”

“We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”

“We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”

“We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”

“We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”

The Koch Bros are nothing but a red herring. Progressives have been collecting ten times the amount of donations from limousine liberals and union thugs but it doesn't play as well as having a villainous pair of wealthy republican donors. I'm too lazy to find the list but the Koch Bros don't even crack the top 20 when it comes to donations. The top 28 spots belong to liberal donors.

The herring is turning colors with the mid-terms:

The Koch brothers are badly outspending the top two Democratic Super PACs on congressional races

TUE MAR 25, 2014 AT 02:30 PM PDT
Daily Kos Staff, Front PageRSS

Ad tracking firm Kantar Media Intelligence/CMAG has put together a chart comparing spending between the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity and two major Democratic outside groups, the Senate Majority PAC and the House Majority PAC. It's not even close:


Of course, this doesn't offer a complete picture of all third-party spending this cycle. But even if you added everything together, Republicans would still have a big edge. The question is whether Democrats will be able to achieve something closer to parity as Election Day draws nearer—and whether the effects of this early assault can be reversed, or if the damage is permanent.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
MBG, don't think you are going to fool any of us with your articles. At least that commie, pinko, tree-hugging Xfire was honest with his source, a candidate running for political office. Is the Daily Kos fair and balanced? You are using that as a news source. Let's look at the headline alone.

Daily Kos: The Koch brothers are badly outspending the top two Democratic Super PACs on congressional races.

Washington Post: An amazing chart on how the Koch brothers are dominating the Senate ad race.

Secondly, this is early money. This has no reflection on what is going to be spent by anyone in the months to come. Both sides have their money and as the court said, money is freedom of speech. Live with it.


Go Koch brothers!

Let's just repeal Liberals (except on Sundays)!
Sounds like the previous idiots are panicking, small wonder.

It's like watching a recess at the Special School; helmets must be worn at all times due to the constant headbutting of walls.

Ahhhhh! :eek:
The GOP leaning groups have put on MORE ADs than the Libtard groups!!! How can the world keep turning?!?!


"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. ” Democratic President L.B.Johnson

Been working pretty good up til now, it's beginning to wear a bit thin.
Still plenty of useful idiots running with the Party TPs, but they are obvious idiots and a new plan needs to be implemented.

"I mean you've got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Democratic Vice President Joe Biden



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The Koch privatization agenda only benefits the wealthy elite, people like David Koch, shock of shocks. Anyone stupid enough to root for the Koch agenda is too stupid to vote in their own best interests.


Still plenty of useful idiots running with the Party TPs, but they are obvious idiots...

The Koch privatization agenda only benefits the wealthy elite, people like David Koch, shock of shocks. Anyone stupid enough to root for the Koch agenda is too stupid to vote in their own best interests.

I rest my case...:facepalm:
MBG, don't think you are going to fool any of us with your articles. At least that commie, pinko, tree-hugging Xfire was honest with his source, a candidate running for political office. Is the Daily Kos fair and balanced? You are using that as a news source. Let's look at the headline alone.

Daily Kos: The Koch brothers are badly outspending the top two Democratic Super PACs on congressional races.

Washington Post: An amazing chart on how the Koch brothers are dominating the Senate ad race.

Secondly, this is early money. This has no reflection on what is going to be spent by anyone in the months to come. Both sides have their money and as the court said, money is freedom of speech. Live with it.

Sure is. Money is freedom and sounds like you support the court dumb decision to allow this.

Plus the racist koch Bros are concentrating their money on key races that are is states that the Dems are being outspend on is what the article is talking about.

So fuck your "LIVE WITH IT" as language like COMMIE makes you another sucker that buys in the bull that those two cock sucking rich dudes deal out as Gobels type of propaganda. .

Marx never meant for Communism by the way in country like Russia that was agriculture in nature after Lenin took ove. He was talking about the industrialize countries, because seen what greed can do in his times.

And guess which Commie country we owe a shitload of money to because the rich and corporations find ways for tax shelters?
And what the hell we need billions raised to elect a Prez?

Stupid Americans.

When we just could use CSpan for everyone to state their case without media outlets getting paid with BS attack ads.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Okay, let's get rid of the rhetoric. Governments wastes money and privates make money. History confirms this. Money should be put into the pockets of the people that earn it and it should be spent as they wish. People that need help should get it since that's the humanitarian thing to do. Sure there are leaches from the government system but the private sector has more resources to get them to move into self sufficiency.

Xfire knows where I am coming from and we have debated about this on a number of occasions. He also knows when to take a joke and continue with thought provoking exchanges.


He also says some of the lamest shit on the site...he shines as a agenda-driven poop spreader.
See his immediately previous posts as examples.
Misfire has a history of losing his way in logicland.