Obama and his administration, including Hillary are going DOWN!

I saw this thread and I thought it meant that that douchebag was back. I'm glad that's not the case.


I saw this thread and I thought it meant that that douchebag was back. I'm glad that's not the case.

It's nice, I think, to take the occasional moment and ponder the sheer tonnage of things Sampon was wrong about. If you're ever undecided about an issue, just ask Sammy what he thinks and beeline the other way.


Well, since ya limp dicks went and resurrected a dead thread so you could mess with a "dead" member (without the usual fear)...I have always wondered which of these racists were actually "Sam".
His statements seem so well-aligned with so many race haters.

Blacks and Hispanics are "too busy eating watermelon and tacos to learn to read and write."
Democrat Mike "Sam" Wallace

"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva."
Democrat Senator Fritz "Sam" Hollings

"You fucking Jew Retard!"
Democratic Secretary of State Hillary R."Sam" Clinton

"A handkercheif-head, Chicken and Biscuit Eating Uncle Tom." Democrat Spike "Sam" Lee on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

"Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
Democrat Senator Robert "Sam" Byrd

"White folks was in caves while we was building empires...we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it."
Democrat Rev. Al "Sam" Sharpton

Democrat Jesse "Sam" Jackson describing New York City

Democratic President Lyndon Baines "Sam" Johnson:

“I’ll have those ******s voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. "Sam" Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LB"S"J
[And he was right!]

"I mean you've got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Democratic Vice President Joe "Sam" Biden

I guess he wouldn't have to channel Uncle Joe, he's still here...kept away from people and live mikes by a secret squad of Secret Service.
Or Hillary C...Bill's at-home bitch.

I just can't seem to pick one!





Of course you have nothing...as a troll it's your duty to post lame-ass shit when confronted with the truth of the matter; you are the worst racist and dumbest Libtard you can be. Well, almost...I know you'll keep striving for even lower levels of discussion, being as fake and ignorant as you are there can still be even lamer posts to come.

So far, my fav is the $200 blunt brought all the way to Colorado by "wetbacks" (your term).:rofl: You can be really dumb...:coolthumb:

I noticed you put "Co" on the end of "Vail'; as a furriner, do you think the rest of the country are as ignorant as you are of the USA?
We also don't put "NY" on the end of "NYC", or "Ill" on "Chicago". Like you obviously do...

Keep on trolling, and I can look forward to a MustBeShit-less P & R section.

Or Karma may take a hand...you really should try that "Choking Game". It might help your little problem...:flaccid:

Ha Ha! After Mr_Stiffy came to your defense, I put you on ignore like the advice from some.

So fuck your response!



Responded back! After all I'm making a fool out of myself dealing with a internet dude on a porn site that smokes weed.

Thought weed was the happy drug. You should get a picture of Jacks Daniels instead with the way you post.




Ha Ha! After Mr_Stiffy came to your defense, I put you on ignore like the advice from some.

So fuck your response!


Responded back! After all I'm making a fool out of myself dealing with a internet dude on a porn site that smokes weed.

Thought weed was the happy drug. You should get a picture of Jacks Daniels instead with the way you post.

The two of you are obviously twin sons of different mothers!

Ya'll must enjoy those lunch dates a lot...


Mr_Stiffy came to the defense of FOs, you troll way too much and hijack every thread you visit.

a internet dude on a porn site that smokes weed.

Not that there is some category called "internet dude", but I take it that's your lame attempt at an insult...:facepalm:...obviously you know nothing about Reefer, as you just insulted half the people on FOs, including mods, OSCMs, and just folks.
You are an obvious drinker, while I don't touch alcohol or tobacco. So I can tell...
You loose again...consult lickingdick or Misfire for more posting permission. Although they don't do all that well themselves...
You need to adopt this smiley as your avatar.
For that punk bitch Phil :)

Read it and responded, as I won't read it!

Bill Maher To Letterman: ‘Tea Baggers’ Are ‘Corporate America’s Useful Idiots’

David Letterman gleefully sprung open a can of worms on his show by asking liberal host Bill Maher about his “Tea Party pals.”

Maher said “Tea Baggers” (a moniker he’ll continue to bestow upon advocates of the Tea Party movement, he explains, as long as “they” continue to refer to President Obama’s health care initiatives as “Obamacare”) are “sad, unfortunate people” because they are “corporate America’s useful idiots.” He continued:

Their whole campaign is based on money. It’s all about “we have too much debt,” “the deficit is too high.” They are, after all, named after a tax revolt.

But, you know, there’s this thing called facts. Where did all this debt come from? Well, the facts will tell us it was mostly ran up under Bush. Two wars that we put on the credit card. Prescription drug program that was unpaid for. Tax cuts for the richest one percent that was unpaid for. Where were the Tea Party then? Crickets.

Maher, for one, has a theory about why that was – the rise of “President Nosferatu:”

There’s just something about him that they don’t like. I can’t put my finger on what it is. But there’s some way that he’s just not like them. I don’t know what…

He’s skinny, that must be it. He’s skinny, they’re fat, and he’s skinny.

Get mad and type!


Not bad.
Just when I thought you were really as dumb as you could get, you bring it to another level.

He quotes Bill Maher as a source of facts and wisdom...really.
And David Letterman is as creepy as they come...
MustBeShit stealing someone else's words again. said:
But, you know, there’s this thing called facts. Where did all this debt come from? Well, the facts will tell us it was mostly ran up under Bush. Two wars that we put on the credit card.

Shall we compare just the Budget deficit?

In fiscal 2008, the last full year that George W. Bush was president, the deficit was $454.798 billion.

in fiscal 2009, it was $1.415724 trillion. Otrama owned

in fiscal 2010, it was $1.294204 trillion. Otrama owned

in fiscal 2011, it was $1.296791 trillion. Otrama owned

In fiscal 2012, the deficit was $1.089193 trillion Otrama owned

In fiscal 2013, which ended Sept. 30, the deficit was $680.276 billion, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released Wednesday. Barry did this one too.

(The annual deficit numbers for 1997-2013 come from the Monthly Treasury Statements. )

Thank God for the GOP and Dems with some brains, or we'd be having National Garage Sales about now...
Thank God MustBeShit is a common Libtard and is so ignorant he only repeats his obvious Libtard talking points, in between trolling the site; he's not alone and constitutes no threat to the clear visioned Conservatives and Independants of the world. There are Dems who get it as well, only they have to swim against the raging tide of Libby Demotards (like guess who?).

Moving their wealth away from the Libbies who brought you Detroit and other bankrupt American cities and keeping the concept of military might keeping the other guys "honest" close at hand; then there's Otrama and his admin...ready to go medieval on our asses ,but keeps on smiling at our active enemies.

I don't really think he's Kenyan, but maybe French?:D

MustBeShit: the Gimp who keeps on giving.:facepalm::flaccid:


Bush left a holy mess that we bought our way out of blame who you wish but the fact is W is the culprit.

Bush had a Demotard congress...they da culprits, Dumbass. And then Otrama made it fly.

You should be thankful for Bush...at least you can spell his name.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
All the punk bitch is going do is keep posting DRUNK NOT HIGH ON WEED to get the last words.

There ya go, MBG.

And you're welcome, Failbert, feel free to use that image. I'll send you the proper size avatar, I'm sure you haven't got a clue how to crop it yourself. :D


There ya go, MBG.

And you're welcome, Failbert, feel free to use that image. I'll send you the proper size avatar, I'm sure you haven't got a clue how to crop it yourself. :D

Is cropping hard? Maybe I picked it up way back when I was recoding microchips. If you can do it I'm sure all the kids over 3 can do it, too.:facepalm:

You two alkies are so cute together...Myself, I just outgrew drinking as a sport.

Misfire you and MustBeShit should team up; you lose it and go weird and he hasn't got anything to say except dumb shit.

He is the most active troll on FreeOnes and uses terms like "wetback"; you are either Homophobic or half in the closet with your favorite insults always being anti gay lameness...and I'll never forget your comeback " You live under a bridge and eat little birds", or something real close to that.

And you both take instructions from lickingdick, his little bitches. Awww...Does he give you little treats when you're obedient?:rofl2:
A match made ...somewhere. Weird and Weirder...

There ya go, MBG.

And you're welcome, Failbert, feel free to use that image. I'll send you the proper size avatar, I'm sure you haven't got a clue how to crop it yourself. :D


But it won't be the last post.

But whatever Phil has to say, thank you ignore function!



I got 2 right here...!
I found a bro pic of Misfire and his newest BFF MustBeShit...! It's so cute!

Hey, Euroboob, tell your new online buttbuddy he misspelled "jealous".:facepalm:
