Wow, what an overreaction. Seriously people, when the previous administration tried to assassinate this man in 2002 it's quite surprising that he has any dealings with the US at all, yes it can be denied but that is always the way. But you still buy oil Venezuela do you not? Bush did, I'm the previous administrations did also. But then they were on good terms with whoever was in power, another political puppet who would say yes to every demand given to them, no matter how much it would hurt the economy and the people in that country. But they would get rich and the US would get what it wanted.
But now this guy comes along, who disagrees with how things were run before and guess what? He's branded a terrorist and a dictator and all manner of other slurs. But business is still being done is it not? Why when the US is so against this man politics do they continue to feed his economy? Becausue thats what the US has always done and will continue to do, you just have to look back over the history of the US in South America to see what damage has been done when America interviens. And you wonder why you get so many illegals crossing the boarder. How many tyranical dictators were put into place with the aid of the US government so as to gain access to the natural resources of that partiular country to many to list I would guess. I wonder how many civilians have been hurt or killed during these times, again to many to count. Yes, most often the US had no direct involvement, but where they complicit, of course and that is undenyable. And thats just South America, we need not go to the middle east. The US is not all to blame of course not, they learnt from the best. The UK has been doing this for generations, and I suppose it's nice to see a child follow in its parents footsteps.
(mood lightened ...... good)
So people turn to the left, to people who they believe are going to help them and not the interests of others such as in Venezuela and Peru also I believe. That is their choice and no business of mine nor yours. I would put it to you that the people on the ground have great respect for Chavez the people who were down and out before he came to power. And that it's only the middle class, who lost out most when he gained power because of the loss of the lucrative contracts with the US and others and the corporate owned media, I wonder why?
So Chavez gives Obama a book, that might have some truth in it, it might give an accurate account of the US's involvement with South America going back however many years. So what? To me it felt like it was a gesture of good will towards the US. Maybe Chavez wants Obama to know the history of his region so that the same mistakes wont happen again. They will of course because whats done it done and that cannot be changed.
I can see the next headline now: