Nude pics in phone lost at McDonald's get online

Will E Worm

Cell phones can be hacked too.

So, it's best not to have nudes of anyone you know or love on them.

Renee Perez

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
this story is pointless if we can't see the pics!!! anyone have any links to the photos that this story is reffering to? Renee
I call bullshit. A guy with nude pics of his wife on his phone is nailing that thing to his hips. He won't accidently leave it ANYWHERE.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Oh look another stupid fucking lawsuit. How is it macdonalds fault that the pictures are on the net?
Yeah I heard a little about this story on the news lol If I were an official and this came across my desk I'd laugh my ass off at them. I'd say "Lemme get this straight...YOU left YOUR phone at a McDonald's and now you want to sue McDonald's because they didn't secure your phone??...riiiiiiiiiiiight...GTFO!" Have they heard of passwords? Maybe not forgetting and leaving their phone? I about died laughing when they say in the story that they're suing not only for embarassment but also the cost of moving to a new home. Really?? Fucking hilarious. How stupid can it get?
i remember when i was in highschool and i lost my binder at mcdonalds. I woner if i couldve sued them if someone used my papers to study.
You know what the bad thing about cell phone pictures is? Even after you delete the pictures the phone still stores them. I took naked pictures of my exgirlfriend once, and I deleted them shortly after because she got mad that I stored them. Several months later when I changed phones and tried to get my pictures transfered to my new phone the machine sent the pictures that I had deleted several months earlier.