Now that we have a new President--what do we want him to do first?

If the poor need help? Help them. But just the basics. No cash payouts. And they have to work for it ('workfare').

I agree completely. I do support social services, but I'm not a fan of giving people money for nothing. if people want to work, let them work, or more like get these people some jobs! but that's really a whole nother issue about how that can be done.
I have a better idea.

1. Pick his nose
2. Go on vacation
3. Take a crash course on stupid answers that don't answer anything at all
4. Live in a posh house and not have to do a damn thing anymore
5. Think about what he's gunna do
6. Have secret meeting with important people to either listen to their agenda or deny it
7. a) If denial of agenda is acheived, then plan for him to be eventually assasinated by CIA and have it blamed on an innocent person that was probably on the other side of the world at the time, and with the most ludacris method of assassination.
b) Agree to their agenda and continue on with the troops in Iraq slowly taking human rights away and instill George Orwell's belief in a Big Brother nation.
8. Take over the world.
Develop a comprehensive nuclear energy infrastructure very much similar, if not identical with that of the French system. Obama should thrust the nuclear energy hysterics, along with their cooked up, close minded, extremely left winged and purely obstructive political agenda aside and begin to break ground at once!

It's embarrassing for America, that unelected, nonsensical, pseudo environmental mobs along with their attorneys could use the courts as a means to slow down this nations progress. We're already some fifteen years behind Europe in terms of nuclear energy output capability. These very environmental groups are attempting, with some success I might add, to ban any on site nuclear rod reprocessing capabilities.

Did you know that these "rods" when spent, retain a substantial amount of energy within their cores ? The environmental nutter orientation on the matter is that they use the courts to see that these perfectly recyclable, toxic - radioactive - goo spewing hazmat materials ("rods") not be reprocessed. Why would the "environmentalists" wish to hinder a reprocessing technique that would essentially render any waste product that may come from a nuclear power plant inert and virtually non hazardous following their reprocess procedure ?

Apparently, they have found a niche for themselves -> ripping off the public via the addition of greater regulation, shorter supply, fictitious scare tactics, and increased utility costs, unelected bureaucrats even !!!
Most of the time, these outreaching environmental lobbies - C.A.R.B. (California Air Resource Board) to name one, neeto acronym, huh ? :thefinger have repeatedly caused greater environmental damage had they not existed in the first place. Google - California reformulated fuel - MTBE
and go see for yourself.

The moral of the story is that, IMO, most of these outreaching environmental rackets are full of themselves and quite deprived of REAL science.
This "deprivation" is quite lucrative, don't you know.

And Mr President, not only would I like to take you up on your offering to "look" at offshore oil drilling, research it ! <- From UCSB.


You know well they ain't drilling...This country chose to go to the FAR LEFT willinglly! That means the green wacko's are gonna make american pay so much in gasoline that they wont want to drive and then the "I did not know he was going to do that"...well I agree with the rest of your post.
i thought osama had nothin to do with 9/11

i mean those evidence was very strong
liek the fake videos
and th cover ups

but yea i wuld mos def lik to see him pull troops out iraq
i thought osama had nothin to do with 9/11

i mean those evidence was very strong
liek the fake videos
and th cover ups

but yea i wuld mos def lik to see him pull troops out iraq

Bin Laden was RESPONSIBLE for 9/11, he has TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY for it.

He needs the Saddam Hussein treatment.
Here are your choices

1. End Iraq Occupation. Shift troops to Afghanistan. Hunt down Osama.

2. Work with Dem Leadership in Congress to pass Health care Reform.

3. Work with Congress to begin "Green Agenda"--wind, solar, movement away from "Oil," etc.

4. Overturn Bush Tax cuts in order to "rebuild" American infrastructure (bridges, highways), new Power grid, nationwide fiber-optic data network (rural and urban areas).

5. Address education system--he has mentioned several ways to do this--Job Corps/college education, "fix" No Child Left Behind, increase teacher pay for increase teacher performance accountability...sort of broad based initiatives which do need "meat" on the bone in the form of money, either Bush Tax Cut repeal or maybe cutting the Defense Dept Budget (which he has not said he'd do but which is a viable option instead of tax increase).

Bitter Repub Members can answer this ONLY if you take a CENTRIST approach in your reasoning/answer.

Let's have an open, honest discussion and not a flame war.

Excellent list of questions, but I think he should first fix the economy because he won't be able to accomplish anything in the above list without getting this country's finances right. Otherwise where is he going to find the capital to develop and implement points # 2, 3, and 5? Points # 1 and 4 is a given.

:2 cents:
^^^^ Prime example of Bush's brainwashing techniques.

There you liberals go again with the whole "Bush brainwash" bullshit.

I was not a huge fan of Bush, I thought his first term was ok, his second downright aggravated me, KNOW WHY? He started trying to move to the center and showed MANY liberal tendencies. If he had actually stayed CONSERVATIVE, I would have been much happier, but as an example, 700 billion dollar buyouts and 600 dollar tax rebate checks that are nothing more than printing extra money are nothing more than liberal, socialistic concepts.

How was I brainwashed again?

That is the problem with liberals, they think that they are the only ones who can think for themselves. If you disagree with them, you are brainwashed, or stupid, or, my personal favorite, a right wing, bible thumping, whatever-their-insult-of-the-day-is. AND while they claim to be tolerant of other views, and understanding and all the other bullshit they claim, they are quick to throw insults or other ways insult ANYONE who has a different view from them.

Free Speech? YEP as long as you agree with them, then they will TOLERATE and UNDERSTAND you. That is how it REALLY works. :thefinger


Closed Account
Here are your choices
Bitter Repub Members can answer this ONLY if you take a CENTRIST approach in your reasoning/answer.

Let's have an open, honest discussion and not a flame war.

Not trying to start a fight but how can you expect to have an open and honest discussion if you are completely excluding somewhere between 1/3-1/2 of the country who are more conservative?


Closed Account
There you liberals go again with the whole "Bush brainwash" bullshit.

That is the problem with liberals, they think that they are the only ones who can think for themselves. If you disagree with them, you are brainwashed, or stupid, or, my personal favorite, a right wing, bible thumping, whatever-their-insult-of-the-day-is. AND while they claim to be tolerant of other views, and understanding and all the other bullshit they claim, they are quick to throw insults or other ways insult ANYONE who has a different view from them.

Free Speech? YEP as long as you agree with them, then they will TOLERATE and UNDERSTAND you. That is how it REALLY works. :thefinger

As a liberal I would be more than proud to support Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenegger & Colin Powell & others who are not Cultural Conservatives. This recent cultural conservative/religious right movement has only been extremely divisive in our politics & I nor any 'liberal' will sit by & allow politicians to control our personal choices be it abortion, gay rights,etc....

Religious issues/values are far too personal for politics & have no place in it . Conservatives always talk of economic freedom/individualism ,but insist on legislating our personal behavior.:dunno:

I & most liberals aren't violently opposed to government & personal fiscal responsibility. Democrats were just as wary of this Wall Street bailout as were Conservatives. I personally am 'open' to all economic debate such as social security reform
& fair taxation ,but conservatives need to rid themselves of the religious right/social conservatives if they would like to be relevant in future politcs.

Peoples personal behavior/lives isn't or shouldn't be up for debate.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Bin Laden was RESPONSIBLE for 9/11, he has TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY for it.

He needs the Saddam Hussein treatment.


He wasnt the only one claiming responsibility... and FFS if some nut were to run up to a random crime scene and scream "I KILLED HIM!" does that make him guilty? Honestly where is the evidence? Terrorists arent the most organized fellows, despite their intense religious convictions. One attack on our soil in 7-going-on-8 years and we have to overhaul the entire nation? We cant even control domestic violence and child abuse, let alone lock down our borders.

You're in an overreactionary stance. Sure thousands perished... BUT WE ARENT ALL GOING TO DIE! There are millions upon millions of people left over. This isnt a war, it's what happens when the media and administration went all opportunistic and made it something it wasnt. It's not a war, it's a tragedy. Get over it because all the patriotic, lovely American citizens we're trying to save from the infidel heathens overseas... are going bankrupt in the meantime.



Re: Now that we have a new President--what do we want him to do first?

I would like for Mr. President Elect to apologize to the good, reasonable, and fair minded government of Pakastan for his (Obama's) previous threat that he would invade their country in the event they don't allow our military inside their country to seek , kill and destroy OBL. :D

I think that Obama should splice our military in half - One half, an International force similar to NATO, the other half, A National Domestic Gestapo to patrol . . .curtail and eventually abolish the first Amendment. Why do we need free expression ? :rolleyes: That's so 60s - 70s :dunno: Let's all . . . together now !. . . Load magazine . . . put pistol to temple . . pull the hammer aft . . . and


This country chose to go to the FAR LEFT willinglly!

Who? Where? How?

Cuba? China? Former Soviet Union?


C'mon... You arent used to center-left in the States but dont confuse FAR LEFT (as you said) with it...
There you liberals go again with the whole "Bush brainwash" bullshit.

I was not a huge fan of Bush, I thought his first term was ok, his second downright aggravated me, KNOW WHY? He started trying to move to the center and showed MANY liberal tendencies. If he had actually stayed CONSERVATIVE, I would have been much happier, but as an example, 700 billion dollar buyouts and 600 dollar tax rebate checks that are nothing more than printing extra money are nothing more than liberal, socialistic concepts.

How was I brainwashed again?

That is the problem with liberals, they think that they are the only ones who can think for themselves. If you disagree with them, you are brainwashed, or stupid, or, my personal favorite, a right wing, bible thumping, whatever-their-insult-of-the-day-is. AND while they claim to be tolerant of other views, and understanding and all the other bullshit they claim, they are quick to throw insults or other ways insult ANYONE who has a different view from them.

Free Speech? YEP as long as you agree with them, then they will TOLERATE and UNDERSTAND you. That is how it REALLY works. :thefinger

Simple, you believe Osama Bin Laden caused all of this. You believe he lives in a cave. You think Saddam Hussein is the cause of all this.

You don't think Bush was wrong in his descision to to into Iraq. You don't believe that Bush created the scenario to start the war as attempted several times in the past.

That's how you are brainwashed. Also thinking that anyone who sees the truth as a "right winged bible thumping liberal" is also a product.

You are sadly mistaken, I don't believe in God, and I certainly don't believe there is a difference between Conservative and Liberal. To me they are just fucking words, because all the assholes in the government all want the same things. Control and money.

So go fuck yourself with a shotgun and pull the trigger.