Develop a comprehensive nuclear energy infrastructure very much similar, if not identical with that of the French system. Obama should thrust the nuclear energy hysterics, along with their cooked up, close minded, extremely left winged and purely obstructive political agenda aside and begin to break ground at once!
It's embarrassing for America, that unelected, nonsensical, pseudo environmental mobs along with their attorneys could use the courts as a means to slow down this nations progress. We're already some fifteen years behind Europe in terms of nuclear energy output capability. These very environmental groups are attempting, with some success I might add, to ban any on site nuclear rod reprocessing capabilities.
Did you know that these "rods" when spent, retain a substantial amount of energy within their cores ? The environmental nutter orientation on the matter is that they use the courts to see that these perfectly recyclable, toxic - radioactive - goo spewing hazmat materials ("rods")
not be reprocessed. Why would the "environmentalists" wish to hinder a reprocessing technique that would essentially render any waste product that may come from a nuclear power plant inert and virtually non hazardous following their reprocess procedure ?
Apparently, they have found a niche for themselves -> ripping off the public via the addition of greater regulation, shorter supply, fictitious scare tactics, and increased utility costs, unelected bureaucrats even !!!
Most of the time, these outreaching environmental lobbies - C.A.R.B. (California Air Resource Board) to name one, neeto acronym, huh ? :thefinger have repeatedly caused greater environmental damage had they not existed in the first place. Google - California reformulated fuel - MTBE
and go see for yourself.
The moral of the story is that, IMO, most of these outreaching environmental rackets are full of themselves and quite deprived of REAL science.
This "deprivation" is quite lucrative, don't you know.
And Mr President, not only would I like to take you up on your offering to "look" at offshore oil drilling,
research it ! <- From UCSB.