give it a month when Miss FOs fires up. They'll be more pink on her than a lesbian gang bang. Of course there are the odd ones who stick around to put up with the other members bullshit. Sorry, Lucy O'Hara for the zoo animals. I'm moving on to barnyard animals. I'm also still waiting for you to desperately answer me if not, I will smother my kitten and feed him to the hobo down the street in the alley. I'm also still waiting on a fan sign of Miss Hybrid and Briana Lee fisting themselves with a fan sign.
Yeah, it's a message board. Some of them have message boards on their websites. Why come here and have us average minions interact with them for free when we can pay $29.95/month to do it? It's their job, too. Some folks get lucky to do deadbeat 9-5s and then get to come home and whack off. Well, these lucky or unlucky ladies get paid to be sexy, get fucked, fuck for a living. Deep down they are still people doing a job just like everyone else. We don't own them. They don't owe us anything. It's their body, their life, and their call. If you want to talk to them, join their site so they can stay in business and keep a roof over their head and email them all the crazy dick picks and personal photo/shoot requests that you want. Otherwise, give all this activity bullshit request a fucking rest already. It's been going on before you joined FO, and it'll go on after you're banned from FO.