Norwegian Terror Attacks

In my opinion it just helps nothing, because it interferes the privacy of the victims and their families.
I'm sure the families must give permission to the police to reveal the names, maybe they want the world to know what this psycho has taken from them. Also as more names are revealed and more info about that victim discovered then the longer that story will stay in the papers which may be good in preventing another attack whether it discourages others from doing the same as Breivik or keeping the public alert when looking for suspicious activity.

'Extremism will be met with more democracy': Norwegian PM defiant as under-fire police reveal they saved 600 people on terror island

* Norwegian police use sonar boat to recover belongings from bottom of lake where shooting took place
* Officers described hearing constant gunfire after arriving at Utoya Island
* Lone gunman Anders Breivik held hands up as he was arrested
* Police evacuated more than 600 people from the island
* Bomb scare closed off Oslo Sentral train station this morning
* 'Dangerous' criminal released from prison on Monday and claiming to be associated with Breivik sought
* Detectives dismiss claims gunman was in close contact with fascist English Defence League
* Rambling 1,500-page 'manifesto' was emailed to 250 UK contacts 90 minutes before bomb blast

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Hiliary 2020
You've already questioned the NUMBERS at least of the Jewish Holocaust so what could you possibly say to get banned MP?

I didnt question the number, I said i didnt believe the number and backed it up with reasons and logic.
I don't believe it and am not afraid to say it.
Doesnt mean anything more than that.

But I dont really want to get into the whole Jewish/Israel thing again because I dont feel like debating anything here again.
I will just say that Jews/Zionists influence in USA and many parts of Europe is much greater than people realize and since the early part of the 20th century has changed world history/society/politics/economy/ect immensely and leave it at that.


Closed Account
You've already questioned the NUMBERS at least of the Jewish Holocaust so what could you possibly say to get banned MP?

I didnt question the number, I said i didnt believe the number and backed it up with reasons and logic.
I don't believe it and am not afraid to say it.
Doesnt mean anything more than that.

But I dont really want to get into the whole Jewish/Israel thing again because I dont feel like debating anything here again.
I will just say that Jews/Zionists influence in USA and many parts of Europe is much greater than people realize and since the early part of the 20th century has changed world history/society/politics/economy/ect immensely and leave it at that.

I understand, But your damn posts makes it seem like you are quoting me and I am disputing Holocaust numbers (which I don't):facepalm:

Anyway I assume you are speaking of the heavy Jewish influence on the left/far left politics in Europe and the U.S. on the side of issues the Far right disapprove of(Communism,Multiculturalism,etc........

But you being admittedly more of a Right Leaning individual I was only hoping you could explain to certain posters that the Jewish community has never wanted anything to do with the Right in general(The JEWISH community FORTUNATELY has always been overwhelming supporters and leaders who proudly have supported Progressive issues in America and Europe:clap:).
Just pointing out that that's the only main points of contention between the Far right and neo cons(Israel and military Intervention) otherwise there is very little difference on policy issues.

Just thought you would point out to certain posters how ludicrous it is to accuse Progressives of being 'anti semitic' or 'self hating Jews':facepalm:since they are/have been OUR most loyal Bloc on the left.

To some(like you) Progressive/Jewish/Liberal/Left/Socialist are nearly synonymous terms.;)
Just thought you would point out to certain posters how ludicrous it is to accuse Progressives of being 'anti semitic' or 'self hating Jews':facepalm:since they are/have been OUR most loyal Bloc on the left.

I linked a lot of sites claiming otherwise. It's common knowledge there are two camps within the Jewish community. The Leftist Jews who are considered Self Hating Jews, and the Jews who support Israel and right for that state to exist.
Though I ABSOLUTELY in no way agree with MP, Jenkum or anyone who blames Jews for multiculturalism/libaralism(ridiculous) it does show how strongly the Jewish community(who vote 80% plus liberal nationally and are loyal Liberals in Europe as well ) is on the same side of the isle as PROGRESSIVES LIKE ME and have no stomach for the Far Right of Trident1 and cronies.:clap:

Jews have been so strongly Progressive/Liberal :clap: that the Extreme Far Right differentiate very little between Jews/Progressives/Multiculturalist/Liberals.
There are always some good articles from that give me the hope for the future of Israel, they are not all as arrogant and isolationist as the current Israeli government


Closed Account
There are always some good articles from that give me the hope for the future of Israel, they are not all as arrogant and isolationist as the current Israeli government

Yes I understand that there are more moderate/reasonable voices within and outside who like me (and most people) would like to see a peaceful resolution to this nauseating ongoing conflict. And don't zealously define/label people by their viewson this single issue.

I linked a lot of sites claiming otherwise. It's common knowledge there are two camps within the Jewish community. The Leftist Jews who are considered Self Hating Jews, and the Jews who support Israel and right for that state to exist.

Well 80-90% of the American Jewish population are 'self hating' then :facepalm:because they typically vote Left and are the Lefts most loyal bloc.
Left Wing European Jews who opposed Right Wing intolerance pre WWII until they were nearly eradicated by those same intolerant Right Wingers must have been 'self hating' as well?

Only Extremists who obssess over Israel consider Jews, who OVERWHEMINGLY support Progressive/Liberal/multicultural policies, 'Self hating' when they have proven to absolutely want little/nothing to do with closed minded Far Right thinkers like you:facepalm:

And that's Far Right people who foolishly want to support Israel without question and browbeat them/us with the 'Anti Semite' /'self hating Jew' nonsense.

You and neo nazis drink from the same WELL dude only your bigotry is a bit more selective than neo nazis. Just accept the facts and own it.

Fact is Trident all of your intolerant views/ Right wing radicalism would go over well at racist and White Nationilist sites until your obssessive love for Israel would show itself and get you run the fuck off.:1orglaugh
I don't see any sense why the police lists up every victim's name.

I think it's essential you release pictures and names of those killed, it brings home the reality of what has happened and how so many people's lives have been affected.

Ulysses is right. The basic idea of what Ulysses tells concluded the discussion about a situation TV2 (a norwegian TV channel) had some years ago. TV2 broke the law / rules (I am not sure if it is a law) about taking a photo in a courtroom. They photographed a sentenced man after he got the sentence - inside the courtroom. The sentenced man was then smiling. If I remember correct, TV2 was not punished - just because they illustrated a part of the personality he got.

It's all about illustrating and telling without words, Bonez!

In my opinion it just helps nothing, because it interferes the privacy of the victims and their families.

I'm sure the families must give permission to the police to reveal the names, maybe they want the world to know what this psycho has taken from them.

I (partly) agree with you both. The revealing should be permitted, yes. And yes, it i interferes with he privacy. But on the other side (said in a short way): If the reports from the police not for police eyes only, they are allowed for anyone to see - even if the media dont pubish it. The reports from this drama (including the names) could be open for the publick eye.

I hope Norway doesn't become a security state because of this

I agree.
Only Extremists who obssess over Israel consider Jews, who OVERWHEMINGLY support Progressive/Liberal/multicultural policies, 'Self hating' when they have proven to absolutely want little/nothing to do with closed minded Far Right thinkers like you:facepalm:

And that's Far Right people who foolishly want to support Israel without question and browbeat them/us with the 'Anti Semite' /'self hating Jew' nonsense.

You and neo nazis drink from the same WELL dude only your bigotry is a bit more selective than neo nazis. Just accept the facts and own it.

Fact is Trident all of your intolerant views/ Right wing radicalism would go over well at racist and White Nationilist sites until your obssessive love for Israel would show itself and get you run the fuck off.:1orglaugh

I have my reasons for being pro Jewish/Israel and they have nothing to do with far right extremism(which is anti Jew) or the far Left(which is anti-Jew). You must be quite familiar with how things run at extremist websites, you obviously are speaking from first hand experience. :o
I have my reasons for being pro Jewish/Israel and they have nothing to do with far right extremism(which is anti Jew) or the far Left(which is anti-Jew). You must be quite familiar with how things run at extremist websites, you obviously are speaking from first hand experience. :o

Pehaps your love for Israel is born out of your hatred for Muslims, just as Anders Brevik's love for Israel was born out of his Hatred for Muslims?

I hate Muslims and Israel kills and oppresses alot of Muslims, so Israel is great

Jews are behind Liberal political movements such as Marxism, But they also invented and are behind NeoConservatism.

Irving Kristol is the Father of the NeoConservative movement, Irving Kristol was a Jewish Trotskyite leftist. His neocon son William Kristol who is a fox news employee is carrying on his fathers NeoCon legacy, other Jewish NeoCons include the architects of the Iraq invasion Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Libby, Bolton, Feith, Wurmser. The Jewish NeoCOn Krauthammer is a classic NeoCon.

NeoConservatism is a foreign policy ideology that is strongly pro Israel and focuses on making the middle east a safe place for Israel.

NeoConservatism is a ploy to get Americans to place a higher importance on the security of Israel and the interests of Israel, than they place on the interests and security of the US.

NeoConservatism has basocally replaced classic American Conservatism in the USA, thanks largely to Fox news and uneducated christian Evangelicals with a heavily pro Israel religious ideology that NeoCOnservatism especially has sought to appeal to.

So what we have in the USA is basically Jews in control of the Left, which is the classic position Jews have always taken, but with the Advent of NeoConservatism we have leftist Jews moving to take control of the Right as well.

Leftists are useful in overthrowing a society, but once you have taken control and replaced the old gaurd, leftists become a nuisance because Leftists are idealists and actually believe what they are doing is right. So Jews have used the Left to replace the classic Christian Anglo United States elite. Now that the Jews are firmly in power with no opposition the leftists are beginning to be a thorn in their side by actually caring about things like human rights and opposing genocides and such. So enter the NeoCons who are heavily Pro Israel and hell bent on taking over the entire middle east no matter who they have to kill or overthrow by force.
Re: Explosion hits government building

Exactly. People just assume the worse about Muslims, even though FBI stats show a tiny fraction of terror incidents are actually done by Muslims.

This was a Xtian extremist, a neo-Nazi savage. A blonde haired, blue eyed devil.

FTR, the FBI data can be found here.

" According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who detailed all known terrorism actions in the United States from 1980 to the year 2005, only six percent were carried out by Muslims or people associated with the Islamic faith. Six percent! To put in another way, those slogans that state, “all terrorism are Muslims” forget the 94 percent of terrorists who are not Muslims."

Not a Neo-Nazi. Two heroes were Churchill and the Anti-Nazi resistance leader.
thats rather cynical (to believe we're all that stupid).

Trident links an article that is sympathetic to Breivik's point of contention (lot of darkies coming into Norway....though the article never cites statistics or census figures, just that white people should be afraid) with the comment "hey lets look into this...."

So, we're supposed to dismiss this lunatic as some lonewolf crazy.
Yet, much of his nativist, white man's blues is repeated on here (and talk radio) every day.

He claims christian "culture" opposition to other cultures (not really making any distinction between man, woman, child....its just 'those people), but we're not supposed to classify him as christian.

He has right-wing authoritarian viewpoints, but we can't lump him in with all the exclusionary right-wing pundits spouting hate to any idea that provides opposition to their talking points.

Since there is No True Scotsman here, I would ask what would it take for us to EVER classify someone as a christian terrorist? We don't consider Westboro Baptist to be 'tru christians', we don't claim Scott Roeder as a 'tru christian', nor Jim Jones or Eric Rudolph, or the countless terrorist plots of white supremicists in the South......those folks were never real christians....but we don't have a problem lumping any other faiths as volatile

You can't jump the chasm of the human experience into hating a segment of people you've never met without dehumanizing them and elevating yourself into some sociopathic worthiness of 'defending'. There is really only one way to do that while maintaining your sense of justice/morality; and thats through sanctified theology (gods people/way of life) ----- these people are evil and need to be wiped out

A true Christian wouldn't engage in terrorism because it's completely against the teachings of Jesus. That's why it's not a No True Scotsman fallacy.
Yes I understand that there are more moderate/reasonable voices within and outside who like me (and most people) would like to see a peaceful resolution to this nauseating ongoing conflict. And don't zealously define/label people by their viewson this single issue.

Well 80-90% of the American Jewish population are 'self hating' then :facepalm:because they typically vote Left and are the Lefts most loyal bloc.
Left Wing European Jews who opposed Right Wing intolerance pre WWII until they were nearly eradicated by those same intolerant Right Wingers must have been 'self hating' as well?

Only Extremists who obssess over Israel consider Jews, who OVERWHEMINGLY support Progressive/Liberal/multicultural policies, 'Self hating' when they have proven to absolutely want little/nothing to do with closed minded Far Right thinkers like you:facepalm:

And that's Far Right people who foolishly want to support Israel without question and browbeat them/us with the 'Anti Semite' /'self hating Jew' nonsense.

You and neo nazis drink from the same WELL dude only your bigotry is a bit more selective than neo nazis. Just accept the facts and own it.

Fact is Trident all of your intolerant views/ Right wing radicalism would go over well at racist and White Nationilist sites until your obssessive love for Israel would show itself and get you run the fuck off.:1orglaugh

Pro-White doesn't just mean racist. Don't get out of pocket.
Pehaps your love for Israel is born out of your hatred for Muslims,

No it has to do with what my paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother went through in East Europe during WWII.
No it has to do with what my paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother went through in East Europe during WWII.

So if someone had a grandmother and grandfather that were Nazis, that would force them to support Nazism??

Or suppose your grandparents were in the Red Army, would that force you to support mass murder and mass rape?

I would never let what my Grandparents went through 70 years ago, blur my vision when looking at the present day.

If I was completly Jewish I would still be opposed to Israeli land theft and genocide of Palestinians.
and yet, insert any other oppressed American minority ("my grandmother is african american, native american, atheist, homosexual etc") and surprisingly you won't see any compassion or empathy......bootstrap up, motherfucker!!