Norwegian Terror Attacks


You know people should try to work shit out instead of trying to prove who is right. Israel is the way it is because the holocaust in my opinion has racially scarred the Jews who see themselves surrounded by enemies and I don't just mean in the actual state of Israel, I mean globally.

Its a British/american cluster fuck where they used the Jews by placing them there, hence securing the middle east region for western interests. The Jewish people as in there government knows this and that is why they carry out things counter productive to perhaps US or western interests like spying and shit.

Israel as a state has taken all the ugly lessons they learnt at the hands of their Nazi nemesis and are implementing them nicely.....Youth groups, compulsive military service and god knows what else indoctrination. They are committing war crimes on the Palestinian people daily.

Until Israel realises its tenuous position although not entirely of their making has become all the more so due to their actions. They need to mediate and improve relations with their neighbours and live like fucking amicable neighbours, Stop the war crimes, the genocide.

I am not anti Semitic and you can rub that shit in my face if you wish because I criticise Israel, instead I'll merely laugh as many of the people I admire ranging from writers, directors and intellectuals are Jewish. Jews in america who criticise Israel bar that idiotic rabbi(taking religion into the issue a old apparatus of all states) are not self hating they just have woken up to the inherent dangers of the path their people find themselves on. All that they hate they are becoming, gone mad to be honest.

Islam needs to get back to its roots and I ain't on about sharian law bullshit or ancient dung but actually listen to their prophet.....Because Islam unreformed and as it stands is a rampant destructive ideology that will eternally conflict with the west. Sharian law is no where near as old as the religion itself, it is a corruption.

There is also alot of mix up here about what is left and what is right.....The left is most certainly not a bunch of evangelistic nutters....Please take the time to study both spectrums bar the absolute fringe, Though on the fringe they share many characteristics they are nevertheless within the saner parts completely and radically different ideologies.
You know people should try to work shit out instead of trying to prove who is right. Israel is the way it is because the holocaust in my opinion has racially scarred the Jews who see themselves surrounded by enemies and I don't just mean in the actual state of Israel, I mean globally.

Yeah but Jews weren't/aren't the only ones in the world's history who have this type of circumstance befall them as a group.

But just think if every other group who had a grievance responded like Jews and were afforded the unmitigated support for nearly any endeavor they undertook....

I believe Jews have a point as do any group having suffered egregious wrong. But they are human, they can be wrong at times too.
unless there is a reason for the specification.

Obviously there's a reason.

Girk I'm not looking for sympathy. I was asked by ragin' the reason for my allegiance. I answered.

Obviously it bothers you and Meg. Go figure.
You know people should try to work shit out instead of trying to prove who is right. Israel is the way it is because the holocaust in my opinion has racially scarred the Jews who see themselves surrounded by enemies and I don't just mean in the actual state of Israel, I mean globally.

Its a British/american cluster fuck where they used the Jews by placing them there, hence securing the middle east region for western interests. The Jewish people as in there government knows this and that is why they carry out things counter productive to perhaps US or western interests like spying and shit.

Israel as a state has taken all the ugly lessons they learnt at the hands of their Nazi nemesis and are implementing them nicely.....Youth groups, compulsive military service and god knows what else indoctrination. They are committing war crimes on the Palestinian people daily.

Until Israel realises its tenuous position although not entirely of their making has become all the more so due to their actions. They need to mediate and improve relations with their neighbours and live like fucking amicable neighbours, Stop the war crimes, the genocide.

I am not anti Semitic and you can rub that shit in my face if you wish because I criticise Israel, instead I'll merely laugh as many of the people I admire ranging from writers, directors and intellectuals are Jewish. Jews in america who criticise Israel bar that idiotic rabbi(taking religion into the issue a old apparatus of all states) are not self hating they just have woken up to the inherent dangers of the path their people find themselves on. All that they hate they are becoming, gone mad to be honest.

Islam needs to get back to its roots and I ain't on about sharian law bullshit or ancient dung but actually listen to their prophet.....Because Islam unreformed and as it stands is a rampant destructive ideology that will eternally conflict with the west. Sharian law is no where near as old as the religion itself, it is a corruption.

There is also alot of mix up here about what is left and what is right.....The left is most certainly not a bunch of evangelistic nutters....Please take the time to study both spectrums bar the absolute fringe, Though on the fringe they share many characteristics they are nevertheless within the saner parts completely and radically different ideologies.

This ridiculous b.s. again. It's the U.S. and Britain's fault for pushing those oh so innocent and naive Jews into taking Israel?????

Get out of here with your propaganda. You're blaming the goons, not the people who hired them.
Re: Explosion hits government building

You can never be too sure.There have been white Muslim coverts in Europe, like this one guy in the US who tried to plan a terrorist attack.Though he could be an environmental nutcase like that guy who was inspired by Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth".


Let's go with the "muslim connection", even though it is painfully obvious that it was a guy that HATED ALL MUSLIMS.

I am just a regular guy, but I wish that I could have been there. Maybe I could have saved a life, or at least I could have tried.


Staff member
Pehaps your love for Israel is born out of your hatred for Muslims, just as Anders Brevik's love for Israel was born out of his Hatred for Muslims?

Jews are behind Liberal political movements such as Marxism, But they also invented and are behind NeoConservatism.

Irving Kristol is the Father of the NeoConservative movement, Irving Kristol was a Jewish Trotskyite leftist. His neocon son William Kristol who is a fox news employee is carrying on his fathers NeoCon legacy, other Jewish NeoCons include the architects of the Iraq invasion Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Libby, Bolton, Feith, Wurmser. The Jewish NeoCOn Krauthammer is a classic NeoCon.

NeoConservatism is a foreign policy ideology that is strongly pro Israel and focuses on making the middle east a safe place for Israel.

NeoConservatism is a ploy to get Americans to place a higher importance on the security of Israel and the interests of Israel, than they place on the interests and security of the US.

NeoConservatism has basocally replaced classic American Conservatism in the USA, thanks largely to Fox news and uneducated christian Evangelicals with a heavily pro Israel religious ideology that NeoCOnservatism especially has sought to appeal to.

So what we have in the USA is basically Jews in control of the Left, which is the classic position Jews have always taken, but with the Advent of NeoConservatism we have leftist Jews moving to take control of the Right as well.

Leftists are useful in overthrowing a society, but once you have taken control and replaced the old gaurd, leftists become a nuisance because Leftists are idealists and actually believe what they are doing is right. So Jews have used the Left to replace the classic Christian Anglo United States elite. Now that the Jews are firmly in power with no opposition the leftists are beginning to be a thorn in their side by actually caring about things like human rights and opposing genocides and such. So enter the NeoCons who are heavily Pro Israel and hell bent on taking over the entire middle east no matter who they have to kill or overthrow by force.

If you consider of what's currently happening in the Middle East in countries that are Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Iran, you will see that there more risks from these countries to collapse and make a global war than something else. The sole democracy in the middle east is Israel and it has backed up USA unconditionnally during several decades and when Barack Obama tries to kiss the Arab nations and UN's ass, he got it wrong despite he tried to appease the tensions with them.

If Jews were marxist, they wouldn't have one country that is as developped as their as it is now and having some of the state of the art technology firms establishing their headquarters there.

In all your words, I can smell a hate and hatred of Jews, perhaps is it due to the fact that they were more clever and more efficient than the others. Between the leftist socialist and a neo conservative, I chose the neo conservative because the leftist socialist is the plague.

Has Obama really protected the interests of the US and their safety???? That is a question to ask and a fact to demonstrate.

Do you refer to the famous voting "Jewish Lobby" in your last paragraph?
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Staff member
Yes I understand that there are more moderate/reasonable voices within and outside who like me (and most people) would like to see a peaceful resolution to this nauseating ongoing conflict. And don't zealously define/label people by their viewson this single issue.

Well 80-90% of the American Jewish population are 'self hating' then :facepalm:because they typically vote Left and are the Lefts most loyal bloc.
Left Wing European Jews who opposed Right Wing intolerance pre WWII until they were nearly eradicated by those same intolerant Right Wingers must have been 'self hating' as well?

Only Extremists who obssess over Israel consider Jews, who OVERWHEMINGLY support Progressive/Liberal/multicultural policies, 'Self hating' when they have proven to absolutely want little/nothing to do with closed minded Far Right thinkers like you:facepalm:

And that's Far Right people who foolishly want to support Israel without question and browbeat them/us with the 'Anti Semite' /'self hating Jew' nonsense.

You and neo nazis drink from the same WELL dude only your bigotry is a bit more selective than neo nazis. Just accept the facts and own it.

Fact is Trident all of your intolerant views/ Right wing radicalism would go over well at racist and White Nationilist sites until your obssessive love for Israel would show itself and get you run the fuck off.:1orglaugh

You like to put stickers on people, don't you? But maybe you should ask yourself if you are not racist against whites after having called them "trailer trash" just because they tend to vote republican in another thread. How nice of you:sarcasm: Before saying one is intolerant, make sure that you yourself are tolerant and know what you are talking about. Racism against whites doesn't get much talked but it does exist. By judging the way you make your statements, you are a bigot too.
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Staff member
There are always some good articles from that give me the hope for the future of Israel, they are not all as arrogant and isolationist as the current Israeli government

I agree that their articles are constructive and well argumented


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
How the fuck did this conversation get to Jews and Nazis?


Staff member
Just like the typical neo con/zionist who calls everyone anti semitic because they won't blindly/unquestionably support Israel ? Even call or suggest American Jews who support Left causes/Dems (traditionally at 80-90% rate),and want nothing to do with you or those of your ilk politically , 'self hating jews':facepalm:

If being an anti semite means that I belive all 3 Abrahamic religions(overall) are ignorant fairy tales and repugnant then count me in.

:crying: Still with the 'alleged' story of a 70 year old 2nd hand account about something your grandmother supposedly saw to justify this blind support of Israel. :horse:

How many more tears do you think I can shed for your 'alleged' story Trident1?
:crying: Between me jerking off hard to Bubble Booty Porn on this board and your desperate attempt to seek our sympathy I'm almost dried out of fluids.:crying:

I have seen/heard holocaust survivors stories from 1st hand accounts and unlike your 'SELECTIVE' compassion I have genuine empathy for their struggle as well. But unlike close minded persons on the Right my empathy doesn't end there it extends to ALL injured/downtrodden persons.

Your compassion Trident1 has no bounds:crying: unless it's Blacks who lived through worse for a longer period during slavery/Jim Crow, or Palestians, or Immigrants,etc....... or anyone who is not White Judea Christian.

I bet you never went to Auschwitz or to the Shoah Memorial, but I am not sure that you realize that what happened to the Jews was a forward planned genocide.

There are events that happened to people to made them blindly fight and support a cause. Perhaps according to your ill stammering logic, we should support Ahmadinejhad, Bachar El Assad, Khadafi and the Yemeni dictator?
Think always what positive things a foreign country like Israel can give to the USA. We are not talking about dictatures

Everyone knows that blacks have faced slavery, racism and murders back in the 19th century but so did whites. Illegal aliens are more a problem than a contribution to the society.

In the USA, every person whether she/he is black/hispanic/asian/white has his/her chance at the sole condition of not to fuck it up because of drugs/murder/rackeetering/grand theft/grand larceny/prostitution. Unfortunately if you look here from page 1 to the last, you will see that most of the arrested cons were either black at 55%, mexican at 35% and white at 10%. Check also who is on the fbi most wanted list, us marshals most wanted list and gang tecc's list
You will then draw your own conclusions.
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Staff member
You are extremely far Right/bigoted and the ONLY diffeence between you and neo nazis is your inexplicable love for Israel. Although the American Jewish community OVERWHELMINGLY wants little to do with your ilk politically.
And yes I am speaking from 1st hand experienc because ,unlike your Idiotic President Bush, I like to know and understand those who who consider me their 'enemy'.

Unlike Bush who admitted to an American Foreign Ambassador that he didn't know the differences/conflict between Sunni and Shiites:facepalm: He said '
I thought all Iraqis were Muslim?' Nor did Bush seem to understand Saddam Hussein hated Bin Laden/Muslim Terrorists and vice versa as much or more than the US did. Though somehow the Bush administration erroneously tried to link the two mortal enemies(Hussein and MuslimTerrorists)? And ignorantly led us into war with Iraq.

Know your enemy.

:crying: Here you go again with your 'alleged' family history during WWII seeking sympathy on a porn board. More tears?:crying:

Just say you are too embarrassed to admit that you have been duped by neo con /right wing religious talking heads into believing that we must support Israel at all costs. Even if it's detrimental to our economy, safety and credibilty on the world stage.

He will never have a thoughtful response to this because it would require him to tap into basic logic /thoughtfulness that he doesn't possess.:dunno:

Because your favorite president Nobama Otrauma made things better than they were?:sarcasm:I highly doubt that the Jewish community is really amazed and satisfied by Nobama Otrauma's presidency as well as his foreign policy.

The fact that Ariel Sharon was one of the most popular leaders some time ago showed clearly that the Israeli belived more in the right than in the left. The former Wye Plantation talks have given nothing positive with Arafat and I don't expect an embetterment of the situation especially when you have Abbas backed up by the fatah and the hamas at power. Ask yourself the question if it is not too detrimental to your economy, safety ad credibility to help Iran, Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Because you will always have a thoughtful response based on your "flawless" logic:sarcasm:Come on, give me a fucking break


The sole democracy in the middle east is Israel and

Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey......

it has backed up USA unconditionnally during several decades

stealing it's military secrets, passing on information about US spies in the soviet union, selling US military hardware to US adversaries, refusing to pay back loans, USS Liberty, running a bulldozer over Rachel Corrie, executing Furgan Dogan, shooting Emily Horovitz in the face with a tear gas cannister,

Your beliefs clearly don't line up with the facts. Israel=no friend of US.

Has Obama really protected the interests of the US and their safety????

No. He chose to protect the interests of Israel instead.
Because your favorite president Nobama Otrauma made things better than they were?:sarcasm:I highly doubt that the Jewish community is really amazed and satisfied by Nobama Otrauma's presidency as well as his foreign policy.

The fact that Ariel Sharon was one of the most popular leaders some time ago showed clearly that the Israeli belived more in the right than in the left. The former Wye Plantation talks have given nothing positive with Arafat and I don't expect an embetterment of the situation especially when you have Abbas backed up by the fatah and the hamas at power. Ask yourself the question if it is not too detrimental to your economy, safety ad credibility to help Iran, Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Because you will always have a thoughtful response based on your "flawless" logic:sarcasm:Come on, give me a fucking break

Indeed. The arabs never miss an oportunity to miss an opportunity. They're born losers.