No-go zones, In France, really ?!

French show eviscerates ‘credibility of Fox News clowns’ for comparing Paris to Iraq

The French television show Le Petit Journal this week took on Fox & Friends after the show claimed that Paris was like Iraq and Afghanistan because Islamic radicals had taken over parts of the city.

In an interview with Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck over the weekend, journalist Nolan Peterson had claimed that there were “741 no-go zones throughout France, and they’re located in these ghettos that have formed around the major cities.”

“There are basically neighborhoods where French Muslims have coalesced because they can’t find housing or economic opportunity within the major French cities,” he opined. “It was pretty scary. I’ve been to Afghanistan and Iraq and Kashmir, India, and at times, it felt like that, those places in these no-go zones.”

“We didn’t allow Afghanistan to exist as a no-go zone of Islamist recruitment after 9/11, and that’s essentially what the French are letting happen in their own country,” Peterson insisted.

But Snopes investigated the so-called “no-go zones” and found them to be a myth caused by an incorrect translation describing areas that were “targeted for urban renewal initiatives.”

So, the Le Petit Journal live audience in Paris couldn’t help but laugh when the host played the Fox News clip.

The host said that “our doubts about the truthfulness of the words of this specialist appeared when Barbie and Ken, the specialist on France, used the opinion poll” showing that 16 percent of French citizens supported ISIS, adding that the poll had been debunked by The Washington Post.

“The credibility of the Fox News clowns disappeared when they show a map of Paris with some ‘no-go zones’,” the host continued.

Gasps and laughter could be heard in the audience as the clip showed the areas of Paris that Fox News had determined were “no-go zones.”

“It seems some here know Paris,” the host observed.

Just as Fox has often sent Jesse Watters and John Stossel out on the streets of New York to mock liberals, Le Petit Journal sent a team of reporters to the “no-go zones” to lampoon Fox News.

The team traveled from Quartier Belleville to Quartier Marenta to Quartier Barbès to Quartier La Chapelle. Some Parisians were confused about why anyone would think Paris was like Iraq and Afghanistan. Others found the idea to be insulting.

“Your question is stupid,” one woman told the reporters.

Watch the video below from Le Petit Journal via LiveLeak.

Meanwhile, in America :

Father, son turned away from ‘Muslim-free’ gun range in Arkansas

A father and son of South Asian descent say they were turned away from an Arkansas gun range because it’s declared by its owners as a “Muslim-free” zone.

The father and son, who are not Muslim but have brown skin, said they were questioned about their religion and background while filling out paperwork at the Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range in Hot Springs, Raw Story reported.

The Gun Cave first made national headlines in September when proprietor Jan Morgan announced on social media that she was banning Muslims from her establishment out of fear for the safety of her patrons.

“In the range, people are shooting guns in close proximity to each other, so my patrons depend on me and my discretion regarding who I allow to shoot beside them,” she wrote at the time. “One mistake in judgment on my part could cost innocent people their lives.

“Since I have no way of discerning which Muslims will or will not kill in the name of their religion and the commands in their [Koran], I choose to err on the side of caution for the safety of my patrons,” Ms. Morgan said.

The father and son pair, who did not want to be named, told the Arkansas Times that they were in the process of filling out paperwork at the range over the weekend when the woman, presumably Ms. Morgan, suddenly told them to leave.

“Then, all of a sudden, I don’t know what went wrong, but she stopped us from filling out the paperwork and said, ‘I don’t think you guys should be here,’” the son said. “She told us to leave or she’d call the cops on us.”

The men decided to leave to avoid trouble, he said.

“We’re brown — I don’t know if she assumed we were Muslim,” the son told the Times. “When she first asked us, she said, ‘I would hope if you were Muslim you guys wouldn’t be cowards and would be up front about it.’”

The Gun Cave responded to the accusations on its Facebook page, calling it “pretty ridiculous stuff.”

“We don’t discriminate against people based on their skin color,” it wrote. “We have a number of people with all colors of skin who shoot here, including Indian / Hindu religion folks who have joined our membership and some of them actually have sought out my services for private training, which I provided.

“We do however, refuse to allow people to shoot here who display behavior that is irrational or might indicate they are under the influence of alcohol or mind altering drugs,” the post said, without elaborating further. “We are dealing in lethal weapons here. I turn anyone away that I feel presents a safety and security risk to other patrons.”

The Gun Cave then posted photos of some of their Hindu members and said that business is booming precisely because of their selective membership. Ms. Morgan posted a similar message on her own Facebook page.
Maybe I should start searching for every bit of dumbassery that occurs in your part of the world and becoming a roving reporter about it on here too. That is if I cared about the dumb asses in your country, but I don't, so then, there's that.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
While it was pretty crappy that those 2 people were denied access to the gun range, it is possible that being a privately owned business that reserves the right to not allow access. Of course, at least we have gun ranges, and while I thnk it's really fucked up that these fucking shitbags did what they did, the fact is, the victims were TOTALLY helpless to defend themselves. Now I'm not going to sit here and claim that no one would have died, but if there was an lawfully armed citizen in that room, he may have reduced the number of dead, by killing, or wounding one or more of the attackers. They could never pull that kind of move off, in almost every state in America. When we were attacked, it took hijacked planes, which in of itself is a fucking joke that the fucking assholes pulled that off.

And Blue is right, why is it you seem to find fault in everything American...except the fucktard in charge, but you can't seem to smell the shit on your own door step? You really do have some issues dude, you might need to get some help.
And Blue is right, why is it you seem to find fault in everything American...except the fucktard in charge, but you can't seem to smell the shit on your own door step? You really do have some issues dude, You Might need to get some help.
Sorry guys but if this is a time when I have some reasons to criticize the US and particulary Fox News : They talk shit about MY country. Sorry but when I know thart Fox News is dissing on my country over and over for days and I know that what they say is bullshit, I am not gonna si there and wait, I'm gonna call them out, I'm gonna defend my country's honor.
You would do the same, don't you ?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sorry guys but if this is a time when I have some reasons to criticize the US and particulary Fox News : They talk shit about MY country. Sorry but when I know thart Fox News is dissing on my country over and over for days and I know that what they say is bullshit, I am not gonna si there and wait, I'm gonna call them out, I'm gonna defend my country's honor.
You would do the same, don't you ?

No one said ANYTHING about being wrong in defending your country...I said you seem to find fault with this country at every turn, but can't seem to see what's wrong with your own country...although you called out fox news, so you really accomplished nothing but proving that you actually take those fucktards serious...You Might as well watch cnn, they're the same show, with different assholes spewing lies and stupidity.

So, why is it you can't see your own problems, but look so hard at ours? You have some sort of daddy issue or something? Are you a closet gun lover or some shit like that, and don't want your friends and loved ones to find out?


Sorry guys but if this is a time when I have some reasons to criticize the US and particulary Fox News : They talk shit about MY country. Sorry but when I know thart Fox News is dissing on my country over and over for days and I know that what they say is bullshit, I am not gonna si there and wait, I'm gonna call them out, I'm gonna defend my country's honor.
You would do the same, don't you ?

The shit they talk about your country pales in comparison to the shit they talk about my country. So, get in line.
Sorry guys but if this is a time when I have some reasons to criticize the US and particulary Fox News : They talk shit about MY country. Sorry but when I know thart Fox News is dissing on my country over and over for days and I know that what they say is bullshit, I am not gonna si there and wait, I'm gonna call them out, I'm gonna defend my country's honor.
You would do the same, don't you ?

Two things; you are right and just in defending your country. But, you have established a reputation that you are aware of by consistently trying to frame America in a negative light while usually at the same time not holding the President of America to much accountability positioning him as an innocent victim. You can't change anything here so your focus might be better used locally in France. Why not do something to impede Marine Le Pen? Doesn't she effect your life more? Snide remarks about America won't be enough of a distraction to make her go away. I question your motivation more than your information.
You should have written your own comments to first post and short recap of what actually has happened. I'm too lazy to read anything that starts with swear words or are longer than couple rows without booty pictures...

No-go zones? French people are only arrogant, rude, unfriendly to foreigners and nationalistic frog eating haters anyway, so perhaps better to call them no-zone country all at once and fly to some better country like Iraq over this expensive overrated country with a silly pointy tower or whatever that's called... Flying over France on your way to a better future and you can say that you have already seen enough France when you look down from airplane window as your airplane spreads toxic chemtrails over their dirty country. Perhaps this is a plan from America to reduce overpopulation of the world, starting from the least relevant... French are only good at talking though and waving their white flag as their country is being stepped on anyway...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Two things; you are right and just in defending your country. But, you have established a reputation that you are aware of by consistently trying to frame America in a negative light while usually at the same time not holding the President of America to much accountability positioning him as an innocent victim. You can't change anything here so your focus might be better used locally in France. Why not do something to impede Marine Le Pen? Doesn't she effect your life more? Snide remarks about America won't be enough of a distraction to make her go away. I question your motivation more than your information.

As much as Dino's a jackass very often, he is right about this one. I am a German, and this new "No-Go Zone" agendfa and the connected pull for a war on Islam gets under my skin. Especially when O'Reilly goesfroom naming NAZI Germany, then goes on to demand pretty much just the same today, just now on all muslims.

These times are dangerous, and I hope this doesn't go through. I mean, what should we do, reactivate the death camps for our muslim citizens?

Johan, we must keep our cool, or discussions will lead to nowhere, and at least you and me would soon be banned
While it was pretty crappy that those 2 people were denied access to the gun range, it is possible that being a privately owned business that reserves the right to not allow access. Of course, at least we have gun ranges, and while I thnk it's really fucked up that these fucking shitbags did what they did, the fact is, the victims were TOTALLY helpless to defend themselves. Now I'm not going to sit here and claim that no one would have died, but if there was an lawfully armed citizen in that room, he may have reduced the number of dead, by killing, or wounding one or more of the attackers. They could never pull that kind of move off, in almost every state in America. When we were attacked, it took hijacked planes, which in of itself is a fucking joke that the fucking assholes pulled that off.

And Blue is right, why is it you seem to find fault in everything American...except the fucktard in charge, but you can't seem to smell the shit on your own door step? You really do have some issues dude, you might need to get some help.

what a load of horse shit.

So are you saying that if someone in the Charlie Hebdo office had been carrying a gun at their place of work then there could have been less people killed?

Could you please tell me which national magazine offices in America allow their employees to bring firearms to work?

Of course having the right to bear arms in America means that you don't have to deal with people going on killing sprees in schools, cinemas, car parks etc... oh, wait a minute...

And what about the Fort Hood shootings in 2009 which took place in.... a military base?

I cant be certain, but i think there is a good chance that some of the people in that base could have been armed, yet still 13 people were killed.


Could you please tell me which national magazine offices in America allow their employees to bring firearms to work?

Well, of the top of my head: Guns & Ammo Magazine, American Handgunner Magazine, Guns Magazine, Shooting Times Magazine, American Hunter Magazine, American Rifleman Magazine, Combat Handguns Magazine.

And what about the Fort Hood shootings in 2009 which took place in.... a military base?

I cant be certain, but i think there is a good chance that some of the people in that base could have been armed, yet still 13 people were killed.

It's a good thing you can't be certain, because you'd be wrong. There is no legal provision to carry concealed on a military base. I know this because I blatantly broke the law (military regulations) by doing so during my 2 tours of Ft. Bliss and my 1 tour of Ft. McPherson. And anywhere/anytime on the base proper that you see soldiers with rifles, you can be damn sure there isn't a single round of ammo anywhere near them. Sad but true.
I was expecting some smart ass reply about firearm magazines having their staff carry weapons in the office, but i think you will agree that they are an exception rather than the rule, and i very much doubt they would be loaded weapons anyway.

As for there been no legal provision to carry concealed in a military base, i was not aware of this so will have to take your word for it. However revidffum's original point was that this kind of attack would not happen in America. Yet it has time and time again. Not always by muslim extremists, but regardless of who is carrying out the killing, the point remains that they have done, and having a right to bear arms whether open or concealed doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.
As for there been no legal provision to carry concealed in a military base, i was not aware of this so will have to take your word for it. However revidffum's original point was that this kind of attack would not happen in America. Yet it has time and time again. Not always by muslim extremists, but regardless of who is carrying out the killing, the point remains that they have done, and having a right to bear arms whether open or concealed doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.

Actually it does : shootings are extremely rare in France but extremely common in the US.
Actually it does : shootings are extremely rare in France but extremely common in the US.

good point, and I totally agree with you. The UK has a similar gun policy to France and thankfully shootings are very rare here too.

The point I was trying to make is that revidffum is wrong to suggest that there could have been less people killed in Paris if the people in Charlie Hebdo's office had been allowed to carry firearms. The fact that similar incidents have happened throughout America shows that this is not the case.


I was expecting some smart ass reply about firearm magazines having their staff carry weapons in the office, but i think you will agree that they are an exception rather than the rule, and i very much doubt they would be loaded weapons anyway.

As for there been no legal provision to carry concealed in a military base, i was not aware of this so will have to take your word for it. However revidffum's original point was that this kind of attack would not happen in America. Yet it has time and time again. Not always by muslim extremists, but regardless of who is carrying out the killing, the point remains that they have done, and having a right to bear arms whether open or concealed doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.

I wasn't giving a smart ass reply. I was giving a reply. You asked, I answered. And I left out all the magazines that I couldn't think of at the moment. It isn't an exception when there's that many of them. And yes, the guns are loaded.

Rev made a good point badly. And you and Johan are right. Things like this do happen in America. And Bosnia. And Syria. And Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan. And if you were in Ukraine right now, armed or unarmed? And this did happen in France. And Norway. And tell me, any plans to move the family to Mexico any time soon?
I wasn't giving a smart ass reply. I was giving a reply. You asked, I answered. And I left out all the magazines that I couldn't think of at the moment. It isn't an exception when there's that many of them. And yes, the guns are loaded.

Rev made a good point badly. And you and Johan are right. Things like this do happen in America. And Bosnia. And Syria. And Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan. And if you were in Ukraine right now, armed or unarmed? And this did happen in France. And Norway. And tell me, any plans to move the family to Mexico any time soon?

So the only magazines that you could think of just happened to be firearm and hunting magazines? Do the writers of 'American Cross Stitch Weekly' go to work armed too?

To answer your question in regards to Ukraine, I was there a little over six months ago with work and I was unarmed the whole time and was perfectly safe thank you.

Strange choice of countries to compare America with too. Syria, Bosnia, Rwanda, Ukraine... I dont know what point you are making here.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It all has a lot to do with the possesion of guns, obviously. Less guns = Less people killed with guns. Rather simple equasion

It all has a lot to do with the possesion of guns, obviously. Less guns = Less people killed with guns. Rather simple equasion
Maths have a liberal bias. Fuck arithmethic !

good point, and I totally agree with you. The UK has a similar gun policy to France and thankfully shootings are very rare here too.

The point I was trying to make is that revidffum is wrong to suggest that there could have been less people killed in Paris if the people in Charlie Hebdo's office had been allowed to carry firearms. The fact that similar incidents have happened throughout America shows that this is not the case.
Even if France had a 2nd amendment-like gun lesgislation, even of the people in Charlie Hebdo had guns, I don't think they would have stood a chance against two terrorists firing AK-47 at them.
One of the cartoonist had an armed bodyguard. He was killed as well.
So, since hand-guns are innefective because terrorist use aAK-47, what's revidffum solution ? Everybody carrying M-16 ?