Redbone83, dig yourself a grave and beg someone to bury you, it´s the only way, you can be useful as a manure you are. :thefinger
I am out of her as well after 8 years of bullshit.

I agree with Brix this shit is a waste of time and the pathetic losers (you know who you are) continue to pine over her middle aged body, flat ass and beat up sun damaged face need to get a fucking life, some of the creeps who are major contributors to this thread need help bad! "oh wow Nikki showed a boob" or "oh wow Nikki gave head to a rubber dildo and it squirted water" Why do you pathetic creeps who lurk and wait every week & keep this thread alive for a beat up old bag to post half nude pictures when there are so many hotter girls giving it their all. It makes no fucking sense.

I would bet that most of you regular posters on this thread are deviant perverts, who never leave their rooms and spend hour after hour on you computer jerking off to lame shit and praying Nikki will call or are text you. When normal guys who want to see spread pink pussy and fresh content complain, there is a landslide of negative feedback about how cool nikki is and she is a pioneer in tease video, not why I am here or most of the others. I am amazed that people are willing to part with their hard earned cash to watch tease videos of the same girl for 10yrs now??

I am thankful though for the people who posted the good pictures and left the politics out.

Red Boner-

Your parting ways with this community brings us all great sorrow, well not really!

This is perhaps the most cohesive post you have done to date, one that trashes those of us who post here and attempt to make this forum interesting. If we look at all 28 of your current posts we see that most of them are bitching and complaining about what Nikki doesn't show or do! Not once have you contributed with content or discussion!

You sir will not be missed. On the other hand, BriX will be. He and others have had bouts of verbal combat but at least he brought something to the discussion!

Good luck to you and your future troll endeavors!



Approved Content Owner
Log out and then go to main page. Its weird. When you login it disappears

Hey guys... on the tour, it's listed on the left as the runner up update, following the upcoming Princess Blueyez upate.

I believe the tour to be part of the member experience (blogs, and other content). Also, I figure most users go to the tour to login and would see the upcoming updates.

But, I'm listening to my members all the time. Maybe I will add that upcoming updates section to the members area as well. I just thought it would be repetetive content. What say you all? I'm intersted to know.
Well, that update was every bit as much fun as the title implies, lol.

I've seen worse, and, for those that complain over Nikki's silence she speaks without any prompting from Joey. Although if you watch with a jaundiced or experienced view Nikki is doing what is gender inherent Nagging at the man and threatening to withhold sexual favours, lol.