Re: Nextdoor Nikki

pretty sure i can, requires be to go back and forth between two different computers (Because my Linksys router sucks), scan on one and then send out on this one. Gimme some time but yeah i can do that.
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

don't see any issues with this getting approved by mods so here you go. Nikki and tiffany's senior pics and junior pics. (It was hell to get the color senior pics to scan right.)

:coolman: :coolman: :coolman:
Happy thanksgiving


  • nikkitiff yearbook.JPG
    nikkitiff yearbook.JPG
    29.7 KB · Views: 2,058
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

those High School pictures are insane. most excellent find, sir.
my old roomate looks just like Nikki. uncanny similarities.
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

I think I just blacked out a little.