Re: Nextdoor Nikki

After seeing Nikki bent over in alot of her pics.....I would be willing to make a bet that she likes it DOGGIE STYLE!!!!!!! (Barks at the moon) :batman: :nannerf2:


Re: Nextdoor Nikki

top right pic u can c a bit of the areola


Re: Nextdoor Nikki

i dunno. nipslips arn't very sexy anyhow, as if a nipple by itself is the holy grail or something. pffffffft! nudity? its only nudity if there's a nipple! that's the only way it counts! double pfffffft!
the way i see it, if men can show their bare chests and nipples, then women should too without it being called nudity

but anyhow, i'll be waiting for a full breast shot of nikkki


Re: Nextdoor Nikki

on a side note.....why the hell do men have nipples? it serves no biological function whatsoever
think about it, everything else on the human body serves a purpose

whoa this is deep profound stuff man