Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
Alright boys and girls, after watching a fairly mundane Penguins-Capitals alumni game.....that ended in a 5-5 tie (no OT or anything), I decided to share some bad jokes with ya for Bad Joke Friday!
Joke #1:
A little boy, half Jewish and half black, goes to his father and says "Dad, am I more Jewish, or more black?
His father says, "You're just you, son. Why are you asking such a silly question?"
The little boy says "Well, one of my friends is selling his bicycle for 50 bucks, and I don't know whether to offer him 25, or just wait until dark and steal it..."
Joke #2:
Three blondes are walking down the beach. They see something and pick it up and rub it. A genie comes out. He says, you each have one wish. The 1st one says I want to be 20 times smarter. She becomes a brunette. The second one says I want to be smarter but not that much smarter. Make me 10 times smarter. She turns into a redhead. The third one says, I don't want to be any more smarter. Make me 100 times dumber.
The genie turns her into a man.
Joke #3:
Q: What's the difference between acne and Michael Jackson?
A: Acne usually doesn't come on a kid's face until he's at least 13 years old.
Joke #4:
Q: How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say "fuck!"?
A: Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell "BINGO!"
Joke #5:
Q: A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all in 9th grade. Who has the biggest boobs?
A: The blonde, because she's at least 18.
Joke #6:
A girl goes to her father and says she needs a ride to cheering practice. Her father says he will take her, but she has to give him a blow job, first.
The girl is horrified and complains, but her father is steadfast and says: no blowjob, no ride to practice.
The girl didn't want to lose her spot on the cheerleading team, so she finally gives into her father's demand.
She starts in on him, jerks her head up and says: Dad! Your dick tastes like shit!
The father replies: Yeah, your brother had to get to soccer practice.
Joke #7:
Q: How do you give a redneck a circumcision?
A: Kick his sister in the chin.
Joke #8:
A Jewish guy walks up to the pearly gates and is greeted by St. Peter.
Jewish Guy: "Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been discriminated against all my life. I know I’m not getting in, just tell me where to go."
St. Peter: "Oh no, we're not like that here. I tell you what, spell God."
Jewish Guy: "Really...that's it? G...O...D.
St. Peter: "Perfect, you're in. Please follow the golden winged"
So next a Polish Guy walks up.
Polish guy: "Yeah I know, I've been discriminated against all my life. I know I'm not getting in upstairs. Just tell me where to go."
St. Peter: "Oh no, we're not like that. We welcome all kinds. Can you spell God?"
Polish Guy: "God, sure... G...O...D. That's it?"
St. Peter: "Yes sir, here's your pass. You'll find refreshments in the waiting area. Welcome home."
So then a black guy walks up.
Black guy: "Yeah man, I've been discriminated against all my life. I know the drill. Where's the black dude section?"
St. Peter: "Oh nooo, we're not like that; spell Chrysanthemum."
Okay that's enough jokes from me for today & to round out 2010! Wishing everyone a great New Year's Eve & a wonderful 2011! Be safe out there tonight!
Remember, if you drink.....don't drive & If your drive......don't drink!!!