
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahahahaha @ jbs174_1972
Yes I was in Chicago for a few days many many years ago as I was passing through on the way to somewhere else. I'm not real fond of Chicago. The absolute worst people I have ever known in my life are all from Chicago. Just sayin....
Nikki Nova
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you been to Chicago?

Yes I have! On a flight to Seattle, I had to switch planes in Chicago! One of these days I'd like to catch a Pirates game at Wrigley! Oh, the question was meant for Nikki? My bad! Ha ha ha


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you so much Dazza you too!!...and wow jitna that's quite a compliment!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikki Nova
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Just wanting wish you a Happy New Year Nikki......and every success in 2011 xoxo

Have a good one!!

i dont think you need to worry about palin being president, its NEVER going to happen. theres too many people that hate her. plus itd be a REALLY stupid thing for her to do. itd probably hurt her with the lose and once again demonstrating how dumb she is, plus she probably doesnt even really want the job, just the prestige. the smartest thing she could do is just stick around foxnews and be a fundraiser, then she can play the role of kingmaker and rake in the dough.

as for the mayans, im pretty sure the 2012 date was not only not the end of the world, but also a miscalculation of the cycles end. the whole thing is complete utter crap.

i dont see how theres any doubt that Nikki was personally handcrafted by the hands of the divine. god said let there be hotness and there she was. and she was GOOD


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki, surprised or not surprised that there are almost 400 posts on your thread after only three weeks of operation?

I'm kind of surprised there isn't 4,000!
But kind of glad there isn't so we can get some attention! lol

p.s. -- please stop posting your pics...I'm not getting any work done!! ;)


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki, surprised or not surprised that there are almost 400 posts on your thread after only three weeks of operation?

I'm kind of surprised there isn't 4,000!
But kind of glad there isn't so we can get some attention! lol

p.s. -- please stop posting your pics...I'm not getting any work done!! ;)

the only reason its not in the thousands is because shes been posting on the missfreeones thread. there were days she kept that thread alive almost single handedly (or maybe i was the one typing singlehanded...)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

ok technically it is now bad joke Friday. I am starting it off with this....


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I don't know about that guys but thanks for the vote of confidence.
hahaha. Let's just hope it continues to be a fun place. I don't want any shitheads here. hahaha.
Nikki Nova
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Nikki, surprised or not surprised that there are almost 400 posts on your thread after only three weeks of operation?

I'm kind of surprised there isn't 4,000!
But kind of glad there isn't so we can get some attention! lol

p.s. -- please stop posting your pics...I'm not getting any work done!! ;)

the only reason its not in the thousands is because shes been posting on the missfreeones thread. there were days she kept that thread alive almost single handedly (or maybe i was the one typing singlehanded...)


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Official Checked Star Member


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Why is a guy in a singles bar like a movie producer?

He always promises a bigger part than what you'll actually get.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just a little something for bad joke Friday

A small company was on the edge of bankruptcy.
The owner summoned his two-man sales force into his office.
"Things aren't going too well, guys," he announced grimly.
"So to perk up sales I'm announcing a contest. The guy with the most sales gets a blow job."
"What does the loser get?" asked one of the salesmen.
The owner looked at both men and said, "The loser gets to give it."
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Rodger's joke reminded me of this one:

A lumberjack had just moved into a camp in a very remote area, but with no women around he was getting very horny. He talks to the foreman about his problem. The foreman says "no problem, just follow me". He take him to a barrel with a hole in it and says "put it in there". Skeptical, he does as he is told, and gets the best sensation of his life. After he is finished, he finds his foreman again and asks "Can I use that barrel everyday?" The foreman says everyday except Wednesday. So he asks why not on Wednesdays. The foreman tells him "Because that is your day to be in the barrel".

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Let's just hope it continues to be a fun place. I don't want any shitheads here. hahaha.

Nikki, is that your subtle way of telling me to get lost? Ha ha ha

I'm on my iPhone now, but I'll be back in the morning with some bad jokes. I'm going to bed now......there is a Penguins-Capitals alumni game in the morning, including the great Mario Lemieux playing for the Penguins, and it's only bring shown online.....and it starts at 8:30 am CST!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

By the way guys it's now my friend Mariah Milano's birthday. Mine is next week. Capricorns RULE!!!! Be sure to wish her Happy Birthday in the contest thread ok? Also Happy New YEAR to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikki Nova
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Already did! I think I was the 1st to do it after it was actually her b-day! Happy New Year & an early Happy Birthday 2 you!

Don't let all the rednecks and their firecrackers drive ya too nuts tonight!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey Nikki.....if the rednecks drive you crazy with firecrackers tonight, just give me a tweet & I'll put a boot in their ass for ya! Of course, I'll have to go out and buy a new pair of pointed toed boots....but that's not a problem! Besides, I've got the Mob jet for the night!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Already did! I think I was the 1st to do it after it was actually her b-day! Happy New Year & an early Happy Birthday 2 you!

Don't let all the rednecks and their firecrackers drive ya too nuts tonight!

i think i was 3 hours early with my birthday wish to Mariah, so i think ill wait until at least then for Nikki as well. But that doesnt mean Nikki can't tell us what big plans shes got. so how are you going to celebrate soon-to-be-birthday girl? small get together? big birthday blowout? week-long orgy?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Alright boys and girls, after watching a fairly mundane Penguins-Capitals alumni game.....that ended in a 5-5 tie (no OT or anything), I decided to share some bad jokes with ya for Bad Joke Friday!

Joke #1:

A little boy, half Jewish and half black, goes to his father and says "Dad, am I more Jewish, or more black?

His father says, "You're just you, son. Why are you asking such a silly question?"

The little boy says "Well, one of my friends is selling his bicycle for 50 bucks, and I don't know whether to offer him 25, or just wait until dark and steal it..."

Joke #2:

Three blondes are walking down the beach. They see something and pick it up and rub it. A genie comes out. He says, you each have one wish. The 1st one says I want to be 20 times smarter. She becomes a brunette. The second one says I want to be smarter but not that much smarter. Make me 10 times smarter. She turns into a redhead. The third one says, I don't want to be any more smarter. Make me 100 times dumber.

The genie turns her into a man.

Joke #3:

Q: What's the difference between acne and Michael Jackson?

A: Acne usually doesn't come on a kid's face until he's at least 13 years old.

Joke #4:

Q: How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say "fuck!"?

A: Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell "BINGO!"

Joke #5:

Q: A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all in 9th grade. Who has the biggest boobs?

A: The blonde, because she's at least 18.

Joke #6:

A girl goes to her father and says she needs a ride to cheering practice. Her father says he will take her, but she has to give him a blow job, first.

The girl is horrified and complains, but her father is steadfast and says: no blowjob, no ride to practice.

The girl didn't want to lose her spot on the cheerleading team, so she finally gives into her father's demand.

She starts in on him, jerks her head up and says: Dad! Your dick tastes like shit!

The father replies: Yeah, your brother had to get to soccer practice.

Joke #7:

Q: How do you give a redneck a circumcision?

A: Kick his sister in the chin.

Joke #8:

A Jewish guy walks up to the pearly gates and is greeted by St. Peter.

Jewish Guy: "Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been discriminated against all my life. I know I’m not getting in, just tell me where to go."

St. Peter: "Oh no, we're not like that here. I tell you what, spell God."

Jewish Guy: "Really...that's it? G...O...D.

St. Peter: "Perfect, you're in. Please follow the golden winged"

So next a Polish Guy walks up.

Polish guy: "Yeah I know, I've been discriminated against all my life. I know I'm not getting in upstairs. Just tell me where to go."

St. Peter: "Oh no, we're not like that. We welcome all kinds. Can you spell God?"

Polish Guy: "God, sure... G...O...D. That's it?"

St. Peter: "Yes sir, here's your pass. You'll find refreshments in the waiting area. Welcome home."

So then a black guy walks up.

Black guy: "Yeah man, I've been discriminated against all my life. I know the drill. Where's the black dude section?"

St. Peter: "Oh nooo, we're not like that; spell Chrysanthemum."

Okay that's enough jokes from me for today & to round out 2010! Wishing everyone a great New Year's Eve & a wonderful 2011! Be safe out there tonight!

Remember, if you drink.....don't drive & If your drive......don't drink!!!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Maybe ...maybe not. I texted her cell at 11:56 pm Florida time hoping it would arrive right at midnight. Not sure if she got it though.
I was up with insomnia last night. I know you can relate. I was up because my Mac laptop seems to have a BAD and nseeky fucking malware on it. As you guys know I am supposed to be leaving town for my birthday and can't without my laptop working. I spent over 6 hours just trying to run scans on it and it kept freezing up half way through each one telling me the virus protection has to shut down. A bunch of other windows have been coming up and the system has been locking up for the past week...yet everytime I run the anti spyware/walware/rootkit shit on it it doesn;t detect anything. Also when I run my antivirus it doesn;t detect anything yet a few windows have popped up seperately telling me it's infected. wtf? I keep updaing the systems everyday and running new scans a few times day and NOTHING! I spoke to a specialist today and he said that happened to one of his partners girlfriend and basically she got it from doing one of the quiz apps on Facebookand it goes SO DEEP into the system that it can't be detected. They were able to fix hers and I have an appointment with them on Monday. I was seriously stressing last night. I spent additional hours trying to save all of my work on my desktop to various disks and literally haven't gotten a wink of sleep and have a 15 hour work day ahead of me. No idea how I'm going to manage! Ugh! Definitely need the jokes today! lol
Nikki Nova
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Already did! I think I was the 1st to do it after it was actually her b-day! Happy New Year & an early Happy Birthday 2 you!

Don't let all the rednecks and their firecrackers drive ya too nuts tonight!


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