
Official Checked Star Member
the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hello everyone. I think this is long overdue. I post in other threads but I wanted one started by me about me. This means that yes I will post plenty of pics. Nude pics as well as candid everyday ones. You can ask questions. I may not answer every single one because it depends on what you ask. Not everything I post is going to be about sex. It's my thread and it's about me right? Well I am passionately political at times and ironically I have a politically incorrect , often dark, sarcastic sense of humor. Another way to get to know me or see what I am up to is to connect with me on my other sites and pages on the internet. The things is ....very few of the pages and sites that claim to be mine actually are.

my only twitter page is

my myspace is but I honestly rarely log in to myspace anymore

The profiles on Facebook are ALL fake except for one and I only allow it to be viewable by friends and family. It is private and there is no need to friend request me because as I said it is only for friends and family. If you get approved then it's not my page. Pure and simple.

Basically twitter is the best option or of course my website

That being said I look forward to getting to know all of you and you all getting to know me. The real me.
Nikki Nova


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Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The profiles on Facebook are ALL fake except for one and I only allow it to be viewable by friends and family. It is private and there is no need to friend request me because as I said it is only for friends and family. If you get approved then it's not my page. Pure and simple.
Nikki Nova

Well then; someone is impersonating you in a very detailed way. I have all of my correspondence if you want it....just say the word.

I look forward to talking to the real deal....if in fact this is the real deal.


For the EMPEROR!!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi Nikki, good idea .... though I'm not into politics I like your type of humour. I can be a bit sarcastic myself at times .. but in a good way lol ... I'd always rather laugh than cry or get angry... ps more pics of you sounds great to me ha. Cheers


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hello everyone. I think this is long overdue. I post in other threads but I wanted one started by me about me.

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong overdue. loooong. real long super long. long.

This means that yes I will post plenty of pics. Nude pics as well as candid everyday ones. You can ask questions. I may not answer every single one because it depends on what you ask.

you would ignore my questions??? you would never do that to me, would you Nikki???

my only twitter page is

Basically twitter is the best option or of course my website

That being said I look forward to getting to know all of you and you all getting to know me. The real me.
Nikki Nova

well, if anyone could get me to use twitter it would be you...


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes email me at but please keep in mind that I have major spam filters so you will need to verify yourself for it to actually get thorugh to me.
thank you for the info
Nikki Nova

Well then; someone is impersonating you in a very detailed way. I have all of my correspondence if you want it....just say the word.

I look forward to talking to the real deal....if in fact this is the real deal.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jitna no I would never intentionally ignore your question but there may be weks or even months where I am not checking it or can't post info for a while as has happend in the past due to legal situations etc. I also just want to leave myself open to NOT answering questions that a lot of people ask. Sometimes it's just plain none of their business when the questions become too personal etc and so on
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong overdue. loooong. real long super long. long.

you would ignore my questions??? you would never do that to me, would you Nikki???

well, if anyone could get me to use twitter it would be you...


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh wow. Thank you sweetie but this thread was not started for that purpose. It is a place where I get to talk about whatever I want and I should have done it a long time ago. Never the less I appreciate your votes and support.
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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Im going to vote for you Nikki :) xx


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well who wouldn't. Funny is good! Laughing is the best.
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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Hi Nikki, good idea .... though I'm not into politics I like your type of humour. I can be a bit sarcastic myself at times .. but in a good way lol ... I'd always rather laugh than cry or get angry... ps more pics of you sounds great to me ha. Cheers


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Official Checked Star Member


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I like to change it all of the time but honestly that's easier to do when it's long so I guess I would say I like it better when my hair is long. That way I can let it dry naturally and it can just hang wavy and natural or I can blowdry and straghten it. I'm in the midst of letting my layers grow out now so I can start letting it dry and hang natural again. With the layers in it , if I let it dry by itself it is naturally curly/wavy so it look like a bad 80's "do" unless I blow dry it hahahaha
I can't WAIT until the layers grow to where I want them. I have like another year to go. Ugghhhh
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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hey Nikki whats your favorite hair style you have had


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I gotta get to work. lots to do.....
I'm just about to collapse from exhaustion. Just have to position my face above the Z key... There. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz hahahha
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Looking forward to seeing what all you have to say to everyone here, have found that you can be very thoughtful and at other times very funny so this will be a fun thread to follow.

Also love your humor, its refreshing to see at a time where to many people worry to much about being politically correct. I mean I understand being politically correct but some people take it way to far.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jitna no I would never intentionally ignore your question but there may be weks or even months where I am not checking it or can't post info for a while as has happend in the past due to legal situations etc. I also just want to leave myself open to NOT answering questions that a lot of people ask. Sometimes it's just plain none of their business when the questions become too personal etc and so on
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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well, shit, of course you can ignore other peoples questions. ive got no problem with that. if needs be ill gladly wait months for your replies because i know theyll be coming


nice. though i gotta say i like it better when i can see your eyes