Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
Exactly Elwood...on both. Life is an amazing book. I'm sure you've read it. I was blown away at just how fucking smart Keith Richards truly is.
You know me well. I've read it twice so far; and it's still sitting on my coffee table. I'm impressed by his smarts, and his fuckin' memory (!)
Not to mention all of the behind-the-scenes things..
Well, well, well, it looks like I have found yet another book that I need to get and read! Actually autobiographical (& biographical for that matter) books are my favorite types. I'm really more of a non-fiction buff you could say.
I actually was fortunate enough to get to meet Keith, Mick, and the rest of the band when they played Hershey (Hershey Park Stadium) back in 2005, thanks to a contest that I won from Wink-104 in Harrisburg that included a limo ride to and from the concert, tickets, AND the best part.....backstage passes. Of course we're not friends, kept in touch, and I'm "fairly certain" that he wouldn't even remotely remember me......but it was still a pretty damn cool & awesome experience just the same damn it, if only for the fact that I can honestly say I met them! Ha ha ha! BTW, I have to say that I was honestly more impressed by Keith than Mick. Anyone interested in buying an autographed tour t-shirt, I'm open to offers. Just kidding....not parting with that.
What's kind of scary though is the fact that they are all about as old as my mom....and given the kind of life Keith has lead (the drugs and all), I'm amazed that he came through it all as seemingly well as he has. That's a pertty good testament to the kind of guy he is. He's DEFINITELY another musical genius, and there's OBVIOUSLY no doubt about that.