Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Naked is my favorite colour. :drool2:

(it's spelled with a 'u' up here!)
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

some might have heard that my mom passed away on Thursay, ao I've been around family the pass two days, she's been fighting Cancer for the pass 6 yrs

Jon S.;6099173 I'm going to avoid the many cliches that people tend to use in circumstances such as yours said:
Agree to that. Condolences to you and your loved ones Areskeith

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Naked is my favorite colour. :drool2:

(it's spelled with a 'u' up here!)

I'm not exactly certain that "naked" is a color actually. Though, I do remember prior to 1962 (yes, that was WAYYYYYY before I was born thank you very much....ha ha ha), Crayola Crayons had a color called "Flesh" was renamed "Peach" in 1962......because, "shockingly" not everybody has "Peach" colored skin! Ha ha ha!

And yeah, I actually knew color was spelled "colour" in virtually all of the English speaking world (including north of the boarder), except for the United States....which, in large part due to President Theodore Roosevelt's administration's push to "simplify" the spelling of many English......basically dumbed down & further bastardized the English language.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

RED is my favorite color


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

And yeah, I actually knew color was spelled "colour" in virtually all of the English speaking world (including north of the boarder), except for the United States....which, in large part due to President Theodore Roosevelt's administration's push to "simplify" the spelling of many English......basically dumbed down & further bastardized the English language.

are you trying to criticize Teddy Roosevelt? thats just crazy talk
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

are you trying to criticize Teddy Roosevelt? thats just crazy talk

Just as long as he doesn't criticize the colour NAKED! :1orglaugh


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's good in "theory" and in the moment but let me explain something to all you men who make mistakes like this. Ice is fine (cuz there's no sugar) but popsicles contain a lot of sugar...just like whipped cream and chocolate sauce and honey and all of the other things we see in silly but completely unrealistic B movies and porn. Those are all fine for on the body and AROUND the pussy but if any of that goes IN the pussy then the female will end up witha yeats infection due to the sugars and the fact that it's a pussy and not a mouth. Keep that in mind. Also...those men who think it's a sexy idea to pour champagne in the's not. Well actually it is an "idea" but in reality the alcohol in it burns like hell when actually entering the vagina. There's always a difference between fantasy and reality and it's best to know the reality so that the fantasy really works. Just sayin....
Nikki Nova
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I used to keep a box of popsicles in my freezer for any visiting lady (and I use that term with vigorous liberty!) who wanted to experience the thrill of the chill! Beautiful memories, those. :rolleyes:


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

In the shower? Is that the Canadian way? haha. Hey it makes sense. It 's a cold ass place. Good way to keeo warm and heep the blood flowing to the brain so the retention is better. haha. Yes my move has gotten pushed a bit. Looks like it's not gonna be until after the holiday now. Ugh. Got a lot of health stuff going on and the Dr's I'm working with are here so things are being held up....but for important reasons.
Nikki Nova
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Hey, Nikki, that reminds'll need to learn the words to your new national anthem, 'Oh, Canada'.
We can practice singing in the shower. :nanner:


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

favourite color? seriously? I was gone for a day because I had to have 8 tubes of blood drawn at a lab (only was able to do 4 of them) for some medical tests and giving blood is a huge phobia of mine and in my absense my thread topic was changed to "what's your favorite color"? Is this a jr high school date? hahahaha. Hey I appreciate the intention but this is my thread and in my absense there is no one "in charge" persay so let's just let it flow freely. As long as people are being nice to each other and no one is creating unnecessary drama or spamming or posting illegal material then it's all good. The moderators are awesome and if the moderators don't catch something that one of you guys see then by all means report it to them but that's really all that is needed. Just have fun guys.
Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sent you a message privately regarding this. I know that everyone here has either known someone, had a family member or has faced cancer themselves and it's a hard thing to watch someone you love go through it. 6 years is a long time and she's a strong woman. My thoughts n heart go out to you and your family.
Nikki Nova
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some might have heard that my mom passed away on Thursay, ao I've been around family the pass two days, she's been fighting Cancer for the pass 6 yrs


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes but it's not necessarily a "contest". I just wanted you guys to share some of your most embrassing, disgusting or funniest sexual experiences. In return I was going to share mine but so far none of them that have been shared are all that embarassing and very few people have even participated. Now someone has even gone and changed the topic and ppl don't seem to even be aware of what the current topic is so I throw my hands up in the air at this point. If you want to share and if others of you reading this have something good then by all means share already! If not then....moving on I guess.
Nikki Nova
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I just wanna wish you an excellent weekend people! :thumbsup:

And Keith, hope everything will be improving by now my friend! :thumbsup:

P.S. Is the Funny Sex Stories Contest still on? Do you have to talk about your own or you can refer someone else's story?


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's good in "theory" and in the moment but let me explain something to all you men who make mistakes like this. Ice is fine (cuz there's no sugar) but popsicles contain a lot of sugar...just like whipped cream and chocolate sauce and honey and all of the other things we see in silly but completely unrealistic B movies and porn. Those are all fine for on the body and AROUND the pussy but if any of that goes IN the pussy then the female will end up witha yeats infection due to the sugars and the fact that it's a pussy and not a mouth. Keep that in mind. Also...those men who think it's a sexy idea to pour champagne in the's not. Well actually it is an "idea" but in reality the alcohol in it burns like hell when actually entering the vagina. There's always a difference between fantasy and reality and it's best to know the reality so that the fantasy really works. Just sayin....
Nikki Nova
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so in a reality sort of way what tasty treats do you recommend?


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana

Jon S.

Nikki, I've got some good news, some bad news, and some good news for you. First the good news: The Orange Cat nominated you for OOTW this week. Now for the bad news: You received 3 votes, but you came up 3 votes short. Finally, the good news again: Though you didn't win, Jane Burgess did!

You had a really incredible run, but if it had to come to an end, & I for one am genuinely pleased that Jane FINALLY & DESERVEDLY was the one who won. It was LONG overdo if you ask me.

Incidently, Jane also won in Post of the Week that was doubly cool. Thought You Might like to know.

know that i will now be stocking my cabinets with sugar free yummy treats
You're diabetic? :dunno: :D
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you sweetie. Honestly I have had some very serious health problems for years now but have been misdiagnosed several times. I was told a couple of years ago that I had lymphoma and I chose to treat it naturally. I have studied natural medicine and am well versed it how to treat cancer naturally and am very involved with several people who have beaten it after being sent home to die basically because traditional "western" medicine didn't work. I tackled mine naturally and over a year later my labs were normal again so I thought it was successful. Unfortunately a lot of the problems were still occuring so I went to see a different Doctor who actually listened to me and looked at the damage done from my accident 5 1/2 years ago and thought it was a combination of factors resulting from permanent injuries/damages from that accident. That too was a misdiagnosis. I have been a medical question mark for years now and it's getting worse as far as my body's inability to function properly. I am currently a lab rat getting tons of tests run on me so that in a few weeks when I go to yet another Dr I will be armed with information for him to narrow it down. They are leaning towards something now that is extremely rare and there are no known causes of it. Don't ask what because this is as personal as I'm going to get...especially since right now it's still a whole lot of speculation. This is also why my move to Canada has been delayed and I might be living out of a hotel for a long time while working with the Dr's that I am working with. Homeless for the holidays isn't real appealing but if it means I get this figured out and hopefully better then I will take it. I haven't had a day without extreme pain and fevers and blackouts and inability to filter out toxins from even the most basic foods in over 5 years. This is why I HAVE to be vegan and eat so retardedly healthy. Even my cookies are gluten free, fruit juice sweetened and organic. If I eat something bad I am seriously sick and unable to function for days. I have to take a TON of natural herbs and medicinal tonics every single day just to function. It sucks.
Nikki Nova
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Ouchie! You had to give that much blood? Poor Nikki. I hope it's nothing serious & you're ok.


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's wonderful news!!!!!!!!!! It's about fucking TIME!!! I nominated her myself a couple of weeks ago. She most definitely deserves it!!!
Fuck yeah!
Nikki Nova
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Nikki, I've got some good news, some bad news, and some good news for you. First the good news: The Orange Cat nominated you for OOTW this week. Now for the bad news: You received 3 votes, but you came up 3 votes short. Finally, the good news again: Though you didn't win, Jane Burgess did!

You had a really incredible run, but if it had to come to an end, & I for one am genuinely pleased that Jane FINALLY & DESERVEDLY was the one who won. It was LONG overdo if you ask me.

Incidently, Jane also won in Post of the Week that was doubly cool. Thought You Might like to know.