
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah, I feel you about the whole shorts thing...but, I'm actually trying to get out of the habit of wearing them so much. I'm surprised that I don't notice much difference from a comfort stand point...though it is hot as Hell.

Now, I thought you said you were from PA!?!? 50 degrees!?!? Ha ha ha! Hell, I remember going out and shoveling snow outside my house wearing shorts. Granted I was also wearing a coat and gloves...but yeah! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, it definitely gets cold in the winter in Canada. But, like I said, you can always bundle up. On the other hand, the summers are fairly pleasant. I've been to Canada in the winter and in the summer. Last time I went up in the winter was with a group of criminal justice students from college...and that was to Montreal. It was March, and when we got there it was like spring...didn't even need to wear a coat. Hell, within 2-3 days, it got bitterly cold...even the locals said it was unseasonably cold...so you know it was cold. When I came in from being outside, my skin under my clothes was red...if that gives you an idea how cold it was. Anyway, like I said, if you bundle up, you'll be okay. I mean, you can always add another layer of clothes...BUT, you can only take off so much. Personally, I like a happy medium...but yeah...the cold isn't that bad.

Nikki mentioned about driving in the snow and ice...and despite the old cliche "you get used to it"...YOU DON'T! Hell I was literally almost killed in a wreck on ice...and in my lifetime I was in at least 4 wrecks on snow/ice, totaling 3 cars...and I was driving during 2 of them (totaled 1...when I was almost killed...if not for my seatbelt). So the best thing to do when the roads are bad is...don't drive. SERIOUSLY! There is usually nothing that important that you should risk your life to do it by driving on bad roads.

shoveling snow??? oh, god i do not miss that.

add a layer of clothes? i dont think so. clothes should be coming off, not on. right, nikki?

You'd be surprised. There aren't as many as you would think. Given that "Nikki Nova" is a perfect example of alliteration, I thought there would be far more. I could only find the one so far. The song that I found (I guess from around '07) and the one the Twitter follower brought to Nikki's attention ('11) are actually both fairly recent from what I could tell.

i think there are 12.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

shoveling snow??? oh, god i do not miss that.
I can't exactly say I do either. I kind of miss snow...BUT, I don't miss shoveling it...or driving in it for that matter.

add a layer of clothes? i dont think so. clothes should be coming
off, not on. right, nikki?
Only problem with that is that there is actually a limit to what you can take off...BUT, there really isn't a limit to what you can put on. Soooo, when it's hot as Hell, it is a lot harder to get cool than it is to get warm when it is cold...clothes wise that is anyway. I mean one can not be naked all of the time...nor would they want to be....unless they were some kind of freak or something!:1orglaugh

i think there are 12.
Where in the world did you come up with that number? You'll be having Nikki and the rest believing you! Ha ha ha!

Even if I included this sorry ass "freestyle rap" by some sorry ass white guy...to some fake ass chick calling herself "Nikki Nova", the best I could find was the one by MIMS, the one from the Twitter follower, and this sorry ass one! Ha ha ha!:

Personally I feel the fact that Nikki is mentioned in two songs that we know of is pretty damned cool in and of itself.:cool:

Finally, I found this Smiley that had a message for Nikki:

Do you now Mr. Smiley??? I must confess that I share that sentiment wholeheartedly!;) Too cheesy?:1orglaugh NEVER!!!:cool:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Only problem with that is that there is actually a limit to what you can take off...BUT, there really isn't a limit to what you can put on. Soooo, when it's hot as Hell, it is a lot harder to get cool than it is to get warm when it is cold...clothes wise that is anyway. I mean one can not be naked all of the time...nor would they want to be....unless they were some kind of freak or something!:1orglaugh

thats why god invented shade, fans, and A/C

Where in the world did you come up with that number? You'll be having Nikki and the rest believing you! Ha ha ha!

dont you think Nikki is worth at least a dozen songs?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

thats why god invented shade, fans, and A/C
Yeah, but sadly the latter requires that you stay indoors & the prior only goes so far. Actually, more often than not, the humidity is what really sucks even more than the heat itself.

dont you think Nikki is worth at least a dozen songs?
I know and believe Nikki is worth FAR more than that...and I'm not even talking about songs for that matter!:cool:

Clearly there aren't a dozen songs...but having a few songs mentioning her is still pretty cool though!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know and believe Nikki is worth FAR more than that...and I'm not even talking about songs for that matter!:cool:

Clearly there aren't a dozen songs...but having a few songs mentioning her is still pretty cool though!

yes, even having one song mention is cool. no argument.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks for the pic Nikki. I've enjoyed your work for quite awhile. As for Canadian COLD, it's very diverse. I live in southern Ontario, near Toronto, most of the summer it's in the 80s and 90s. (I even changed that to farenheit) We're further south than part of California. However, there are friggin cold places like Winnipeg. -40 F not uncommon in winter. We call it Winterpeg. This country's not all cold, just a lot of options.

Plan a trip, I'm your tour guide Lovely Lady.

Well thank you Rodster and welcome to my thread. Ok I have to ask...because as jbs and eddyb have pointed out Canada is COLD. That's the thing. I'm not crazy about freezing my ass off or driving in the snow and ice but I have liked every Canadian I have ever met and again...like jbs said they just don't seem as angry and stressed out as people in the U.S. People seem to have a better sense of humor and have their priorities a bit better set there.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

yes, even having one song mention is cool. no argument.
EXACTLY my friend...EXACTLY!!! I know I've laid it on "a little" thick in the past...but there really is no need. Even the fact that she was mentioned in a couple of songs is really cool in and of itself.:cool:

I realized a bit ago that I really don't need to lay it on thick...because when I did, it was hard to take what I said seriously...because it didn't seem genuine...so it tended to have less than the desired effect...if that makes sense.

I don't believe it should come as much of a surprise to find out that I have very high standards when it comes to my feelings for and perceptions of others. Keeping that in mind, I can GENUINELY say that I consider Nikki to be one of the finest people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. She is kind, caring, considerate, and tries to spread positivity as much as she can...and she has the capibility of having a positive impact in the lives of anyone who is open-minded enough to give her half a chance. That is rare in this day and age...especially in the United States. That's exactly what I meant when I said that "she is worth far more than that"...because...quite simply...she is!:2 cents:

Now, since it's past midnight...before I head to bed, I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there! My dad was more of a "donor" who paid support when forced, than anything else...but I guess he could have been worse. However, I know there are plenty of good fathers out there who know that there is more to it than simply knocking someone up! Ha ha ha! So....cheers to those of you who get it! I'm not a father (not that I know of anyway...joking...ha ha ha!), and I'm not sure if I want to be for several reasons...but Happy Father's Day again to the ones who are and who do it well!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A wise man once told me that sometimes less is more. ;)

And I would like to second the Happy Father's Day wishes as well.
And Jon I look at it this way, while most guys can become fathers, not all are cut out to be Dads.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A wise man once told me that sometimes less is more. ;)

And I would like to second the Happy Father's Day wishes as well.
And Jon I look at it this way, while most guys can become fathers, not all are cut out to be Dads.
You're absolutely right on target there who??? Though my dad has been dead now for 18 years, I still can not muster any feelings for him either way. When I was a doe eyed young boy, I guess I loved him. I grew to have no feelings about him whatsoever. I can't say I hated him...because I never really felt that way...but, like I said, at the same time, as I grew more aware of things, the love I had went away & by the time he died, I had nothing but apathy for him.

Heck I didn't even learn that he died until I filed for child support again because I had enrolled in college. I got a letter from Domestic Relations stating that the hearing had been cancelled because the Petitioner (me) was deceased. I called and found out that that was a typo, and in fact the defendant (or whatever they are called in support cases) was dead. And I guess that must have been about 4-5 months after the fact. What can I say, the man had great timing.

But seriously, In college, in my early 20s, I would talk to girls about the fact that my dad was dead, and they would all act like it was really sad and try to comfort me...funny thing is that, like I said, I had nothing but apathy for the man and I couldn't even pretend to be devastated, distraught, or even really sad for that matter...not even as a play for more sympathy from girls who felt it was really sad. Honestly, I've always had a hard time being fake...and my feelings for my dad are no exception.

Like I said, I could say I hate him...but I don't. I just don't have any feelings for him at all. The fact that he has been dead for 18 years is just another thing to make me feel old...little more. Am I glad he's dead...of course not. Am I sad? I just can't muster that emotion for him. He had a good job with the State...and pissed it away because of his drinking...even though they offered to let him do rehab on the weekends...he refused. I guess I can be thankful that I was not exposed to his boozing anyway & he was an inspiration to me never to start.

Bottom line, my dad basically never did anything for me or my brother, and didn't give anything that he wasn't forced to do. I remember my mom telling me when she first filed for support in the 70s & my dad told her if she showed up for the hearing that "there would be trouble"! She asked her attorney what she should do. He told her "get a gun"! She did! Of course my dad was a pussy and was all talk...but still!

Like I said, my dad wasn't the worst because I wasn't around him enough for him to be. But, if you are a father and a good one at that, or you have a father who is a good one, you should be proud and/or grateful!

Cheers again to those fathers who are also real dads and not merely "donors"!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Toronto is actually the only place I've ever been but Ive been several times and yes I was there in the summer. It was hot and humid like most oif the East coast in the states. I'm more curious about the western coast of Canada. I don't really have any interest in any landlocked portion. What can you tell me about the West coast?
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Thanks for the pic Nikki. I've enjoyed your work for quite awhile. As for Canadian COLD, it's very diverse. I live in southern Ontario, near Toronto, most of the summer it's in the 80s and 90s. (I even changed that to farenheit) We're further south than part of California. However, there are friggin cold places like Winnipeg. -40 F not uncommon in winter. We call it Winterpeg. This country's not all cold, just a lot of options.

Plan a trip, I'm your tour guide Lovely Lady.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Agreed. Happy Fathers Day too all of the men who take care of a child whether they are their biological child or not. Any man who takes on the responsibility of and gives love to a child.....THANK YOU! I would like to keeop the focus on those men opn this fine day. Many os us have lost those nen but they still should be honored in my opinion and yes...this includes grandpas or as I call mine "Grandaddy's !
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

A wise man once told me that sometimes less is more. ;)

And I would like to second the Happy Father's Day wishes as well.
And Jon I look at it this way, while most guys can become fathers, not all are cut out to be Dads.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Agreed. Happy Fathers Day too all of the men who take care of a child whether they are their biological child or not. Any man who takes on the responsibility of and gives love to a child.....THANK YOU! I would like to keeop the focus on those men opn this fine day. Many os us have lost those nen but they still should be honored in my opinion and yes...this includes grandpas or as I call mine "Grandaddy's !
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I have instigated my nieces to calling my dad "Grampy".

Imagine a 6'5", 300lb retired Army Sargent, being called something he doesn't really like, from someone he CAN'T get mad at, it is too hilarious. Hahahaha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

also happy Father's day to all the single moms, who does double duty
Yeah, I never really thought of it like that...but you're right. My mom raised my brother and me as best she could, and she filled both roles. Her brother lives in Seattle, but he served as a surrogate as well. Her father, my grandfather, died about 30 years before I was born (when she was 4), so I never knew him...and I didn't have a relationship with my dad's parents. Like I said, you are right on target!

Toronto is actually the only place I've ever been but Ive been several times and yes I was there in the summer. It was hot and humid like most oif the East coast in the states. I'm more curious about the western coast of Canada. I don't really have any interest in any landlocked portion. What can you tell me about the West coast?
Like I said, I've only really been to Toronto & Montreal. But, I do know people who have been to Vancouver (family even), and everyone I've ever talked to simply loved it. It's right on the pacific coast with lots of water to enjoy. It's actually LA's sister city, likely because it is such a hot spot for the film industry. The climate is fairly mild. Not too hot in the summer and not ungodly cold in the winter. There is lots to do and things to see. I don't know if you've ever been to Seattle, but from what I've been told, if you like Seattle, you'll love Vancouver!

Agreed. Happy Fathers Day too all of the men who take care of a child whether they are their biological child or not. Any man who takes on the responsibility of and gives love to a child.....THANK YOU! I would like to keeop the focus on those men opn this fine day. Many os us have lost those nen but they still should be honored in my opinion and yes...this includes grandpas or as I call mine "Grandaddy' !
Right on Nikki! Obviously I lost my father nearly 20 years ago, and I didn't have much of a relationship with him to begin with, & I never had the privilage of knowing my "Granddaddy" (heard nothing but good things about him from those who knew him though), BUT this really is a day to celebrate all of the good men out there who have had, continue to have, and will have a positive impact on the lives of children...whether they be biologically related or not. Obviously there is more to being a real father than just genetic material...and the good guys deserve to be celebrated each and every day, and then some!

Finally guys, I would like to apologize for being a bit of a Buzz Killington in the reflections I shared about my father. I also need to apologize for being intellectually dishonest. I believe, when I search deep inside myself, I am actually sad that my dad is dead...though I try to kid myself that I don't care about it. Heck, I just got off the phone a little bit ago with my mother, and her father died nearly 70 years ago (like I said, when she was 4), and she even broke down and cried about him being dead...70 years after the fact. So yeah! Being positive in my outlook (which one should ALWAYS strive to be), I suppose my father did do a few things right in life...and one of those things was creating me...and I would like to believe that those whose lives I've had a positive impact in/on would agree on that point. Concentrating on the negatives only generates more negativity and makes you feel lousy. It's better to remain positive!:)