Nightfly has passed away! God rest him in peace.Elly Jaine.

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Same here.

It was never meant to bait you. So, sorry.

And FYI we have resolved this in PM and I'm honestly not happy to have upset a a member I call a friend in Asianxxxchick. Also to look like I'm dishonouring the memory of Michael.

Ditto, man. My apologies to you - publicly - for not being able to discern what you were trying to say.

No worries, m8. :hatsoff: I appreciate the p.m.'s :thumbsup:
You know, if Nightfly HAD been here, he would enjoyed the to'ing and fro'ing of this thread, enormously!:yesyes:
I nominated 'Fly for MOTW last week. I've done so again this week.
It would be nice if anyone who feels the same as I and some others do also show their support for this small gesture and attempt to honor/remember Michael and what he meant here for such a long time.


I nominated 'Fly for MOTW last week. I've done so again this week.
It would be nice if anyone who feels the same as I and some others do also show their support for this small gesture and attempt to honor/remember Michael and what he meant here for such a long time.

Great idea RogueWolf.
This is absolutely crazy to me. For those that remember me, Nighfly was the very first person who started talking to me. Freeones was the first message board that I ever joined and I was having all sorts of issues at first. If anyone remembers the issues I had setting up my avatar and signature you would also remember how much Nightfly helped me. Not that this is the best thing, but I ended up giving him my password so that he could set up everything. What makes this harder yet is that I haven't been on her for months, and lost my Gauge signature again. I ended up trying to post a thread so I could get some help getting a new Gauge signature. I was actually expecting Nightfly to respond and help me out, but he never did. I just assumed that he may have moved on for a bit.

I would like to send my thoughts and prayers out to Nighflys friends and family. This really is a lose of a good person and he will be foever missed.

-In memory of Nightfly, if anyone could create me a new gauge signature and incorporate "in memory of Nighfly" it would be appreciated.
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Awww... I just forgot this is why I started the "Say something nice about another member" thread

Here's my very first post....
After reading another post where an older member blast a new member about doing something wrong, I wanted to start a thread where members can thank other members. So please use this thread to take a moment and thank a member who has went above and beyond to help you out.

-I'd like to thank Nightfly for getting me started on this site with my Gauge sig and avatar. I know it must have been irrating dealing with me, but Nightfly never complained and certainly took extra time in getting me started, so THANK YOU NIGHTFLY



Awww... I just forgot this is why I started the "Say something nice about another member" thread

Here's my very first post....
After reading another post where an older member blast a new member about doing something wrong, I wanted to start a thread where members can thank other members. So please use this thread to take a moment and thank a member who has went above and beyond to help you out.

-I'd like to thank Nightfly for getting me started on this site with my Gauge sig and avatar. I know it must have been irrating dealing with me, but Nightfly never complained and certainly took extra time in getting me started, so THANK YOU NIGHTFLY


That's a good idea lucky4. But I believe the subject for this thread should strictly be Nightfly.

Why not start a seperate thread for thanking members?
Ahhh. My mistake.

Sorry lucky4.

It's cool MC. Kind of funny that you responded. You may have forgot, but you were the one I started that thread about. You blasted a new Anyway, that was long time ago. I hope everythings been going well ;)
Just heard ...

This is horrendous. I always enjoyed his posts, his tastes, his viewpoints. No character should be taken before his time. He will be greatly missed.


Torn & Frayed.
Damn; I'm completely speechless,I don't know what to say.I only knew him from the boards;and I can honestly say I don't have a bad thing to say.He always treated me with the utmost respect,even when I was a newbie.

My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends;and wherever he is,I wish him the best.The pain is over.

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
we dicussed a whole lot, heavy discussions, but we laughed so much, and always worked it out:) in our last conversation though he told me something in sharp contrast to what asianxx -or whatever his name is- said? which is a bit confusing for me now?
im happy we ended our conversation with lots of kisses and well wishes, and like crissy said, he found his way to god just recently, and i am happy to have been able to discuss this with him. Im sure he will be up there making sure everything goes correct;)
I don't remember if I ever talked to Michael on this board or not. i do remember that he was one of the most active here. His friends and family have my deepest condolences. Too many good people are passing away so early. I hope that we can all learn from his example and try live a full life. Let's be good to our firends and loved ones and cherish them for the few precious moments we're here on this earth.


Well me and Nightfly have known each other for roughly 4 yrs.

He joined up on FO`s not long after me ( I joined late 2002)

Me and him sometimes never saw eye to eye but like alot of peeps here and there, That was the case with him with his views on things.

We did get on thou at the start then had alittle argy bargy in the middle and on this board but we got back to speaking terms not so long ago.

I hadnt talked in awhile until we bumped into each other on myspace.

I hadnt a clue he was drinking alot etc as he seemed very level headed usually when we chatted ( even if i thought he talked shit half the time :1orglaugh )

He did have alot of friends on this board but had enemys aswell ( i`ll admit i was one for a while)

But at the end of the day, Id never wish death upon him and i hope none of his other enemys would either.

What really annoys me reading this thread thou is none of the older mods have left any kinda msg in here and that is disrespectful as they did talk to Mr Fly( as i called him) whe he was a member on here and b/c of his banning ( which i dont know what for may i add) they dont wanna say a thing and prolly still hold a grudge against him for speaking his mind.

Just goes to show that some ppl around here are still trigger happy when it comes to speaking your mind.

RIP Mr Fly.

This ones for you............... :nanner:


This thread will not be used to allow people to have a personal argument.

The fight that took place here and the sharing of personal information about Nightfly has been removed. Let's allow this thread to carry on in a respectful way.
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