NFL fan gives boyfriend a lap-dance in front of stunned crowd

In soccer...okay bad idea. Let's just focus on the fact that she's hot and those nasty bastards are lucky as hell.
haha, if that's what you gotta do at a dallas cowboy game to get excited at the game...idc if it's even halftime...sad cowgirls, sad


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
No wonder she did this, considering the Cowboys suck this year.
It's American football so what do you expect. People have a habit of going postal after viewing a game of American football. Yes it really is that much of a morale killer. Bit like Baseball and Cricket and normal Football. So that young lady kept their morales up with her escapades. Well done.

Question about Baseball: Why is it called the world series and yet there's only American teams in it. Or am I wrong there in saying that?. Me thinks not.
It's American football so what do you expect. People have a habit of going postal after viewing a game of American football.
Keep your damned hands off of our euphemisms!! I suppose it's better than going 'postal' and getting the game called before it's in full swing.
Question about Baseball: Why is it called the world series and yet there's only American teams in it. Or am I wrong there in saying that?. Me thinks not.

:dunno:At it's inception (like most other sports originating in the US) the US was the only place on the planet playing it..that's the reasoning.:2 cents:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Alcohol + a shitty team + a slut = :facepalm:
It doesn't matter if players are from all over the world. If all the teams are American and are based there and play there then it is stupid to call it the world series as no one else in the world has baseball teams that compete in the US circuit. That be what I saying. So if something is wrongly labeled then it will be referred to in the correct manner (American Baseball League - American Series). Just calling it as I see it, nothing more. There are foreign players in the UK football leagues but they are not referred to as anythng other than UK league teams.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It doesn't matter if players are from all over the world. If all the teams are American and are based there and play there then it is stupid to call it the world series as no one else in the world has baseball teams that compete in the US circuit. That be what I saying. So if something is wrongly labeled then it will be referred to in the correct manner. Just calling it as I see it, nothing more.

A. Toronto = not America

B. If you want to call up the best baseball team from Tuvalu and see if they want to play the Giants to determine world champ, feel free...
Still not the world series as Toronto isn't overseas (which would then be labeled world series if it was). You could say though that it isn't the American series then if you include them. But only that.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Still not the world series as Toronto isn't overseas (which would then be labeled world series if it was).

No, actually, it is fine for it to be called the World Series given Canada is not America. See, Canada is outside of United States borders and therefore the Jays are an international team, so... :2 cents:


MLB = Best players from Japan, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Bahamas, etc which is outside U.S., therefore world

Are we not supposed to discuss football and lap dances?
Still not the world series as there needs to be more than 1 team (outside of the US) to be classed as a world series. Especially if like 99% of other teams are from the US of A. Makes sense that.... unless you are dipstick from the planet dippy!. And yes this is supposed to be about something other than Baseball. I am giving it a by, as I am board stiff talking about dullball... sorry baseball.

Lets move on shall we.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Still not the world series as there needs to be more than 1 team (outside of the US) to be classed as a world series. Especially if like 99% of other teams are from the US of A.

Makes sense that.... unless you are dipstick from the planet dippy!.

Ok, so the only true World Series were 92/93. I can live with that. :dunno: