I will reserve comment until we get the entire list. So far....not the list I would put up and I think this difference is evidenced by the discrepancy between the fan rank and the NFL rank. Players from bygone eras will be downgraded unjustly by the fans.
Where the hell is Tim Brown??
OK here is all the proof that you need to tell that this list is. Mike Ditka is higher than both Ozzie Newsome and Kellen Winslow. And Tony Gonzales is higher than all three of them?
It's hard to argue with the top 10. http://top100.nfl.com/ Jerry Rice was the only logical choice for #1 IMO. Peyton Manning #8. Already. That pretty much settles the Manning/Brady argument. Manning will probably finish top 3 by the time he retires. Hopefully with at least 1 more Super Bowl.
It's hard to argue with the top 10. http://top100.nfl.com/ Jerry Rice was the only logical choice for #1 IMO. Peyton Manning #8. Already. That pretty much settles the Manning/Brady argument. Manning will probably finish top 3 by the time he retires. Hopefully with at least 1 more Super Bowl.
Not surprised either given how often people refer to Jerry as "The Greatest of All Time". I believe Reggie White should have been rated higher than L.T. but I will not dispute the fact that they belong in the top 10. Pretty much figured Payton wouldn't get a head of Unitas...yet. Even less of a surprise is the fact that Montana trumps them both. If they would have left Butkus off of the list, I would have been pissed.:2 cents:
BTW STDiva, is having a 49er top this list and the Giants winning the World Series any consolation for the Niner's god awful puketastic season this year?
Manning should not have been at eight I can think of alot of different players. Also as a Patriots fan I don't think that Brady should take Manning's spot. Both of them should have been 19 or 20 order doesn't matter. Deacon Jones should have been in the eight spot.
3 9ers in the top 11 is cool to see, but I'm a Dodgers fan. :anonymous