New Wave of European Pornstars


Retired Mod
I'm sitting here going through some of my collection and became amazed at how many new Euro pornstars there are. What truly amazed me was how they all look like "pornstars" compared to many of the girls here in the U.S. who look like "teenagers having sex". Here are a few that are in my collection i'd like to share who we'll probably be getting requests to id in the near future.
Kristina V
Lora Black
Sheila B
Jennifer Morante
Jenny Sanders
Vica Ryder
Lora Craft
They are hot, but they look like American replacements. You have a Belladonna lookalie, a Krystal Steal lookalike... then again,I've been drinking heavily for like 3 hours now..
Being a veteran of the Cold War.... I like the idea of if ya can't fight 'em.. screw 'em... Maybe it's their new secret weapon to zap our precius bodily fluids. OMG Gen Ripper was right afterall.....
