Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
you're quite right but there were plenty of other candidates just they don't have the money to buy the airtime and the big*2*won't allow them into the debates and that's why we're stuck with um.
We're only stuck if we allow ourselves to be stuck. Right now we're in an unprecedented time time with regards to the ability of an individual to spread their views - via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Think of it this way: what if you could convince *two* Facebook friends to vote for an independent, but also got them to convince two others, and so on? Deciding you're not stuck is half the battle; deciding you are is forfeiting the battle entirely.
Voting in people not of the two main parties is really the only non-catastrophic means of real change I see happening. Not that I really see it happening; but I will continue to push for it, because anything else is basically forfeiting the country. Pretty much every important change we need to make - from money in politics to gerrymandering to single-member voting going to something much more sensible like instant run-off voting, the ability for members of Congress to directly profit from laws they create, hell, spending or the military industrial complex - none of this will change with Democrats or Republicans. None. It won't change with Obama, it won't change with another President Clinton, it won't change with a Democrat majority in both houses nor will it change with a sudden Republican President with Republican majorities. I can pretty much guarantee this with the same level of confidence as death and taxes.