New Poll Shows Most Americans Would Replace ENTIRE Congress!


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
If the office of the presidency is term limited the so should the other elected national offices. The reason that we need them is that long serving lawmakers are not being re-elected necessarily because of how competent they are but rather what they bring back to the states and districts. That is what makes them entrenched in their job. If a person served knowing that after a period of time they were going to once again that they were actually have to live under the laws that they created as a private citizen the quality of the legislation would significantly improve. And if people knew that they would eventually not to be able to vote the same person in time and time again the quality of the candidate would improve. Any person that sought office under those conditions wovld more than likely have the best interest of the country at heart and knowing that their time in office was limited would be more concerned about a legislative legacy than being re-elected over and over. A huge win for Americans.

Well, okay. Set the limit at X number of years. If your district has been getting the satisfaction of a representative till term limit, why throw them out? Are they to groom another? Why not stay on?


Staff member
Congress is voted locally. It makes me smile that people are so unhappy with them. I am, but I'm really not unhappy with my Congressman/woman. I'm unhappy with YOURS. I don't get to vote to replace that representative.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off with proportional representation. I think it might work if the States were more empowered (thus making your State's government more important).

Lacking that, I think instant runoff voting would help.


Official Checked Star Member
proportional representation is EXACTLY what we need. how is it fair for a state with 38 million people to have the same # of representatives as a state with 400,000 people? that is fucking bullocks as it gets.
I think we should replace the entire congress with puppies. The same amount of production while the cuteness value would increase a thousand fold.
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
Thomas Jefferson


Official Checked Star Member
BC will say that doesn't mean what you think. He'll claim that really means that the government should give corporations all the breaks and advantages and that they shall pay no taxes and underpay their labor. if you can say that "a camel has a better chance of passing through the eye of a needle than a rich man in entering into heaven" means jesus and god love rich people the most then you can twist anything around to mean whatever suits you.
Political parties have failed*.

THIS... our two-party system is a joke, and the parties are not even what they are "supposed" to be. I say we allow multiple candidates run on their OWn platform, not just towing the party line BS. Maybe I am an idealist, but I'd like to see a wider range of types of candidates, and a MUCh shorter "election season".
THIS... our two-party system is a joke, and the parties are not even what they are "supposed" to be. I say we allow multiple candidates run on their OWn platform, not just towing the party line BS. Maybe I am an idealist, but I'd like to see a wider range of types of candidates, and a MUCh shorter "election season".
you're quite right but there were plenty of other candidates just they don't have the money to buy the airtime and the big*2*won't allow them into the debates and that's why we're stuck with um. it's time we start voting third-party and doing research on our own instead of just listening to what the money tells us. the people who listen to Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken and all the other political paid for pieces of shit are nothing but sheep who really don't have a clue cause they won't research a damned thing for themselves
you're quite right but there were plenty of other candidates just they don't have the money to buy the airtime and the big*2*won't allow them into the debates and that's why we're stuck with um. it's time we start voting third-party and doing research on our own instead of just listening to what the money tells us. the people who listen to Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken and all the other political paid for pieces of shit are nothing but sheep who really don't have a clue cause they won't research a damned thing for themselves

Sadly too many sheeple just vote the party line instead of *goddess forbid* thinking for themselves!! *GASP!*
you're quite right but there were plenty of other candidates just they don't have the money to buy the airtime and the big*2*won't allow them into the debates and that's why we're stuck with um. it's time we start voting third-party and doing research on our own instead of just listening to what the money tells us. the people who listen to Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken and all the other political paid for pieces of shit are nothing but sheep who really don't have a clue cause they won't research a damned thing for themselves



Official Checked Star Member
election season has become a business. it's much more about the campaign than it is anything else. look at the amount of money spent. if we were like the UK where each side got the same amount of money and 6 weeks, the corporations that have been raking in billions (TV networks to start the list) would go insane. It would take the bribery and special interest out of elections and a much fairer playing field. but that will NEVER happen. if a 3rd party were to run they would get no support and if they were elected it would be even less than none. its fixed. plain and simple
election season has become a business. it's much more about the campaign than it is anything else. look at the amount of money spent. if we were like the UK where each side got the same amount of money and 6 weeks, the corporations that have been raking in billions (TV networks to start the list) would go insane. It would take the bribery and special interest out of elections and a much fairer playing field. but that will NEVER happen. if a 3rd party were to run they would get no support and if they were elected it would be even less than none. its fixed. plain and simple

And this is beyond sad.
election season has become a business. it's much more about the campaign than it is anything else. look at the amount of money spent. if we were like the UK where each side got the same amount of money and 6 weeks, the corporations that have been raking in billions (TV networks to start the list) would go insane. It would take the bribery and special interest out of elections and a much fairer playing field. but that will NEVER happen. if a 3rd party were to run they would get no support and if they were elected it would be even less than none. its fixed. plain and simple

double yup
election season has become a business. it's much more about the campaign than it is anything else. look at the amount of money spent. if we were like the UK where each side got the same amount of money and 6 weeks, the corporations that have been raking in billions (TV networks to start the list) would go insane. It would take the bribery and special interest out of elections and a much fairer playing field. but that will NEVER happen. if a 3rd party were to run they would get no support and if they were elected it would be even less than none. its fixed. plain and simple

And unfortunately a third party just dilutes one of the other parties, or at least it has in the past. I am already tired of the ads, the flyers, the calls.
the good news though is your starting to see more and more independants get elected