New HIV infected pornstar

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After Darren James, Carmen Luvana is infected with the hiv virus.
They say that she probably has got it from Darren James :(

A big part of the porn industry is on standby until the 8th of june.

Hung Lo

can you post the article for this?


Closed Account
that would really suck dude, send the article
Found this on Yahoo!:

Third Adult-Film Actor Found to Have HIV

Fri Apr 30,10:12 AM ET

LOS ANGELES - An adult-movie actress known as Jessica Dee was identified as the third performer to test positive for HIV in an outbreak that has mostly shut down the porn industry.

Dee had sex with five men who were later placed on a voluntary quarantine list, after the first HIV case was announced April 12, said Sharon Mitchell, executive director of the nonprofit Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, which screens performers for sexually transmitted diseases.

In all, 53 people were listed for quarantine, and dozens of producers in the nation's multibillion-dollar porn industry have halted production until more tests are conducted for the virus that causes AIDS.

"This is not over," said Mitchell, who confirmed the actress' stage name in Friday's The New York Times.

The outbreak began after a performer with the stage name Darren James apparently contracted HIV while filming unprotected sex scenes in Brazil. He returned to the United States and apparently infected Lara Roxx during film shoots, Mitchell said.

Los Angeles County health officials and the state's Division of Occupational Health and Safety are investigating.

Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California claimed Thursday the county Department of Health Services violated the law by obtaining without a subpoena private medical information on performers potentially infected with HIV.

"The government needs to make a showing that the breach of the confidentiality is warranted and the way to do that is by going through the court," ACLU attorney Peter Eliasberg said. If people think the government can obtain their private records, it may deter them from getting HIV tests, he said.

County Health Officer Jonathan Fielding said he had not seen the letter and could not comment.

Mitchell said her attorney indicated she had no choice last week when she turned over the records. The records of the two performers who had tested positive at the time were not included because of state privacy requirements, she added.

Mitchell said the health department would use the information to interview the performers and determine whether they may have passed on HIV to people outside the porn business.
This is Me's article in English after I put it through Babel Fish's translator. Babel Fish is not an exact science as youll you're gonna have to read between the lines a little to follow what it says.

HIV observed at third sex actor the US Bart posted (weekeend) - source: The telegraph published: Friday 30 April 2004 @ 21.28 get the American porno film industrie again a considerable slap to process, now an ASTRE player seropositive has been again been. It concerns a person whose birthday it isperson whose birthday it is person whose birthday it is Tjechische pornoactrice, working under the stage name Carmen Luvanan. She is the third at which HIV has been observed, thus the health service of the film industry communicated. Most likely she thanks its contagion to to hover James, which was been two weeks suffered also seropositive. Czech played, as it happens, in a film with the black actor. Rather at James fixed tegenspeelster HIV were also observed. A large part of the pornoindustrie has been quietly has come since the observation lie that actor hovers James contaminates were with HIV. Many production companies precaution has stopped all prerecordings, anyway up to eight June. In loose Angeles forge health authorities now plan pornoacteurs as of now only sex films with condooms leave ' turns '. Now it is still this way that condooms are used but a little in the pornofilm; only seventeen per cent of the sex ASTRE use this protection. The approximately 1,200 actors who are active in the pornoscene are once tested by three weeks on HIV. From research of the health service Adult Movie Industry Healthcare foundation becomes clear
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Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
me said:
Dan klopt de nieuwspost op die site niet. Stelletje leugenaars :tongue: :D

niet gelogen, hij heeft gewoon verkeerd gelezen. Als je me niet gelooft kijk dan goed naar de pagina van de telegraaf die hij als bron op geeft.

Ook kun je het op vele nieuwspaginas lezen dat het gaat om Jessica Dee.

En trouwens...Het is ook geen Carmen Luvavan uit Tjechie.. het is Carmen Luvana uit Puerto Rico;)
I totally agree about the Rumor swapping....I mean...its a person's life that Rumor-mongers are passing around like it was nothing.....STOP THE RumorS!!!!!!!!!!

The Satyr Icon
I´ve been thinking about posting something about this tpoic for quite some time now and I´m still unsure.
There are quite many threads about this HIV thing, many names are mentioned in an "Outbreak" style, first generation, second generation.
Do we really have a right to post names here? HIV is a very personal thing. It´s none of my business to know who´s got the virus and who hasen´t. In fact, it´s nobody´s business to know that unless the person in question is making a public statement about it.
I think the current situation has a bitter taste. Just put yourself into the position of those folks. Being HIV positive is one thing. Seing your name being posted all over the web, saying "oh! and btw, X is positive too" is a tad too far for my tastes. It´s a matter of respect.
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