New Call of Duty: World at War


The attack dogs sound fuckin awesome!

They are! Helicopters never used to bother me, you could just avoid them by going in a building or stayin on the opposite side of the map.

But these dogs hunt you down EVERYWHERE! When you hear them barking, you get a bit spooked. I found myself hiding in a corner just waiting for the little bastards to come for me. :1orglaugh And they kill you pretty fast, only takes a couple of bites!


what the fuck you lookin at?
can you shoot the attack dogs and kill them or are you pretty much fucked?


can you shoot the attack dogs and kill them or are you pretty much fucked?

No you can kill them. Stabbing is the best option. You get three points for each dog killed.

It always pissed me off that in COD4 you didn't get anything for shooting down a chopper. It's worthy of 20 points.
I am a WW2 shooter buff and they can IMO never make enough of them as long as they are improving them and keep adding things

I love enemy territory and played it till there was nowhere left to play and COD4 just isnt the same thing.

Downloaded the demo and this game has a different feel to it but yeah it is about the same

Love the tanks !!!! cant wait to get a flamthrower
A pretty solid CoD, the Nazi Zombie mode is pretty fun and challenging. Highest level Ive gotten to was 18.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Zombie mode? Is that like horde from gears 2?
Yea, but it isnt as in depth as horde. Its more like a simple little arcade mode for fun but it still requires some strategy and team work.
it doesn't have those 'moments' like call of duty 4 did. for example when the nuke went off in COD4 i was like... wooow. more emotion involved in COD4
ill b honest id take call of duty 4 over this one any day. i prefer the more modern weapons n scopes n shit. this one in my opinion took away from the glamor of the call of duty series. altho i will give them mad props on the calling the dogs idea and including the bouncing bettys in there


I thought it was very good. For me, nothing tops Modern Warfare. I like matchmaking for Modern Warfare more, but the story for World at War was emotional, kick ass, and can not be topped.