They are! Helicopters never used to bother me, you could just avoid them by going in a building or stayin on the opposite side of the map.
But these dogs hunt you down EVERYWHERE! When you hear them barking, you get a bit spooked. I found myself hiding in a corner just waiting for the little bastards to come for me. :1orglaugh And they kill you pretty fast, only takes a couple of bites!
ill b honest id take call of duty 4 over this one any day. i prefer the more modern weapons n scopes n shit. this one in my opinion took away from the glamor of the call of duty series. altho i will give them mad props on the calling the dogs idea and including the bouncing bettys in there
I thought it was very good. For me, nothing tops Modern Warfare. I like matchmaking for Modern Warfare more, but the story for World at War was emotional, kick ass, and can not be topped.