Never Thought It Was Possible For Chicks To Rock This Hard

I used to think that all this music sounded the same, now I KNOW it all sounds the same. I can't even tell the difference between male and female voices in this shit.
Music like this is why rock and roll is a dead genre. What a pile of crap.

well...this is not rock and roll by any stretch of the genre, but there are still plenty of real rock bands out there ya just have to look a bit as they're not so much in the limelight

I enjoy some death metal here and there, but I don't dig this.

same...nothing spectacular, weak, bland and generic all around in my opinion, i've heard far better from both men and women
Gallhammer is definately not a death metal band, more like crust/doom. Anyone interested should check out their debut album Gloomy Lights, something disturbed and insane going on in there.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What the hell is this?!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
They are no Lunachicks but they will suffice.


Lord Dipstick


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Angela Gossow of Arch Enemy always amazes with her grunting/screaming. Gives a lot of the males a run for their money.

Like anything this type of music isn't universally bad. However I find more and more that it feels like a niche thing or club that people like not because of the music but because it's the "cool" thing to do in their social group.

It honestly isn't more technically sound than any other music, it's not more complex or offering anything new or really unique. It's capitalizing on a theme from previous versions of the genre.

Like rap and hip hop. It's derivative and mostly easily forgotten. I'll stick to Van Canto and Older Metal or even newer metal that does honor to staying within the relative theme of older metal.



Lord Dipstick
How would you describe it then?

I guess I don't know.
It's just that there are so MANY sub genres of heavy metal that it is getting ridiculous.

I get Death Metal....But Crust Metal??!!
What does that mean exactly?
Whats crusty about it?

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I can't help but think of two thing when I see this: the exorcist, "The power of Christ compels you!, The power of Christ compels you!,"

They sound like they are possessed!