Neesa (Redhead MILF)


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godfather from England here. just wanted to say that i find it such a turn on that you are such a strong woman. i remember watching that vid where you are taking control of the scene and the guys have no clue what to do, lol classic stuff. I love women who are firery (the hair helps with the firey effect) i would love to see you in more films

Just curious have you ever done any interracials with blacks or asians? would you?
Hello "Godfather"..
I would never do interacial with blacks,Mexican,or middleeasterns.It's my body,my choice who I share it with as I quote often.I am very open with my opinion on this.Any other kind of Latin is fine for me though,just not Mexican.

Asians,I love Asians! I would do porn with Asians/Those who know me,know I have Asian fever.Especially the women.I am a big fan of their culture.Minus the part where in some Asian countries, women are treated as a lower class than men.


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Its a shame you dont do interacial with blacks ( i am black myself hence my biased view, ha). But as you said, its your body and you choose what to do with it. Tera Patrick doesnt do black interracial too and a few others i think.

just curious, is it just personal preference or have you had bad experience in the past with black people?
I fully support the "my body, my POV line"-its unbeatable, but I find the singling out of Mexicans a bit more loopy. I mean how does a Mexican really differ from say someone from Panama or Venezuela....?
[B][URL=" said:
Neesa[/URL][/B], post: 1668452, member: 83072"]They don't get the real deal.They get what they want..A women who acts like she really enjoys having sex with their asses.That's what they pay me for.

Hilary Scott sure seems to enjoy it. I adore her, she should be my wife. :D
I knew this would stir up controversy and I love it! I love to see you guys get involved,ask questions before getting offended,etc..Well,at least most of you..You know how I am a big fan of ,"STanding up for what you believe in".

Now to answer your questions..
It's really this simple...I am not attracted to men who are of that race.Actually,the only men to ever fuck me over,rape me,etc..were white men.So I don't have these disinterests in men of those races because they did someting wrong to me..Just not into fucking/getting intimate with them/dating them,on or off camera.The difference between me and many other people/porn actresses is..I am willing to lay that out on the table..I don't give a fuck.

Ever notice how it's o.k. for a black women to say she just wants to date black men.But if a white girl says she will only date white men,it's not acceptable.

That's what I was put on this planet debate,be active in my community through charity work,help others,give my strength to the weak,make a difference,and get men off through all the adult work I do/did.

It's all in the delivery.Had I said,"I love Mexican men,they turn me on soo much"..Those who have a problem w me NOT wanting to be with them on an intimate level wouldn't have said,"Oh,but you don't like other Latins"?.No,you would have just said,"Neesa has a Mexican fetish,hot"..

.So,take it or leave it..

There are certain types of guys I like to fuck,others miss out.Deal.Go find a pornstar to admire who has a Mexican fetish.Neesa fans are fun,and they like a real women who doesn't candy coat herself.A porn actress with a brain,a heart of gold,and a strong women who will fight for what she believes in.I am not perfect,I am not flawless.I have attitude and I am not as sweet as I look.I am not a porn actress who struts around thinking she's Gods gift to men.I don't think I am just a walking pussy.I post on this page for a purpose.

I was simply asked if I would do interaccial on film,I answered the question with total honesty.I did not cut down anyones race.I did not make jokes about other races..I just told you which races I wouldn't fuck on film.

Speaking of,"ANti".I will tell you what I am,"Anti" about..Neesa is..
2.Anti-men who abuse women
3.Anti-people who don't believe a women has the right to choose what kind of dick goes in her pussy
4.Anti-our president
You get the picture..

I didn't know Tera doesn't do interacial.But ya see,is anyone giving her shit? Probably not.And for the record,thats my perfect ideal beautiful Asian women.I tried to get a gig w her yrs ago and she never got back to me ;(
I also like old men rather than younger men.Does that make me age discrimit.? And I like to fuck tall men as oppose to short men,am I size judgemental..?U get the idea.When I got tired of seeing animalsw/o homes,I started volunteering at an animal shelter.If you're really interested in race awareness 0209510,why dont you volunteer your time in that department? Stop bitching and start doing.I hate men who beat women and I do vol. work in that field righ tnow..

But on a happy note,I am buying myself a brand new vibrator tonight . ;)
Well I hope Hillary fucks Mexican men or else she may lose you as a fan.Do u really think every porn movie out there,all the girls love it?See how many girls would do porn if they didn't get paid? We get paid to act.Hence the word,Actress".
I think you have read far too much into an innocent comment. I merely stated I found singling out Mexicans odd. I dont take an interest in your personal preferences, rather I respect your right to be what you wish to be.

I am not a pro Mexican or anti Mexican. I have no stake in being either. It was a Q over language.
it turns out 0209510 and i have been typing privately.He;s allright.Just didn't understand" The Neesa"(Haha) and her irratic behavior.He gets me now.BTW.I just bought the "bigsausage pizza" video I am in.I am on the cover! I haven't watched it yet.My opinion on it, tonight or tomorrow.

Isnt it sad that I had to buy my own video because these companies don't answer my fucking emails when I tell them to send me at least 1 free copy.I hope Cancer eats them. ;)
"I'm a crazy bitch but I fuck so good I'm on top of....."
Now I can print lazer copies of the cover and burn cds for my customers at work to give them for free! Please do not buy this video I am in..Burn it! DO not support a company that doesn't give their talent/esp. when shes on the cover a free copy or a return email.
I am not back in the business.My last video was shot Nov 06 by BangBros.Milfsoup.However,I am discussing business plans to start my own company doing live webcam solo,or with guys I really want to fuck.No payed talent.Also I am thinking about making custom made solo videos.I have to have a few meetings,and then I will post about it if it happens.

I just don't want to fuck guys on film unless I am really sexually attracted to them.I would rather work for myself.And,I will use condoms.I really hated that most the videos I was in the guys were not allowed to wear one.If I do go into the business again..I'm doing shit my way..

My other idea is to have a casting call with men who look like max and do hardcore fetish/abuse to the man.(At his will of course).It will be comical,but it will make max look like an ass.Hahahaha.I don't know if I can find a man ugly enough though!

ABout the Big Sausage Pizza vid(Read my post above)..So I am mostly satisfied with it..The director/camera man rocked(He's also a friend of mine so that's prob. why.He knows how to wk w me..

Here's what I didn't like about it..I think it was one of my last videos..It looks so obvious in my face that I am not into being there,and fucking that guy.I feel bad now because my acting during the sex sucked,and the guy CJ did a fantastic job.It was one of his first times ever shooing a porn.He was nervous.And I feel bad for not being a better partner for him.

I remember just thinking during the video,"Oh I can't wait till this is over".It was noones fault,I just didn't want to fuck another guy on film that I wasn't into for real.Also,I was 98 pounds there.Which as you know is very skinny,but teh camra adds weight and I am not satisfied with my look there.I am soo toned now.I am 92-94 pounds and I work out alot more than I used to.
I don't know why they didn't show me eating the pizza while I was sucking his dick.That part was hilarious.And,there were no extra scenes,special features/photos on this dvd.So I wouldn't buy it.But try to watch it ;)
SO there's my review.And why dont I give a shit to give my vids a positive plug?Because I don't get residuals.."Cinemea Play entertainment" is the comp. to put that out.And in my opinion,they suck.But thanks for putting me on the cover!
I am not back in the business.My last video was shot Nov 06 by BangBros.Milfsoup.However,I am discussing business plans to start my own company doing live webcam solo,or with guys I really want to fuck.No payed talent.Also I am thinking about making custom made solo videos.I have to have a few meetings,and then I will post about it if it happens.

I just don't want to fuck guys on film unless I am really sexually attracted to them.I would rather work for myself.And,I will use condoms.I really hated that most the videos I was in the guys were not allowed to wear one.If I do go into the business again..I'm doing shit my way..

I think that sounds like a really good idea, I appreciate a scene more if I know that the girl aint totally faking it and overacting. So to get guys that you are attracted to sounds perfect. Hope whatever you do next works out for you.

P.S. I am a really big fan of your's and loved the work you did for BangBros.

Regards dafro77 :thumbsup:


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I wouldn't do anal on video for a few reasons.. -snip-
That's good to know. There are too many women already who are having anal sex, and I'm sick of it. I've been enjoying porn for a long time now, and the prevalence of anal is really beginning to bother me. Especially with some students at UCSB making the claim that's quoted in my sig.

It's nice to see that you have some strong opinions. I think a lot of female porn stars are, unfortunately, pushovers. That tends to lead to bad things, and I quickly lose respect for any woman who doesn't even respect herself or her own body. The porn industry desperately needs more women who are willing to say, "No, I won't do that."

Anyways, I'm happy to see you here, Neesa; that's a pleasant surprise. I have some of your scenes, and they are rather nice. My only gripe is that you wear too much makeup in most of them. That is a minor thing, though; I don't spend a lot of time looking at your face, to be completely honest. ;)