Dear,"ILikeRedheads".I am going to give u the attn. that u so need.Here's your 5 sec. of fame baby! It's obvious when someone is a new member to the site,and a new poster on my thread..That u wasted your time just for me! Thanks
I don't kno.Maybe u r one of jeremy"s friends? SInce u r new( I'll let u in on something...I kno how 2 spell.However,Like court reporters,I use shortcuts.Calling me stupid doesn't hurt my feelings.I fucked on film for a living,do u think I care what ppl say about me?Nothing u say can offend me.
ANother thing..This board is about me and the men that love me.And I of course appreciate them.So you will only get shit from the posters on this thread.SO I would find another redhead if I were you.I'm blonde now anyways.And In order for me to be an,"Official Checked Star Member"..I had to show proof.Including,sending freeones pics of me holding a sign,saying it's Neesa on Freeones.I happened to be wearing the same outfit I wore in Milfcruiser.
Now,u can either keep talking shit,which I get a rise out of.Or you can be nice,ask the Universe for your forgiveness.And meditate.And maybe we can be web friends.If u read these threads,U would kno I cast spells.So unless u want to lose your hair,get rectal cancer,or get limp dick permanently..I would shut your pie hole if I were u.Whoosh!
On a nother note..How bout it guys,Bush is out.Maybe some of you arent happy about that.But I need a president that is a democrat.We had The bush family in office,most my life! I watch,"Chocolate News" and alot of comedy on t.v. and they r cracking me up w all their jokes.SNL,etc..showing the white house as a party with rap music and dancing going on.I love Chris Rock and Carlos Mencia mostly.
I do believe it's o.k. to say whatever u want.U must expect others may get hurt or offended.I have a big sense of humor.I voted for my sweet chocolate president.I got one question...Can we still call it the white house? I forgot what comedian or famous person said this..but they said,"Obama really better be good,or else we may never get a black pres. again.
I don't think anyone could b worse that Bush.
Thanks 4 the compl. "Manikin'.Unfot. dark lipstick would make me look like Kelly Bundy w blonde hair.Hahaha
I will make a YouTube Video for u guys probably tomorrow night,when I am not sitting around in P.Js and eating popcorn.I will make sure I am all dolled up for ya.Thx Neesa
ANd if dickwad "Redhead..." keeps being a cunt.I'll let u handle him.U guys r always good at that.Or Ill get him kicked off like all the others.I own this shit bitch