need helpm makeing some thing

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Is someone in a generous enough mood to make fall hell a sig with a little yellow bus on it?

P.S What kind of site is Bieber related by chance?


Is someone in a generous enough mood to make fall hell a sig with a little yellow bus on it?

P.S What kind of site is Bieber related by chance?

Yellow bus?

I was thinking more along the lines of a stretcher ...
text-speak doesn't fly.

I was going to suggest to fall to just get a speech to text program instead of trying to type. I fear however, that might turn out much worse.

Is someone in a generous enough mood to make fall hell a sig with a little yellow bus on it?

P.S What kind of site is Bieber related by chance?

I'm thinking that yellow bus might need to be shorter than the normal buses too.:o

BTW, re It is a site where different tv and satellite channels are connected by users.

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
Quite hating


Official Checked Star Member
Fallhell, if you're trying to figure out what size to make your jtv background, why not try just googling "jtv background size requirements" or something like that? I'm sure there's info on it SOMEWHERE. Or just take the time to play around with it. Choose high res images and if thats too big, then size em down. Trial and error. Just work on it, instead of having other people do it for you...independence is a beautiful thing. As is proper spellling...but thats another can of worms.

I just redid my twitter background and all I had to do was google "twitter theme size" and found what I needed...I had a spexy new background completely done up in 15 mins, and I'm effin stupid with computers/net. If I can do it, you can too. :)


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Quite hating. Oh, wow. lmao Shhh! Not so loud. Hate softer, now. :1orglaugh


Man why does this board always have some pre-pubescent bullying session at some point.......It isn't even that funny everyone has typo's.....This guy just has an actual disability which makes it all the worse. I just think its sad not funny.......Why not actually contend with a piss ant who says idiotic things......Personally I love a good old argument with someone dymmetrically opposed yet know their argument.

PS> Jumping on things like this not only gets tired but informs others that your own life must.......Well quite frankly suck
Man why does this board always have some pre-pubescent bullying session at some point.......It isn't even that funny everyone has typo's.....This guy just has an actual disability which makes it all the worse. I just think its sad not funny.......Why not actually contend with a piss ant who says idiotic things......Personally I love a good old argument with someone dymmetrically opposed yet know their argument.

PS> Jumping on things like this not only gets tired but informs others that your own life must.......Well quite frankly suck

The quality of fallhells grammar is a matter that has been raised privately off the open forums.

Granted you do make a point that this is descending into bullying now, so before we enter flame territory and the board takes casualties - I think its best to let this one die.
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