Little Red Wagon Repairman
Hey fellas, I'm a 50 year old guy who can grow a fairly thick beard but there's too much grey in it. I would guess it's about 30% salt and 70% pepper but the salt is patchy and not even. One day after letting my beard grow out to a fairly woodsy lushness I got ambushed on my front lawn by a Persian Just For Men commercial. My neighbor walked up to me and said, "Hey buddy, when you grow beard you should look like young lion, not old lion." Ever since then I have been searching for a beard dying product that will do a good job turning the grey back to brown but not burning my face. I had actually used the Just For Men product but it irritated my skin so bad it looked like I had guacamole oozing from my chin. I looked at some natural chemical-free products but the ones I saw had henna in them and reviewers said they did not work well. Any suggestions would be appreciate.