As a Bulls fan I wish he had chosen the Bulls but I can't imagine how some Cav's fans feel. Cleveland hasnt had a championship since I think 1964 and is a good sports town and it sucks that Miami, a place where they dont even care about sports, is the winner out of all this.
I see your point, but Miami seems like such a more attractive place for LeBron at this point. Cleveland sports teams haven't won a major championship in more than 2 of his lifetimes, and it didn't really look like - even if LeBron had stayed - that a championship was on the horizon anytime soon.
LeBron has been in the league for 7 years and hasn't shown that he's able to win a title by himself. I think he came to terms with that and made his decision based on that concept, realizing that Wade and Bosh give hime more of the help that he NEEDS to win a championship. I still don't think Miami will win the title this upcoming season, but I think its pretty clear by now that LeBron needs at least 1, if not 2, legit superstars on a team with him to help him win in the playoffs.
The "New Big 3" is definitely in Miami, but IMO, it will be a challenge to get those 3 guys to mesh well over the course of a season. Ego-wise, its one thing to be "the Superstar" on a team and be successful, its quite another to be on a "team of superstars," and acheive.