Naughty Bear

Gamestop has it listed at 49.99 instead of the typical 59.99- I know it's not much but this, coupled with the pre-order I did makes it much more likely of a release day purchase. Looks like it's going to be an absolute trip to play.

Excellent! I might preorder it with $20 and pay it off before release and just go in and pick it up. Maybe. Sounds good though. That's what I did with GTA IV SE.
It's true, there are a lot of bugs in the game and I fully expect a hot fix within a week or two to address some of them. The game pauses or freezes during some load screens or just fails to load opposition in certain levels. Some of this can be addressed by installing the game to your machine and clearing your system cache of any errors but still, it's annoying.

The gameplay is hampered by all of the game not being readily available to you. IMO, you should be able to play the game, get the next level and maybe unlock an alternate way to play the first levelafterwards, not have main level stages require gold and silver cup scores to open them. It gets tiresome playing the same exact levels, even if your doing them in Untouchable mode, or Friendly, or Speed runs.

That being said it's still an immensely fun game filled with satisfying ways to kill bears, and while it's not a great game, it's no Superman either. A rating of 2-3 seems too harsh, I think it's more solidly a 5 if anything.

I had such hopes.... :(

My thread is bastardized now!!!!!

There is only one option now......


actually, that's in the game too...driving a bear to commit seppuku is quite amusing...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
This might be the biggest dissapointment of my life.
Indeed it is a disappointment. I hate getting my hopes up for a unique game and it ends up falling flat. Excuse me while I go drown my sorrows now...
If that were true you'd be the luckiest son of a gun to ever to walk this blue ass planet!!!

I believe from his vague details it is along the same lines as I am. This game held a lot of promise for an original IP, content, and plot. Yet they fucked it up! As always. I swear it is almost as if they are weeding out any potential possibilities for new IPs just so they can focus on the main selling titles. Sequels of this and that; prequels of this and that; generic action/sports titles. People are already scared to develop a new IP.

Who knows, perhaps there will be a sequel, it seems if the first title does horrible there is always possibility for a sequel. Maybe.

Ugh. Gaming industry is becoming like Hollywood.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Indeed it is a disappointment. I hate getting my hopes up for a unique game and it ends up falling flat. Excuse me while I go drown my sorrows now...

I was hoping that this game was going to be the Conker's Bad Fur Day for this generation. :(